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Taurus (Latin for "the Bull"; symbol: , Unicode: ♉) is one of the constellations of the zodiac, which means it is crossed by the plane of the ecliptic. Taurus is a large and prominent constellation in the northern hemisphere's winter sky. It is one of the oldest constellations, dating back to at least the Early Bronze Age when it marked the location of the Sun during the spring equinox. Its importance to the agricultural calendar influenced various bull figures in the mythologies of Ancient Sumer, Akkad, Assyria, Babylon, Egypt, Greece, and Rome.
[[File:Taurus2 2017-05-26.png|thumb|Taurus (Artwork by Sequoia)]]
*Stage 2 – TAURUS – May 14 to June 19
* Alchemical Theme: Congelation, Transformation
* Elemental Relationship: Earth, Fixed, Nature
* Elemental Form: Hexahedron, 6 faces, 8 points, 12 edges & 2160 degrees
* Tone: D
* Alchemical Metal: Copper (Women have about 20% higher copper serum in their blood than men.)
* Relates to: Dimensional Phonon Resonance; Isotopic Cooling
* Primary Planetary Correlation: Venus
* Primary Embodied Correlations: Incarnate Identity Matrix, Chakra 2 Svadhisthana, Pertains to Upside down Trinity light cells within the Higher Heart whose phasing creates tachyons and the Eternal Lotus Seed which begins the krystal life spiral return to source backflow current, KA center

There are a number of features of interest to astronomers. Taurus hosts two of the nearest open clusters to Earth, the Pleiades and the Hyades, both of which are visible to the naked eye. At first magnitude, the red giant Aldebaran is the brightest star in the constellation. In the northwest part of Taurus is the supernova remnant [[Messier 1]], more commonly known as the [[Crab Nebula]]. One of the closest regions of active star formation, the Taurus-Auriga complex, crosses into the northern part of the constellation. The variable star T Tauri is the prototype of a class of pre-main-sequence stars.
==Harmonizing Attentions==
Earth Elemental Support, Clearing [[Family of Michael]] Timelines and Male Principle Distortions, Clearing frequencies and memories of Aldebaran, Procyon, Pleiades, and Orion, Clearing the Thetan Black Seed, The Anubian Black Heart, Supporting the Horizontal Grids, Clearing the Swadisthana Chakra 2, Venus influences, Moon Chain Influences, Clearing reversal Cube coding Geometric Harnessing, Vesica Piscis Distortions, Clearing emotional programming related to procreation, mental programs related to creative power and the entanglements of 3D ego mind, clearing false 7th Ray and attachment to false ascended master St Germain and Merlin. Clear all distortions related to ArchAngel Zadkiel.

Taurus is a big and prominent constellation in the northern hemisphere's winter sky, between [[Aries]] to the west and Geminito the east; to the north lie Perseus and Auriga, to the southeast [[Orion]], to the south Eridanus, and to the southwest [[Cetus]]. In September and October, Taurus is visible in the evening along the eastern horizon. The most favorable time to observe Taurus in the night sky is during the months of December and January. By March and April, the constellation will appear to the west during the evening twilight.
==Taurus Meditation==

This constellation forms part of the zodiac, and hence is intersected by the ecliptic. This circle across the celestial sphere forms the apparent path of the Sun as the Earth completes its annual orbit. As the orbital plane of the Moon and the planets lie near the ecliptic, they can usually be found in the constellation Taurus during some part of each year.[5] The galactic plane of the Milky Way intersects the northeast corner of the constellation and the galactic anticenter is located near the border between Taurus and Auriga. Taurus is the only constellation crossed by all three of the galactic equator, celestial equator, and ecliptic. A ring-like galactic structure known as the Gould's Belt passes through the Taurus constellation.
"Visit the interior of the earth, and rectifying, you will find the hidden stone".

