Violet Ray

From Ascension Glossary

The Violet Ray is the 7D current which creates the ultraviolet magnetosphere and holds the magnetic instruction set for the planetary brain, otherwise called the planetary logos.

A cosmic triad of energy has formed with our Sun, Pleiades and the planet Uranus to ignite the new unity consciousness blueprint for the Planetary Logos. Uranus, as per its recent alignment to its astrological influence, is the major planetary body which transmits the qualities of the 7D Violet Ray to the earth.

This is significant to the changes directly related to our personal spiritual centers, our crown 7th Chakra, our third eye 6th Chakra (pineal), our heart 4th Chakra, our physical brain and our vibrational thought forms.

This new solar activity is changing the masculine principle archetypes through the alteration of the Seven Ray particle structure primarily through the reconstitution of the 7th Violet Ray. This modification also directly impacts the elemental particles of matter. This shift is dismantling the masculine archetype of the False King of Tyranny architecture in the planetary logos to be replaced with the Christos mind as directed by the Solar King.


November 2013 Newsletter, Spiritual Sun Behind the Sun

7D is Planetary Logos

The impact of this "invasion" ( NAA) deteriorated the function of our human bodies immunity, glandular and organ system function and blocked the Mother Arc God Aspect from connecting into the Earth Core. It was the groundwork being laid into the planet by the Controllers (Archons) that are referred to as the "Inner Christ" Crucifixion Implants. Our planet and the human race incarnated upon it, were now fully stapled to the earth grid (via Crucifixion Implants on our 7D AxiAtonal Line) unable to achieve organic ascension and liberation from reincarnation. We could not feel our God Source connection any longer, nor our connection to our Mother and female principles of balance. We now begin to change this "crucifixion" event by becoming aware that it happened so we can repair and heal it. This requires that Vatican City reveal to us what has been hidden and become accountable for its actions. This is starting to unravel the healing process and will be a huge Guardian grid repair project in 2011-ongoing. (Note: the Planet Emancipation Gridwork Week 5 and week 7 was relevant to this grid repair)

Transparency, May 2009

See Also

Crown of Thorns

Axiatonal Alignment

Crucifixion Implants
