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The ES Website was manifested on 9/11/2007 with special master code (re-encryption to distorted base code architecture in the controller grids) to override the [[911 Timelines]] and its [[Morphogenetic Field]] grid connected to 3D [[Timelines]] and their grids 555 and 553.
[[File:5-Metatronic Flower of Daeth.jpg|thumb| Unified Eternal Consciousness (Christos) vs. Fragmented Finite Consciousness (anti-Christ)]]
The ES Website was manifested on 9/11/2007 with special master code (re-encryption to distorted base code architecture in the controller grids) to override the [[911 Timelines]] and its [[Morphogenetic Field]] grid connected to 3D [[Timelines]] and their grids 555 and 553. These are inorganic [[AI]] [[Timelines]] that are based on the [[Fibonacci]] sequence that manifests in [[Metatronic Reversal]], reverse merkaba ratios based on mathematical doubling of harmonics related to number 5, used by [[Thoth Grids]] to hijack the [[DNA]] from the Astral fields and thwart the progression of [[Expanding Consciousness]] of the earth and humanity.
==Fibonacci Spiral==
[[File:Fibonaccispiral.jpg|thumb|Fibonacci Formula for 55 Reversal]]
With the [[NAA]] invasion history and the war with competing off planet species writing code into the planetary [[Morphogenetic Field]] to modify human [[DNA]], and to genetically manipulate the original divine human core manifestation body, the [[12 Tree Grid]], extradimensional entities used the [[Fibonacci]] sequence and created [[AI]] energetic wave spirals of which to hijack, siphon and steal energy from the planetary body and humanity. These artificially generated [[Fibonacci Spirals]] are inorganic, vampiric and created through [[Alien Machinery]] and [[AI]] technology. This is how the [[Metatronic Reversal]] fields were created, as well as the [[Adverse Sephiroth]] or Artificial Tree of Life that is represented in [[Kabbalah]] teachings, made popular by [[Black Magician]]s such as [[Aleister Crowley]]. The Metatronic code is based on two spheres of [[Bi-Wave Influences]] of the [[Vesica Pisces]] instead of the eternal life three spheres, or [[Trinity Wave]]. Metatronic code manifests reverse merkaba ratios
which forces peoples Merkabas to spin in ways that prevents [[Ascension]].
==Metatronic Code==
The Metatronic code is based on two spheres of [[Bi-Wave Influences]] of the [[Vesica Pisces]] instead of the eternal life three spheres, or [[Trinity Wave]].Fallen Consciousness, such as the [[Fallen Angelics]] and [[Imposter Spirit]]s, are due to Metatronic Code configuration in the planet and is the result of excessive misuse of free will choice that opposes the divine plan and intention of God Source. In the cycles of evolution, the opposing expression reaches the point at which it jeopardizes the Eternal Life expression and continued existence of the Cosmic Order.
[[Metatronic Reversal]] means to digress from the original [[Christos]] Divine Blueprint of the [[12 Tree Grid]] and manifest Anti-Christ life forms. When the original creation program of the Krystal Code from God Source is altered or modified in any way, the ability to self-regenerate and ascend is interrupted, leading to Fallen Consciousness and potential destruction.

