
Four Royal Architects]], inspires a future vision for an evolved humanitarian-based society. Fomalhaut inspires new ideas and pursuits in the art sciences, technology, and in social issues of the world. Fomalhaut promotes the flow of resources within the human populous that creates a wholesome human condition. Fomalhaut defies convention and compartmentalization but supports individuality, progress, and freedom.
Fomalhaut rules the heel of the right foot.[2]
Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel, Fomalhaut’s angelic representative, is known to be the being who recited the Quran to Mohammed over a 23 year period. He is also one of only 2 angels named in the Bible. He appeared to Daniel to explain his visions and appeared to the Blessed Mother to tell her of the coming birth of Yeshua. Additionally, the Yezidi, followers of an obscure Sufi religion, hold Gabriel as a central figure in their creation myth where he takes the form of a bird. Even more obscure than the Yezidi, the Yaresan, known as “Worshippers of the Truth,” also hold a prominent place for Gabriel who was the first to be created by their God in order to alleviate the loneliness of the creator. Gabriel then learned Ya’s ways (Ya was/is their name for God) before more angels were created. If information like this interests you, I highly recommend the book The Cygnus Mystery by Andrew Collins, as well as the classic History of God.[3]