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[[Sophianic Body]] Correction Begins:
The source code or [[Unity Field]] intelligence field is a [[Krystal Star]] ([[Christos]] Consciousness) hub accessed through the merging of manifested bodies holding trinity wave formats that connect directly into the Eternal Source light (Godhead). The three sound-wave-tone parts when merged into internal energetic balance become designed as one component that access directly into the feedback loop exchanging with the Eternal source supply. This exchange with the [[Threefold Founder Flame]] godhead is the principle of [[Christos]], an inner sustained eternal source light which signals the end of vampirism or consumptive modeling on planet. This is what it means that the Godhead cannot be reached by anything but the [[Christos]] Consciousness (Krystal Star Tones),[[KA_RA_YA_SA_TA_AA_LA_(KRYSTAL)]] although this process of unifying consciousness with the Godhead is known by many different names.
The Krystal/Christos architecture is that which allows the synchronic phasing of inner/outer/in-between currents of energy to be inhaled and exhaled circulating the eternal life spark of creation throughout the entire organism.
==Sophianic Body Correction Begins==
The sacred [[Aeonic Pair]] of Cosmic Aurora [[Christos]] and his wife, the Mother Sophia, are reunited through their Heavenly [[Hieros Gamos|Hierogamic union]] as it has been made possible through their combined consciousness in physical embodiments on the earth now. Their sacred marriage to the Eternal Living Spirit of God is As Above, So Below; which heralds the beginning of the material body restoration.  
The sacred [[Aeonic Pair]] of Cosmic Aurora [[Christos]] and his wife, the Mother Sophia, are reunited through their Heavenly [[Hieros Gamos|Hierogamic union]] as it has been made possible through their combined consciousness in physical embodiments on the earth now. Their sacred marriage to the Eternal Living Spirit of God is As Above, So Below; which heralds the beginning of the material body restoration.  

==The Restoration==
==The Restoration==
The restoration is the animation of the Holy Spirit of God to inspirit throughout elemental matter and to collect its pieces to return them back into wholeness. Thus, we begin the spiritual correction of the [[Sophianic Body]] in this earth through the divine marriage made with her husband, the eternal consciousness of the [[Aurora]] Christos. Throughout many dimensional worlds, together, the Song of Christos Sophia may sound to play the Heavenly Music of their mutually twinned heart chord. The Song of Christos Sophia is a magnetic sonar sound field which generates organic [[Plasma Waves]] light from the female principle. It is the true [[Diamond Heart]] tone music of the Universal daughters of God. It is born from the sacred heart aspect of the Holy [[Mother Arc]] which embraces the [[Crystal Heart]] of wisdom for her daughters the Christos So|Phi|A.
The restoration is the animation of the Holy Spirit of God to inspirit throughout elemental matter and to collect its pieces to return them back into wholeness. Thus, we begin the spiritual correction of the [[Sophianic Body]] in this earth through the divine marriage made with her husband, the eternal consciousness of the [[Aurora]] Christos. Throughout many dimensional worlds, together, the Song of Christos Sophia may sound to play the Heavenly Music of their mutually twinned heart chord. The Song of Christos Sophia is a magnetic sonar sound field which generates organic [[Plasma Waves]] light from the female principle. It is the true [[Diamond Heart]] tone music of the Universal daughters of God. It is born from the sacred heart aspect of the Holy [[Mother Arc]] which embraces the [[Crystal Heart]] of wisdom for her daughters the Christos So|Phi|A.