Sapphire Hara

From Ascension Glossary

Transcript: Now this Sapphire Hara Center is the seating itself, of the anchoring of the Rishic Shield and the large complex for the Rishi and it had to be rebuilt through ongoing Guardian Host projects. Now the Sapphire Hara Center is connected into our lightbody system when we use the 12th Dimensional Shield technique following our central vertical channel and personal Merkaba Star into the Earth's Crystal Core. Within the 13th Chakra of the Earth is a 10th dimensional Sapphire Crystal Seal, which is activated through the Mother Arc’s Aqua rays, transmitting into the human lightbody, and that opens up the 10th dimensional Sapphire Waves, or what we have called the 10th dimensional Sapphire Diamond Shield.

The Sapphire Hara Center activates all three personal Planetary, Galactic and Universal Time Matrix genetic time codes and genetic time records. It is through the Sapphire Hara Center that the Founder Solar Rishi and Reisha entered our Universal Time Matrix and generated the Harmonic Universes and timelines that interface with the entire Planetary to Universal Consciousness Records. The Gold Hara Center and Sapphire Hara Center again work as counterparts. So it's the 8th dimensional Golden Earth Star and the 10th dimensional Sapphire Earth Core Seal. Together these are activations intrinsic to all things Solar Dragon Rishi and Solar Dragon Reisha. This brings on transmutation at levels we currently cannot fathom. Again, this is the understanding of the erasure of timelines, the removal of objects. Apparently with the Solar Dragon Rishi, as the Founders’ transmutation takes on a whole completely different meaning, in which that which needs to be extracted, removed, or literally just excised out of the timeline can happen if the Solar Rishi choose it. And this feels like to me, a part of the potential of what the Collective Awakening can be when that particular event happens, that it is possible through the transmutation levels of the Solar Dragon Rishi and Reisha utilizing the Gold Hara and Sapphire Network in order to remove that which harms humanity it could be anything that is removed. Again, in God's hands and God's will, not ours.

Now, additionally, the RA Center in the Planetary Matrix is directly connected to these twinned crystals. So the 8D Gold Earth Star and the 10D Sapphire Earth Crystal, they are connected to the RA Center that is being built in the planet at this stage. Now this is fortifying our links between the twinned access of this again, the Gold and the Sapphire, connecting to Galactic to Universal, with feedback loops and Rasha rings for Solar Dragon Rishi to travel within the interior of the planet and reset not only Rasha instruction sets in the gel rings, but the Crystal Grid layers. This is, again, these portals that I'm talking about, the consciousness portals that exist in each of these crystal stars that I'm describing that make up a Hara center. These are actually consciousness portals that consciousness has used to move from higher levels into lower levels. Now, one of the issues we've had with all the damage is we could get in, but we couldn't get out. So it was kind of like the lower you went into the lower dimensions then you were trapped there, unable to use these crystals in order as a consciousness portal in order to move into the upper realms. So this seems to be changing now, and this has to do with the correction of the RA Center, which is a massive thing.

So when the 3D Yellow Sun Star and the twinned Earth Star and Earth Core Seals merge together, there is a Universal to Galactic link that is made into the 3D matter world. This forms the RA Center, which is personal, and now it is Planetary, and we are activating the complete RA Center for the Planetary body.Transcript by Lolita, Annie and Jackie [1]


  1. [Ascension Class July 2024 - Guardian Projects Update on Current Field Events]

See Also

Six Hara Points

Doradic Shield

Teuric Shield

Horizontal Triad Bodies

Microcosmic Orbit Scanning

Chakra Crystal Keys