==Reverse Merkaba Ratios==
==Reverse Merkaba Ratios==

Reversal 555 and 553 are the two timelines hijacked by the [[NAA]] in our 3D dimension to progress into the Alpha Omega or the 911 (Armageddon) Software. 55 and 53 are the fractional ratios which determine the spin of the electron vs.proton ratios in the merkaba. So it would be like seeing the two (2) tetrahedrons of the merkaba star, one on top spins clockwise and it spins at 33 1/3 ratio, see [[CW Male]]. The bottom half of the merkaba always spins counter clockwise and it spins at 11 2/3 ratio, see [[CCW Female]]. The spin rate creates the 45 degree repositioning of the body template, the [[12 Tree Grid]] or Tree of Life. When we do processes this is coded into the shield and group work with Guardian support. ( add the ratio of top and bottom spin and you get 45 degree) The 55 represents the distortion rate of spin at 55 degrees, that formula the [[NAA]] uses to horizontally position the timelines therefore the [[Consciousness]] or spiritual bodies away from the [[Krystal Star]] proportions, which interferes and blocks 10D Krystal [[Avatar]] communication. This is why reversal 10D comes out of Iraq-[[Iran Gate]] (10D Stargate) and infects the [[GEG]] which drills down into the timelines and people's consciousness of course. Clearly why there is so much war and bloodshed and animalistic mentality near the epicenter of reversal 10D transmission. Hitchhiking on the original timeline architecture of this dimension, these were/are manipulated by [[Alien Machinery]] related technology ( and militarized technology such as HAARP, etc.) used to control and modulate the electron to proton ratio in the overall quantum field.
Reversal 555 and 553 are the two timelines hijacked by the [[NAA]] in our 3D dimension to progress into the Alpha Omega or the 911 [[Armageddon Software]]. 55 and 53 are the fractional ratios which determine the spin of the electron vs.proton ratios in the merkaba. So it would be like seeing the two (2) tetrahedrons of the [[Merkaba Star]], one on top spins clockwise and it spins at 33 1/3 ratio, see [[CW Male]]. The bottom half of the merkaba always spins counter clockwise and it spins at 11 2/3 ratio, see [[CCW Female]]. The spin rate creates the 45 degree repositioning of the body template, the [[12 Tree Grid]] or Tree of Life. When we do processes this is coded into the shield and group work with [[Guardian Host|Guardian support]]. ( add the ratio of top and bottom spin and you get 45 degree) The 55 represents the distortion rate of spin at 55 degrees, that formula the [[NAA]] uses to horizontally position the timelines therefore the [[Consciousness]] or spiritual bodies away from the [[Krystal Star]] proportions, which interferes and blocks 10D Krystal [[Avatar]] communication. This is why reversal 10D comes out of Iraq-[[Iran Gate]], [[10th Stargate Network]] and infects the [[GEG]] which drills down into the timelines and people's consciousness of course. Clearly why there is so much war and bloodshed and animalistic mentality near the epicenter of reversal 10D transmission. Hitchhiking on the original timeline architecture of this dimension, these were/are manipulated by [[Alien Machinery]] related [[AI]] technology (i.e. militarized technology such as HAARP, etc.) used to control and modulate the electron to proton ratio in the overall quantum field.<ref>[, Nature of Polarity Eternal Consciousness]</ref>

This forum thread explains the balance better, although it may be a bit lengthy read it has some good graphics which relate this concept of reversal at the electron-proton level well.<ref>[ Nature of Polarity and Eternal Consciousness]</ref>
==Golden Eagle Grid Damage==
The way to understand this is that this [[Planetary Grid Network]]s  is a conscious living entity. This [[Consciousness]] grid, the [[Golden Eagle Grid]], is literally the projected collective consciousness and blood of the [[Seraphim]].  The  Founder races of the [[Seraphim]] gave their blood, their genetics, their consciousness to us, the human being. And they, in their love, became the guardians of the horizontals for us to reclaim our race back to [[Unity Field]], the [[Zero Point Field]].  They are of the Gold Order, one of the [[Threefold Founder Flame]] [[Ray]]s. The heart of the [[GEG]] is the [[Iran Gate]] or the 10th dimensional [[Stargate]] which directly impacts the functioning of our Solar Star or [[10th Chakra]] in our personal [[Lightbody]]. Because the Solar Star is the main communication center for our [[Christos|Avatar Christ]] identity, the reversals on the planet are designed to damage this area of the planet, thus damage the individual human [[Lightbody]] from its proper functioning. This area of the [[Iran Gate]] is the [[Anubian Black Heart]] which is designed to run 10th dimensional current in reversal and scrambled frequencies ( This is called reversal 10 current or [[Reversal 55 Grid]]), to block humanity from accessing their [[Krystal Star]] extra dimensional family. These reversal frequencies create a [[Frequency Fence]] and [[NET]].  The broadcast for the [[Family of Michael|False AA Michael]] channeling are broadcast from here to manipulate the New Age agenda to serve the [[NAA]] purposes.<ref>[ Quetzalcoatl and Seraphim Lineages]</ref>

