Krist Code
The Krist Code is what resets the core lightbody architecture into the correct mathematical ratios and structural lines of Energetic Balance, and these precise angles control the spin direction and align the entire consciousness body into setting a neutral still point in the Core Manifestation Body. The neutral still point is a creation point in which the God source generates a feedback loop with the individuated spark of light, and this enables a Zero Point return back into all of the individual’s consciousness layers, and this naturally builds the lightbody to house the Inner Christos. The Krist Code arranges correct mathematical proportions in the 12 Tree Grid, the natural function of which is to generate the light-sound spark of Inner Christos, which generates a perpetual energy supply and eternal life expression. This makes it possible for the eternal source supply held within the body of the carrier of living consciousness to be continually maintained with the God Source, exchanged within the center point, throughout all stations of identity travelling through multiple dimensions simultaneously.[1]
Mathematical Expansion for Inner Sustainability
The Krystal architecture is self perpetuating and inner sustaining, its math is represented by including Zero Point or Zero in its numerical sequence: 0, 1, 1 , 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, etc., through doubling each numerical value. Each of the numerical values is derived though returning to Zero and adding all of the numbers together to get to the next highest value in its sequence. The value of Zero represents the central point of union, or Zero Point God Source, while increasing the values of the Krystal Spiral the Consciousness remains connected to the original Source field while progressively expanding.[2]
12 Tree Grid, Core Manifestation Body
The 12 Tree Grid is the first level of structural organization in the unmanifest layers that functions as the architecture that sets consciousness energy into dimensionalization, it is the core holographic template in which morphogenetic fields are structured. The 12 Tree Grid is the blueprint that sets the ratios of energetic balance within the core manifestation body, and that is set by the intelligent spirit of the Inner Christos, in what is referred to as Krist Code. The Universal 12 Tree Grid is made in the gender principle of outer male Krist coding and inner female Krystallah coding that merge together to form interwoven nested patterns. These patterns create dimensionalization through which consciousness can come into manifestation as an individuated form.