Taurus hosts two of the nearest open clusters to Earth, the Pleiades and the Hyades, both of which are visible to the naked eye. The Taurus constellation contains 15 named fixed stars: Electra, Celaeno, Maia, Merope, Asterope, Alcyone, Taygeta, Atlas, Pleione, Hyadum I, Hyadum II, Ain, Aldebaran, El Nath, & Al Hecka. Constellation Taurus was an object of worship in primitive cultures throughout the ages, to the ancient Egyptians it was the bull-god Orissi, to the Druids it was an important object of worship in their great religious festival, the Tauric, being held when the sun entered its boundaries. The fixed star and red giant Aldebaran is the brightest in the constellation. (See [[Taurus (Constellation)]])

==HGS Session References== HGS Sessions - Clearing [[Hyperspace Phantom Matrix]] - 3/12/2015 <ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/forum/52-hgs-discussions-and-q-a-a/60650-hgs-shared-sessions-and-discussion?start=126h HGS Session]</ref>==See Also==
The Family of Michael are Blue Ray descendants of the First Order Founder Ray of Melchizedeks that are the Guardians of the East through the Four Royal Stars in Taurus constellation from the star Aldebaran.

[[Four Royal Stars]]==References==<references/>Found in HGS Manual on Page 108 Found in HGS Manual on Page 115[[Category: Ascension]][[Category: HGS Manual]]
==Family of Michael==
The [[Family of Michael]], also known as the ArchAngel Michael Matrix has been seriously damaged and forced into portions of its own consciousness to be twisted into a grotesque montage of fed karmic backlash from humanity and reversal hybridization programming. See [[Solar Anointing of Michael]] from May 2021 [[Electrical Peak]] cycle.
Congelation is the term used in early modern alchemy for the process known as crystallization, the process by which solids take form and are organized into a structure known as a crystal. Congelation is the process by which something congeals, or thickens into a new pattern or blueprint. This increase in viscosity is to reassemble parts into different energetic patterns or new configurations, thus wholly transforming it. This is achieved through a reduction in applied heat or through the result of the bodily chemical reactions that are caused by the changes in temperature or stress. This change in temperature is the natural result of the vacillation of active kundalini liquid fire ignited in the tailbone, moving up the inner vertical channel and spreading throughout the bodily systems. Sometimes, the increase in viscosity is great enough to crystallize or solidify the new element or create a new substance for heightened consciousness. In spiritual alchemy, congelation is one of the vital processes for material bodily transformation to occur, such as during the ascension process. This is a process of spiritual integration of the reassembled parts or the required patterns being generated by the activated kundalini or inner spiritual energies that has generated new configurations to be created within the lightbody layers of the individual’s body consciousness..<ref>[ES Forum, Compiled by Sequoia]</ref>
==Physiology Correlated to the Galactic Zodiac==
[[File:Physiology-Correlated-to-the-Galactic-Zodiac.jpg|thumb|Physiology Correlated to Galactic Zodiac]]
* [[Taurus]] - neck, throat, palate, larynx, tonsils, lower jaw, ears, occipital region, cerebellum, atlas, axis, external carotid arteries, jugular veins, pharynx, thyroid gland, cervical vertebrae.
==Law of Correspondence==
* Astrological Correspondence - [[Taurus]] – Venus – Earth
* Chakra and Sphere 2, [[Instinctual Mind]] of [[Ego/Personality]]
* Royal Star - [[Aldebaran]]
The Universal [[Law of Correspondence]] shows us that which is expressed from the inner world, is matched in what expresses in the outer world, and vice versa. On the spiritual path, our ultimate goal is to express more balance and symmetry between the layers of correspondence that we become aware of. The principle expresses the idea that there is always a correspondence which can be observed in patterns between the [[Natural Laws]] of consciousness that exist simultaneously in the multiple dimensional planes of being and life. As above, so below; as below, so above. What is manifested in the material world, reflects the quality of the thought behind the pattern from the unmanifest layers. This principle also states that there is a correspondence between multiple planes of reality which may form into integrated and harmonious interactions delineated as: the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes, at the individual (microcosmic) and collective (macrocosmic) levels. Law of Correspondence interacts with the [[Law of Conservation]] in the management of resources in [[Systems of Energy]], thus is included here.
==See Also==
[[Four Royal Stars]]
[[Zodiac Alteration]]
[[Laws of the Galactic Zodiac Cycle]]
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