==Scrambling DNA Language==

==Golden Eagle Grid Damage==
The way to understand this is that this [[Planetary Grid Networks]] is a conscious living entity. This [[Consciousness]] grid, the [[Golden Eagle Grid]], is literally the projected collective consciousness and blood of the [[Seraphim]].   The [[Seraphim]] gave their blood, their genetics, their consciousness to us, the human being. And they, in their love, became the guardians of the horizontals for us to reclaim our race back to [[Unity Field]], the [[Zero Point Field]]. They are of the Gold Order, one of the [[Threefold Founder Flame]] [[Ray]]s. The heart of the [[GEG]] is the [[Iran Gate]] or the 10th dimensional [[Stargate]] which directly impacts the functioning of our Solar Star or [[10th Chakra]] in our personal [[Lightbody]]. Because the Solar Star is the main communication center for our [[Christos|Avatar Christ]] identity, the reversals on the planet are designed to damage this area of the planet, thus damage the individual human [[Lightbody]] from its proper functioning. This area of the [[Iran Gate]] is the [[Anubian Black Heart]] which is designed to run 10th dimensional current in reversal and scrambled frequencies ( This is called reversal 10 current or [[Reversal 55 Grid]]), to block humanity from accessing their [[Krystal Star]] extra dimensional family. These reversal frequencies create a [[Frequency Fence]] and [[NET]].  The broadcast for the [[Family of Michael|False AA Michael]] channeling are broadcast from here to manipulate the New Age agenda to serve the [[NAA]] purposes.<ref>[ Quetzalcoatl and Seraphim Lineages]</ref>
The [[Melchizedek]]s are of the [[12 Tribes]] lineages of the [[Hibiru Tribes]], who were given the genetic hosting responsibility to assist in the embodiment of the higher DNA language called Habiru. This language is a genetic code  which originated from the Cradle of Lyra, in the [[Avatar]] matrix 10D timelines. The Melchizedek lines were attempting to salvage this ancient language of humanity on the earth, which was intrinsic to protecting the memories of the histories of humanity in time codes, also known as [[Vector Code]]s.Upon the [[Luciferian Rebellion]] the Melchizedek lines became infiltrated by the [[Luciferian]] forces. The primary infiltration was from Patriarchal Melchizedeks who developed a misogynist bent based on the distortions in the [[Sophianic Body]]. These lines started to lose their connection to the Mother principle from the many wars they justified in their beliefs that led them to commit intentional harm to others. This is the Fallen Melechizedek's, once a Universal [[Unity Field]] consciousness, a faction of this Melchizedek consciousness succumbed to the illusion of inequality between the [[Gender Principle]]. This led to a hive mind mentality, which is a [[Group Consciousness]] out of balance with unity. This patriarchal slant distorted the original 12 Base code ([[12D Ray]]) into 10 base code. This became the primary root of all control over the patriarchy, the masculine principle, the damage to rod function, the reversal 10:10 code or [[Reversal 55 Grid]] was born and brought to earth from this distortion. See [[Sephiroth]].
==Frequency Fences==
What happens to a person who is on the spiritual path and they really truly are devoted and they really want to do this [[Ascension]] work they hit up against that [[Frequency Fence]] and it shocks them. When it shocks them they're thinking, 'What's going on I thought when I was connecting to God I would become more at peace, I would become more at one, I don't understand that I'm hitting something like a glass ceiling!'. Every time it's returning karmic dusts and karmic exhaust back to me! That's exactly what this [[NET]] is doing it's called a bi-polar field or [[Reversal 55 Grid]] and it's a reversal pattern so that when a being starts to get at a certain development of their spiritual [[lightbody]] ([[Monad]] and above levels) they hit this frequency fence the frequency fence sends back karmic exhaust and the person is basically pummelled to the floor with the [[Miasma]] waste that has basically been laid upon them. That is what's happened to a lot of the [[Starseed]]s and [[Indigo]]s on this planet that have been attempting to work through these fields and most of them that have encountered that have been really confused. They really have not understood what is going on, let alone not feeling too happy about every time you stand up you get hit and you know or every time you try to move into this next level there's something electrocuting you and saying get back in that pen because you're not supposed to be out of there. It takes a lot to get past that [[Reversal 55 Grid]] field that how that particular field is generated there's a particular circuit programme that the guardians call Nephilim Reversal [[NRG]] and this has to do with the histories of hybridisation and intentional genetic splitting. <ref>[ NRG in UK]</ref>
==PEG Stargate 10==
The main locational point of [[Sumerian-Egypt Invasion|Planetary Invasion 5,500 years ago]] that gave the foothold of Hierarchal Reptilian [[Negative Aliens]] to wreak their enslavement agenda upon the inhabitants of this earth. The hijack of the horizontal grid networks of the Golden Eagle and [[Phoenix Grid]] were taken over to create a global brain hemisphere splitting, stage the takeover of the global brain that has led to the [[Mind Control]] programming of the people of the earth. These races divide into two major agendas, the Luciferian Annunaki, a hive mind hierarchal reptilian mentality, and the Satanic [[Black Sun]], a materialistic individualist race of [[Misogyny|misogynist]] war mongers. Both groups of intruders subscribe to patriarchal domination through elitist mind control agendas, such as the Illuminati, that employ military warfare and technological strategies to program, enslave and torture the inhabitants on the earth through war and enforced killing. These beings have stolen the consciousness field technology through reversal code programs to create the anti-life or death programs on earth, to bind the planetary soul (human collective) to serve their [[Satanic]] and [[Luciferian]] agendas of current time and future time planet enslavement.
<ref>[ August 8th PEG 10]</ref>

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==See Also==
==See Also==
[[Reversal Networks]]

[[Fallen Angelic]]

[[Father Arc]]
[[Father Arc]]