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Many of us in our community are [[Intuitive Empath|empaths]] to a varying degree of sensitivity. I hope to remind of us that this is a [[Higher Sensory Perception|higher sensory ability]] and a blessing as it means we have embodied our [[Soul]] consciousness and potentially higher bodies. We have functioning levels of energy receivers and transmitters than can actually feel the energies around us. Sometimes this can make our life challenging and we can feel drained easily but remember that you have plugins working in your spiritual body that many other human beings do not have working and you are blessed with this access.
Many of us in our community are [[Intuitive Empath|empaths]] to a varying degree of sensitivity. I hope to remind of us that this is a [[Higher Sensory Perception|higher sensory ability]] and a blessing as it means we have embodied our [[Soul]] consciousness and potentially higher bodies. We have functioning levels of energy receivers and transmitters than can actually feel the energies around us. Sometimes this can make our life challenging and we can feel drained easily but remember that you have plugins working in your spiritual body that many other human beings do not have working and you are blessed with this access.

We are empaths so let's make sure we honour that in each other and share some tips that may be supportive. First we have to know and remember that being in crowds or groups in person, being around people that are [[Energy Vampire]]s is very challenging and at times it can be overwhelming. That is how it is. This is why the [[12D Shield|ing process]] is so important to learn to strengthen the [[Aura]] to repel environmental or external energies. When an empathic person is stressed it is common that their empathic ability will be heightened and the boundaries lessened and this means that psychic sponging or emotional sponging may occur more easily. So, an empathic person has to be much more aware of how to self assess and administer self care because in a crowd or place that has a lot of negative energy build-up this can feel like a direct assault, attack and be totally exhausting. As a result empathic people must learn to protect their sensitivity and find energetic balance in a way that allows their nervous system and body to find states of total relaxation, inner stillness, that space of no stress or tension when the body is able to be comfortable, let go and relax.
We are empaths so let's make sure we honour that in each other and share some tips that may be supportive. First we have to know and remember that being in crowds or groups in person, being around people that are [[Psychic Vampires|Energy Vampire]]s is very challenging and at times it can be overwhelming. That is how it is. This is why the [[12D Shield|ing process]] is so important to learn to strengthen the [[Aura]] to repel environmental or external energies. When an empathic person is stressed it is common that their empathic ability will be heightened and the boundaries lessened and this means that psychic sponging or emotional sponging may occur more easily. So, an empathic person has to be much more aware of how to self assess and administer self care because in a crowd or place that has a lot of negative energy build-up this can feel like a direct assault, attack and be totally exhausting. As a result empathic people must learn to protect their sensitivity and find energetic balance in a way that allows their nervous system and body to find states of total relaxation, inner stillness, that space of no stress or tension when the body is able to be comfortable, let go and relax.

