
From Ascension Glossary
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The Soul connection is what enables the development of Higher Sensory Perception or HSP functions. In order to heal, one must be able to feel. This is clarified by having the ability to access the souls’ function of HSP, which distinguishes between cellular knowing impulses, rather than the linear analytics that characterize the 3D mental body functions. Some people have better skillsets with discerning intuitive and HSP impulses than others, but each person can develop and increase their sensory abilities with practice. See Intuitive Empath.

Pendulums can be used to practice and develop intuitive abilities. Pendulums can be very useful to answer questions with a yes or no answer. Using a pendulum is like using a dowsing rod, and thus using a pendulum can also be referred to as “dowsing”.

Choosing to use a pendulum will be an intuitive exploration, and sometimes pendulums will choose you. Most pendulums are made of crystal for their inherent energetic properties which can be easily attuned to the vibration of the user. Amethyst, Rose Quartz and Clear Quartz pendulums are the most common and very good for beginners.

Before using a pendulum, you may need to cleanse and attune to the crystal. Then you will need to find out the natural language of the crystal pendulum. The language means that you and your pendulum understand each other, that when you are asking a question and getting an answer of either Yes or No the answer you receive through the pendulum is made completely obvious to you.

• Start by holding the pendulum and blessing it in service to God, Christ and Natural Laws. Then hold the pendulum and let it swing freely. Ask the pendulum to show you the movement for the answer Yes, and say Yes out loud directed to the pendulum. Note how the pendulum swings for a Yes answer.

• Then ask the pendulum to show you the movement for the answer No, and say No out loud directed to the pendulum. Note how the pendulum swings for a No answer.

• Then ask the pendulum to show you the movement for the answer Not available or Neutral, and say Not Available or Neutral out loud directed to the pendulum. Note how the pendulum swings for a Not Available or Neutral answer. This means at the time you ask a question; it may move in this response if there is not a clear answer or the question is more complicated to answer in a simple Yes or No.

Practice this exercise with your pendulum until you feel confident that you can discern the signals of Yes, No or Not Available or Neutral. Once you have determined the movements of each swing then you can put the pendulum to use. It is particularly helpful in discerning supplements, flower essences, or other remedies. The use of a pendulum to support energy session work is also possible. The caveat with using a pendulum is that it will be impacted by a strong and dominating ego, as the ego thinks it knows everything. Thus, it is critical that your mind is open, your emotions are not attached to the outcome, as intense emotional desires will influence the answers and create bias to the ego’s strong impulses. So, remember the best results will come from testing items in which you are sincerely neutral and allowing for guidance from your heart to lead the way. This is another good reason why we emphasize the necessity of clearing Negative Ego and finding the Observer Point which holds neutral, as neutral is always the point of Christos spiritual power and to which you can gain strong HSP intuitive discernment and get more accurate answers.


See Also

Where Can I Start?

HSP Exercise