Procyak Galaxy

Procyak Galaxy refers to the Milky Way Galaxy, which is a fallen system.

Black Sun Agenda

They recently declared war against all opposers to their proclaimed title of Supreme God Commanders of Procyak Galaxy, in which they intend to use AI takeover on the earth surface in order to lay the necessary electromagnetic infrastructure for manifesting the Black Sun version of the One World Order. To carry out this AI takeover agenda they require a space fence around the planet gridded in 5G waves, which acts as an artificial intelligence neural network carrier from an extensive multiple node AI network operating as broadcasting stations from space. This is similar as to ‘space wars’ being manifested through complex system of AI networks that broadcast to the earth grid network cycles of Frequency Following Response, designed to loop and repeat the main trigger events and frequency waves that are recorded in the Black Sun control timelines.[1]


See Also

Metagalactic Core

One World Order

Archontic Deception Strategy