Twilight Master

From Ascension Glossary
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Many systems of personal healing and spiritual expansion have been promoted for use in the New Age, Mystery School or the “2012” paradigm for many years. Most of those systems do not take into account an accurate assessment of the planetary reptilian invasion which currently promotes the slavery, consumption, stealing and karmic manipulation of humanity and their energy resources. These Reptilian Vampires exist in order to manipulate energies through “divide and conquer” methods to increase human slavery and unleash their socio-pathic agendas to rule or command influence in the physical world. Most of that influence is unknown and unseen within the mass populace and highly misunderstood by the Starseed and Indigo population that actually have seen or experienced these entities.

Due to heavy infiltration and hijack of many of these “personal healing” or “spiritual expansion” systems, inner sustained healing is not present when using a “consumptive model” as a control mechanism. That consumptive model system usually has a Twilight Master or dark entity that makes an agreement with the user to exchange a part of their light source for the experienced relief of pain, or other perceived oppressions being cleared. The person having no personal awareness, spiritual interest or conscious control over his own energy field, has just been swindled out of his energy body, for the smoke and mirror effect of having some “pain” in his physical body be released as an apparent “miracle healing”.


HGS Manual: Page 12


... a Spiritual leader who is working with Light forces and being manipulated by dark forces from the blind sight of mishandling their own negative ego ...

... dark entities masked as the Light Forces ...


February 2008 Newsletter

See Also:

Twilight Mastery

Term first found in HGS Manual: Page 12