NET Static Fields

From Ascension Glossary
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Net Static Field

The NET (Nibiru Electrostatic Transduction Field)[1] was anchored into Earth using the NDC and Nibiru Crystal Temple Network during the Luciferian Rebellion, 25,500 BC. By impinging scalar sonic pulses at the Earth's inner grid system an 'interference' pattern or electrostatic force-field was created, enshrouding the Earth. This NET has the effect of buffering (stopping) incoming and outgoing signals, in particular to the higher dimensions (Guardian Founder Races ETs, etc.), creating a kind of quarantine. It blankets the civilization, isolating it from its natural connections to its inner consciousness and spiritual levels, and this field system interfaces naturally with man's existence and constitutes a Holographic Insert. Surveillance of the Illuminati by the Krystal Star families is also blocked due to the cloaking and scrambling effect---it causes 'false readings'. Many Starseeds are here to be on the ground for reconnaissance work. This Astral Plane(4th dimensional) Addiction Webbing and False Ascension Matrix NET is said to be an 'astral mess'.

It was fortified in 9558 BC and has since been progressively blocking all natural communications to and from Earth. Preparations have been made by the Annunaki to lower the NET from the Astral Plane into physical matter which will then form a Frequency Fence and present easy Mind Control over the population during the Ascension cycle, 2000-2017.These NETs are Black Hole Technologies that were created in Atlantian Cataclysm to keep Earth and her life forms in a prison planet. The NET fields keep the DNA block locked in. The NET is connected to the Hibernation Zones.

External References


Kronos 9D AI Machinery

The third stage of the Cosmic Dragon Awakening during the Summer Solstice of 2022 addressed the ancient 9D Essene Tribe Tibetan Buddhist gateways being controlled by Nibiruian NET's in the Wall in Time, that were being administered by the top levels of the 9D AI machinery program Kronos. [1]


See Also

Frequency (Static) Fences

Phoenix Grid

Thothian Grid

Term first found: Page 184, HGS Manual