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Axiatonal Lines create the macrosystem energy network in the [[Lightbody]] where all dimensional frequencies are transduced into the meridians, chakras and etheric nadial structure. '''Ley Lines run the same energetic network into smaller tributaries in the microsystem.''' (This is similar to understanding the difference between an arterial vein and a capillary vein functioning in the same human circulatory system.)  
Axiatonal Lines create the macrosystem energy network in the [[Lightbody]] where all dimensional frequencies are transduced into the meridians, chakras and etheric nadial structure. '''Ley Lines run the same energetic network into smaller tributaries in the microsystem.''' (This is similar to understanding the difference between an arterial vein and a capillary vein functioning in the same human circulatory system.)  

==Planet Gridwork==
==Planet Gridwork==
The same energy network [[Axiatonal Lines]] that are present in the personal [[Lightbody]] and the [[12 Tree Grid]] is also interconnected to the larger planetary axiatonal lines. The larger planetary body has an energy network which is an exact replica of our personal energy network and this expands throughout the unified field of energetic layers that comprise the Planetary, Galactic, and Universal consciousness energy systems. This combined network is the Unified field of Energy and Consciousness that together make up the entire time and space field of multiple dimensions, as well as the individual form and consciousnesses that reside in the entire Cosmic Structure. See [[Universal Time Matrix]].
The same energy network [[Axiatonal Lines]] that are present in the personal [[Lightbody]] and the [[12 Tree Grid]] is also interconnected to the larger planetary axiatonal lines. The larger planetary body has an energy network which is an exact replica of our personal energy network and this expands throughout the unified field of energetic layers that comprise the Planetary, Galactic, and Universal consciousness energy systems. This combined network is the Unified field of Energy and Consciousness that together make up the entire time and space field of multiple dimensions, as well as the individual form and consciousnesses that reside in the entire Cosmic Structure. See [[Universal Time Matrix]].

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==Grids Lines and Metaphysics==
==Grids Lines and Metaphysics==
Our thought [[Consciousness]] creates a [[Holographic]] grid program that repeats in cycles and can be best understood if you study [[Sacred Geometry]]. The grids consist of a matrix of sound, light and color through which we virtually experience time and emotion. In physical reality the grids are electromagnetic creating polarity or duality of experience, looking to restore balance.When one is in the process of awakening and moving through the healing process of healing self by healing others, one creates balance, increases their psychic abilities, and obtains a final understanding of the nature of reality and where it is all going. Reality is about the evolution of consciousness in the alchemy of time.
[[File:Grid3.gif|thumb|Grid and Human DNA]]
Grid energy is the very essence and fabric of the universe. In the following illustration created by Deja Allison (Usui Reiki Master, Hypnotherapist, Ph.D in Motivational Studies, GBCT Instructor) the grid has no beginning and no end. Looking at the grid vertically you will see it makes a four-sided diamond shape, following creational/sacred geometry showing the interlaced woven matrix of Universal essence. When energy flows unobstructed, the flux remains relativity even, though there is always intonation at all times. You can see examples of how the shape forms other geometry for manifestation. Human [[DNA]] is configured by this geometry. In order for the flux to have different levels of intonation there must be catalysis of some kind. Thoughts and action are two different kinds of catalysts. Therefore, there must be movement to effect change. Different laws affect the consciousness of the grids such as balance, neutrality as well as immutable [[Universal Laws]] - codes of energy that once put into motion cannot be stopped and must play out until the end of the program. How those laws affect us is determined by our own energy patterns. Our thoughts and actions determine the Law of Attraction by the types of experiences to which we have experienced in this lifetime or another. Immutable laws cannot be stopped, the can be altered by events but not stopped.<ref>[http://www.tokenrock.com/explain-grid-121.html]</ref>

Our thought consciousness creates a holographic grid program that repeats in cycles and can be best understood if you study Sacred Geometry. The grids consist of a matrix of sound, light and color through which we virtually experience time and emotion. In physical reality the grids are electromagnetic creating polarity or duality of experience, looking to restore balance.When one is in the process of awakening and moving through the healing process of healing self by healing others, one creates balance, increases their psychic abilities, and obtains a final understanding of the nature of reality and where it is all going. Reality is about the evolution of consciousness in the alchemy of time.
==History of the World Grid Theory==The idea of the Earth as a geometric shape goes back in history at least to the [[Pythagorean]] school of thinking in ancient Greece. Its famous adherent, [[Plato]], wrote that ‘the earth, viewed from above, resembles a ball sewn from twelve pieces of skin.
[[File:Grid3.gif|thumb|Grid and Human DNA]]
Grid Description -The octahedron, tetrahedron, icosahedrons and the dodecahedron complete the global grid. This information was put together by husband and wife team Becker and Hagens. William Becker is a Professor of Industrial Design at the University of Illinois, Chicago and Bethe Hagens is a Professor of Anthropology at Governors State University. This husband and wife team shows how these shapes worked into the ultimate Earth Grid which they call the Unified Vector Geometry 120 Polyhedron or the UVG120 ‘Earth Star’.
Grid energy is the very essence and fabric of the universe. In the following illustration created by Deja Allison (Usui Reiki Master, Hypnotherapist, Ph.D in Motivational Studies, GBCT Instructor) the grid has no beginning and no end. Looking at the grid vertically you will see it makes a four-sided diamond shape, following creational/sacred geometry showing the interlaced woven matrix of Universal essence. When energy flows unobstructed, the flux remains relativity even, though there is always intonation at all times. You can see examples of how the shape forms other geometry for manifestation. Human DNA is configured by this geometry. In order for the flux to have different levels of intonation there must be catalysis of some kind. Thoughts and action are two different kinds of catalysts. Therefore, there must be movement to effect change.Different laws affect the consciousness of the grids such as balance, neutrality as well as immutable laws - codes of energy that once put into motion cannot be stopped and must play out until the end of the program. How those laws affect us is determined by our own energy patterns. Our thoughts and actions determine the Law of Attraction by the types of experiences to which we have experienced in this lifetime or another. Immutable laws cannot be stopped, the can be altered by events but not stopped.<ref>[http://www.tokenrock.com/explain-grid-121.html]</ref>
Becker and Hagen ascribe this discovery to the work of Ivan P. Sanderson, who was the first to make a case for the structure of the icosahedrons at work in Earth. Sanderson located what he refers to as the ‘vile vortices’. These vortices are areas of the Earth where mysterious disappearances, mechanical failures and time-space distortions were seen to occur. Many explorers disappeared if they crossed over the vortices at the wrong time of year, with the wrong lunar and planetary alignments activating those particular areas.
During the times of [[Atlantian Cataclysm|Atlantis]] and possibly even earlier, the entire Earth’s coordinates were mapped out by the construction of the different pyramids, temples and earthworks on the Earth’s surface. These were known as the Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings. It was these maps that lead Sanderson to work on the Earth Grids. After the last pole shift 12,500 years ago, the main body of Atlantis land sank. With only a few survivors, it is believed that only a few of the maps may have survived as well.<ref>[http://www.tokenrock.com/explain-grid-121.html}</ref>

==Planetary Grid Networks==
==Planetary Grid Networks==