Princess Code

Revision as of 23:02, 5 January 2014 by Lisa (talk | contribs) (→‎See Also)

In order to separate humans from divine union, the NRG Grids promote disconnection through all means sexual, such as internet porn, the sexualization of inanimate objects and the belief the grass is always greener with another sexual partner. Once a person becomes addicted to the bait of this rapidly descending pathway, the architecture of this control system hooks into all of your lower centers to capture your vital force. When something vampirizes your vital force (sexual chakra) all you instinctively want is to get it back, so you seek the next “seduction” to vampirize someone or something else. Never succeeding in feeling satiated, you become addicted to all things external. The mind becomes fixated on latching into another outlet, sex, food, drugs, clothes, or any object or person. In its advanced stages the fixation becomes obsessive compulsive in order to relieve the discontent to the level of anxiety experienced, courtesy of the NRG grid.

As an example, the Asian grids are feeding “princess code” female principle distortions as well as “sexual robot” fantasies. Hello Kitty products (princess code) and Anime cartoons (sexual robot) had extensive architecture powering into the NRG as a battery source. This means huge Asian populations are feeding distortions to power this NRG in the same way the reptilians are using, this does not mean these items in itself are “negative”. It means these items are being exploited into some massive deviation that is far from balanced and healthy to the human being who is unaware they are being negatively manipulated through these systems.


June 2011 Newsletter

Healing Destructive Archetypes

Breaking Away from Destructive Archetypes

No partner, or casual relationship that you have intimate relations with, either sexual or platonic is accidental or by chance. We are ending casual relationships and all relationships will be first and foremost about personal transformation and spiritual development. The new template will emphasize this change in human relationships this year and ongoing. Relationships entered into with a basis of pathology, such as astral delusion, addiction or fantasy (Princess code, Hero/Savior Knight, Tyrant King, Ice Queen) will create the most emotional pain through event backlash. We are being taught to move away from destructive archetypes that play mind games and delude our perception between our intimate relations.

Once it is realized that all relationships are about spiritual growth through applied life lessons, you can participate with that comprehension in order to easily graduate to the next level. Applying nonattachment and unconditional forgiveness in your relationships will allow you to skip the harder (more painful) lessons. Eventually through your balanced self-mastery, you will have access to create the most loving, spiritual marriage you ever could imagine. However we have been manipulated and lied to about our sovereign right to experience a balanced, loving and glorious sacred marriage. We have been filled with shame and guilt from painful distortions promoted from the reptilian control and patriarchal domination. We will have to overcome our emotional pain and our memory of inner spirit crucifixion to be resurrected into the Light of Truth. To become whole again, we will need to relearn and remember our sovereign right to access inner and outer Hieros Gamos. This year we have this possibility and it will continue to grow stronger as more of us wake up and remember to live our divine purpose and love again.

Hieros Gamos January 2012

See Also


Term first found: Page 102, HGS Manual