Violent Religions

The Rise of NAA World Religions, Armageddon Mind Control 1,700 YA Intentional spreading of violent world religions based on Satanic Blood Sacrifice, holy wars and worshipping Alien False Father Gods. Armageddon mind control linked to Atlantian Cataclysm and Human Genocidal Campaigns.

Upon the invasion of the planet that transpired in stages since the Luciferian Rebellion, the Negative Alien Agenda was formed by the intruders to prepare the inhabitants of the planet to worship False Alien Gods. To enforce their Patriarchal domination in human culture, some False Father archetypes were hand selected by the NAA and showcased as Patriarchal Prophets for their violent religions. Through brainwashing methods employing militarization strategy with technological Mind Control, the predator mind and their religions were downloaded into the planetary mind. When the planetary mind was invaded, the collective race mind of humanity was forever changed. Over generations of religious programming, the truth of the NAA invasion was forgotten through the consistent consciousness wiping and recycling of the collective Soul body of the earth.

This allowed the NAA ideology of killing, warring, persecuting and torturing humans to run rampant on earth, and for humans to believe they are bound to a variety of insane "religious" rituals. Repeated rituals are emphasized in orthodox religion to mind control people into strict dogmatic beliefs mixed with an obsessive level of anxiety. Mind control implants are used to activate anxiety in the person if the ritual, prayer or offering is not prepared to exact specifications. This is a form of indoctrination into their symbolism and religious interpretation. One may notice that in the religious zealot implant, or in Satanic Ritual, the person's fear and anxiety feeds the vampiric entity. The entity then stimulates the binding to religious or ritual addiction to continue to generate energy from them. When a human mind is dogmatic, obsessive and ritualistic, it shuts down and loses access to free and open thinking.[1]

Dark Portal Body and Alters

Eventually, fear and rigid thought forms fragment the mind, and this may result in bi-polar and manic symptoms, eventually generating multiple personalities called alters. When a mind is fragmented the body is easily possessed as a dark portal. Each of the multiple personalities are bound to a version of the demonic entity or a level of the hierarchy of the Fallen Angelic forces, which govern the alternate personality and manipulates it to siphon the person's energy. This is one way a dark portal is formed in a human body.Most organized religions were designed to prepare for the submission to a future full-scale earth invasion by these Alien Gods, if and when they could replicate the human genetic code. If they could replicate genetic code and sustain life force, they could exist on the earth without degeneration and decay of their natural bodies. They have instituted alien hybridization and breeding programs to gradually genetically modify human bodies to be used as future receptacles for incarnating their races.

Astral Abduction and MILAB

In the astral abductions during sleep state, or through military cooperation in MILAB programs, they genetically experiment with artificial intelligence and the cyborgization of human genetics to help these extra-dimensionals inhabit fully in a human hybrid body on the earth surface. This is similar to saying that the Fallen Angelics and their hierarchies that could not previously incarnate into a human body, now have an ability to do that through accessing Portals of Consciousness. Some of us will notice certain human bodies with black or deadened eyes, or with no human energy aura. In many cases, these are dark portals for Fallen Angelics or Galactic Dark Spirit possessions. When the body expires, the Fallen Angelic or Galactic Spirit consciousness will leave this earthly plane through that human body.

Humanity was largely forced to accept violent religion and brainwashing by corrupted religious authorities to prepare human beings to submit to these Alien False Gods. Through bullying, threats and intimidation over many generations, humans accepted violence and Blood Sacrifice as Gods will. They also accepted stupefying levels of persecution, degradation, and discrimination through being shamed, humiliated and beaten down, to believe they are not worthy of receiving spiritual knowledge or truth, and required a holy intermediary. This intermediary is the Alien False Father God which hijacked the direct relationship to the creative forces, elemental spirits of the earth, and interfered with the inner spirit of the human being.This is why most all spiritual knowledge on this earth is demonized as the work of Satan and manipulated through fear in the masses. As long as humans are terrorized by the concept of gaining knowledge and truth, they will continue to flee in fear from that knowledge. Knowledge is power and is why the NAA prevents it from being made available. As an example, they are killing school-girls and women in Muslim countries who just want the basic right to educate themselves or learn how to drive a car. All levels of open source information, knowledge and education in the global population is under direct attack on the planet. This is the NAA directing this from their top-down chain of command. We may think its human, but it is not. This is why we must make an effort to educate ourselves about the larger agendas playing out on earth at this time.[2]

Demonization of Earth and Symbols

Because the intruder agenda is to control, manipulate and siphon earthly resources, elementals, and all natural forces on the earth, all of these forces were intentionally demonized in religion as the works of Satan. Both early Christians and the occult have often divided up the evil spirits under fire, water, air and earth.This is to terrorize the average person indoctrinated into organized religion to run in fear from any sign or symbol that represents; earth, nature, zodiac, alchemy, geometry, gender or the elements of creation. None of these elements are inherently evil. The intentional abuse of natural forces by fallen entities through Satanic Ritual is what makes them Satanic, not their inherent design. It is important to discern the difference, as these natural forces and components must be returned to their rightful owner, as many of these creation codes belong to the Holy Mother's Cathar body.


See Also

Religious Violence

Humanity as Sinners

Crucifixion Implants

Sexual Misery