Direct Knowing

From Ascension Glossary
Direct Knowing

Direct Knowing – By feeling in the moment what the energy is communicating to you, suspend linear thought and surrender mental chatter to “feeling” what you “know” in that present moment. Breathing in the moment and feeling the energy signature in the environment, will open your senses to allow the energy to give your body impressions and information without words. Higher knowing becomes present and connected with you at all times. What you “know” now, is all you will ever need. Breathe and take in what is in front of you now as Direct Knowing. Every moment in the “feeling” the direct knowing will be present. You “know” more in the “feeling”, than you mentally acknowledge yourself for. What does Now Feel Like? Let the energy and feeling respond to your heart.

Relationship Mastery Guideline

Relationship Mastery Guidelines is has nine basic steps and is a Service to Others method based in the Law of One and cultivating GSF Behavior, while reaping the mutual energetic benefits of experiencing more spiritual connection, and increased love and appreciation returning back from others to you.

Improving our Compassionate communication with others, improving our relating skills, personally and in group dynamics, is a skill set that will go a long way to serve your mission. With that in mind we set forth a few guidelines to remember when communicating with others or relating with others. The seventh step is Direct Knowing which is to train ones mind to cultivate HIgher Senosry Perception and begin to access inner and Direct Knowing.

Higher Sensory Perception

In order to heal, one must be able to "feel". (This is clarified by having an ability to access the Soul Matrix function of "Higher Sensory Perception" which distinguishes between "Cellular Knowing" impulses, rather than the "Linear Analytics" that characterize the 3D mental body functions.)[1]As we develop Self Awareness which is the knowledge of the Self, we are developing the right relationship to the Self, and thus we can better develop our relationship with God Source. We cannot know the highest expression of our nature, until we know the deepest inner contents of our own being and heart. Self study is self mastery and is the pathway to expanding Consciousness and naturally expanding all functions of our Higher Sensory Perception.

Expanding Consciousness

What is Expanding Consciousness? Increasing energy through the intentional connection with higher frequencies is what changes the rate of vibration. What we think and how we behave is a rate of frequency. If we change how we think and behave we raise our frequency. Access to higher frequency is how one accesses higher intelligence which are levels of higher operating sentience. Expanding Consciousness goes beyond acquiring mental knowledge in linear thinking and into the realm of direct cognition (Direct Knowing)and higher sensory perceptual experiences. Expanding Consciousness allows one to perceive things as they really are and not what one wishes them to be. [2]

Faith Ends Knowing Begins

As we intend Freedom and Sovereignty for all human beings to live in relationship with the experience of knowing God Spirit - we deliver past patterns and the bondage of others to be freed in the power of God’s Natural Laws. We have an incredible opportunity now and this year to experience what it means to be free. It is the freedom of living as a Light Heart, confirmed in our direct relationship to God and Christ, knowing that we are beyond faith and reunited with our true knowing. True Direct Knowing requires a cellular recognition of your direct experience to feel, sense and be merged with the Living Light Intelligence. With True Direct Knowing, faith is not required as your faith is limited to mental beliefs, your knowing radiates the luminescence of your eternal life throughout your body. Once the inner light is illuminated, it overrides all need for mental constructs, beliefs, and intermediaries telling you what is right and what is wrong in the way to connect to God Spirit. [3]