Before we learn to identify [[Negative Ego]] thoughts and emotions in ourselves sometimes empaths take on other people's thoughts and emotions and mistakenly think those are their own. This is why as empaths we have to self-source. We have to be self-aware so that we can tell if we are absorbing thoughts or feelings from external sources or other people or it may be coming from mind control broadcasts. Come into checking with our selves. Is this thought mine? Is this feeling mine? Where is this coming from? Empathic people can be hyper aware, or able to tune into other people's moods whether they're positive or negative energies. Without boundary setting, some mental body tools and the 12D shield the energies of other people and their thought forms and moods, their emotional states even when they are hidden in the unconsciousness layers and they're not talking about it out loud but it's still an energy result that's being created and those thoughts and emotions are things and they can lodge in your light body. This is why most all empaths can remember that when you're in a crowd, group or some kind of party atmosphere where there's a lot of people you may feel drained, depressed or burdened with heavy energy. As a result most of us learned we had to be alone to regain our centre and find balance. We would go into our room and hide away just wanting to be left alone and get some peace and quiet. This is necessary in so that we take care of ourselves in this way creating the space for peace and quiet, a safe space for us to recover our core and centre ourselves again.
Before we learn to identify [[Negative Ego]] thoughts and emotions in ourselves sometimes empaths take on other people's thoughts and emotions and mistakenly think those are their own. This is why as empaths we have to self-source. We have to be self-aware so that we can tell if we are absorbing thoughts or feelings from external sources or other people or it may be coming from mind control broadcasts. Come into checking with our selves. Is this thought mine? Is this feeling mine? Where is this coming from? Empathic people can be hyper aware, or able to tune into other people's moods whether they're positive or negative energies. Without boundary setting, some mental body tools and the 12D shield the energies of other people and their thought forms and moods, their emotional states even when they are hidden in the unconsciousness layers and they're not talking about it out loud but it's still an energy result that's being created and those thoughts and emotions are things and they can lodge in your light body. This is why most all empaths can remember that when you're in a crowd, group or some kind of party atmosphere where there's a lot of people you may feel drained, depressed or burdened with heavy energy. As a result most of us learned we had to be alone to regain our centre and find balance. We would go into our room and hide away just wanting to be left alone and get some peace and quiet. This is necessary in so that we take care of ourselves in this way creating the space for peace and quiet, a safe space for us to recover our core and centre ourselves again.
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Some empaths respond well to breathing focus, shifting awareness to the breath while observing whatever it is in the environment that has caused psychic sponging. Let's say you're out in the environment and come across an area of extreme negativity in the Earth grid that emanates a miasma of toxic sadness and fear or a flash of memory that you see that fills you with this negative emotion that you know is the experience of that moment in time. Bring to your mind to focus on your breathing. Allow yourself to relax your eyes and focus inward on breathing. Feel the breathing movement through your nostrils or your mouth. Maybe do a few pranayama breaths with alternating nostril and see if the emotional tension or pain releases for you. This works for some better than others but it is a tool to help shift out negative feelings quickly.
Some empaths respond well to breathing focus, shifting awareness to the breath while observing whatever it is in the environment that has caused psychic sponging. Let's say you're out in the environment and come across an area of extreme negativity in the Earth grid that emanates a miasma of toxic sadness and fear or a flash of memory that you see that fills you with this negative emotion that you know is the experience of that moment in time. Bring to your mind to focus on your breathing. Allow yourself to relax your eyes and focus inward on breathing. Feel the breathing movement through your nostrils or your mouth. Maybe do a few pranayama breaths with alternating nostril and see if the emotional tension or pain releases for you. This works for some better than others but it is a tool to help shift out negative feelings quickly.

Many times if you feel sharp sudden pain, feel sick out of nowhere or have an extreme headache or bloating you have some attachments, fragments or entities that may be asking for transit or release. If you're in public try to get to a quiet and isolated spot and work the [[Aqua Portal Release]] or Diamond Pillar or call upon the Guardians or God Self for help in making transit for these releases. Most of the time you don't need to recite a long command but feel how it moves in your heart when you ask for these energies to be released and cleared you may see them or feel them spinning out of your field. You may feel a palpable release of physical pressure as some area of your body - it could be your head, heart or body part.
Many times if you feel sharp sudden pain, feel sick out of nowhere or have an extreme headache or bloating you have some attachments, fragments or entities that may be asking for transit or release. If you're in public try to get to a quiet and isolated spot and work the [[Release into Aqua Portal]] or Diamond Pillar or call upon the Guardians or God Self for help in making transit for these releases. Most of the time you don't need to recite a long command but feel how it moves in your heart when you ask for these energies to be released and cleared you may see them or feel them spinning out of your field. You may feel a palpable release of physical pressure as some area of your body - it could be your head, heart or body part.

Many times if you wake up and immediately don't feel good, feel congested and hurting ask to release black magic spells, curses, symbols and inserts. While you are trying to wake up do some "I am God, Sovereign, Free" mantras while you are getting up and getting ready. This should give quick releases. You may need to command your personal space and really strengthen that up when you have time during the day. When you get a few tips and work with the ES tools you can also apply Simple Triad Sweep (STS), Ban of Non-Interference with the visual structure banning energetic interaction between you and the object or person with emotional charge. The Krystal Star of Azoth can also be visualized at any place in your body spinning and neutralizing the dark spot of energy. You also can direct [[Celestine Fire]] in this way and many people after some time in the community use the meditations may find a mix and match to find other ways that they feel work the best for them individually.
Many times if you wake up and immediately don't feel good, feel congested and hurting ask to release black magic spells, curses, symbols and inserts. While you are trying to wake up do some "I am God, Sovereign, Free" mantras while you are getting up and getting ready. This should give quick releases. You may need to command your personal space and really strengthen that up when you have time during the day. When you get a few tips and work with the ES tools you can also apply Simple Triad Sweep (STS), Ban of Non-Interference with the visual structure banning energetic interaction between you and the object or person with emotional charge. The Krystal Star of Azoth can also be visualized at any place in your body spinning and neutralizing the dark spot of energy. You also can direct [[Celestine Fire]] in this way and many people after some time in the community use the meditations may find a mix and match to find other ways that they feel work the best for them individually.