12D Ray

From Ascension Glossary
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This 12D White Ray (a ray is a term for an energetic particle wave spectrum) is the consciousness unit and a level of our being that manifests on the 12th Dimension. It is the first dimension of individuation on which the original divine blueprint for humanity was created as a 12 DNA Strand Avatar. The Threefold Founder Flame , Prime creator merged Blue Ray (13D), Gold Ray (14D) and Violet Ray (15D). These three primal sound fields created all of our 15 Dimensional model of our Universal Time Matrix to create the Divine Monadic Blueprint for the Human Krystal Star or Christos Consciousness Being. This is also known as the Silicate Matrix, the Crystalline Body holding the codes of the Eternal Christ principle. Eternal Life Ever Flowing into the expansion of One Source. As you work with this 12D Ray you reconnect the memory of your Crystalline Body into embodiment. This becomes more powerful during Ascension cycles.

12 D Shield

This is the foundation technique suggested to use as a protective shield for your light body as well to utilize before you do any other healing, energy work or modality. The 12-D Shield is an organic part of every human beings Lightbody which can be repaired and activated when using the inner focusing 12-D Shield technique. The frequency of which activates this horizontal shield and its vertical light pillar is platinum white in its frequency spectrum color. The 12D current was returned to portions of the earth grid, therefore returned to humanity in early 2000.

Avatar Christ Communication

Avatar Universe

To communicate with the Avatar Christ frequency on the earth, we must build our 12D Shield and absorb the 12-D Ray into our Lightbody. When we develop our Avatar embodiment the next stage is Hieros Gamos which joins the inner Christos-Sophia in sacred marriage with the Eternal God Source.

Term first found HGS Manual: Page 67

See Also

Chakra Wave Spectrum

Electromagnetic Wave Spectrum