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[[File:13-Christos Founder -Father Lines.jpg|thumb|Christos Founder Father Lines]]
The first Egyptians on earth were descendants of the Serres-Seraphim avian races that were one of the seven root races from second [[Harmonic Universe]], and that later became distorted through the [[Annunaki]] hybridization programs that were interbreeding with the [[Nephilim]]. As a result of these genetic distortions impacting the original genetic template of the entire Serres-Seraphim morphogenetic imprint, the [[RA Confederacy]] under the Aton group took a Guardianship role to help protect these race line genetic records by also creating an advanced genetic strain of Serres-Egyptians that were the Pharaonic royal lines within Egyptian Culture. During the cycle of Melchizedek hosting, the Cloister race of Melchizedeks integrated with the Egyptian genetic lineages giving them the most advanced and diversified genetics in order to redirect the Egyptian Culture back to the practices of the [[Law of One]], teachings that had been lost due to several Annunaki hybridization attempts made with the Egyptian Culture. The Egyptian races had guardianship and control over the Arc of the Covenant and [[Inner Earth]] gateway and the Annunaki formed their resistance in order to gain control over access to them and the [[Sun|Sol portal]] located there.  
The first Egyptians on earth were descendants of the Serres-Seraphim avian races that were one of the seven root races from second [[Harmonic Universe]], and that later became distorted through the [[Annunaki]] hybridization programs that were interbreeding with the [[Nephilim]]. As a result of these genetic distortions impacting the original genetic template of the entire Serres-Seraphim morphogenetic imprint, the [[RA Confederacy]] under the Aton group took a Guardianship role to help protect these race line genetic records by also creating an advanced genetic strain of Serres-Egyptians that were the Pharaonic royal lines within Egyptian Culture. During the cycle of Melchizedek hosting, the Cloister race of Melchizedeks integrated with the Egyptian genetic lineages giving them the most advanced and diversified genetics in order to redirect the Egyptian Culture back to the practices of the [[Law of One]], teachings that had been lost due to several Annunaki hybridization attempts made with the Egyptian Culture. The Egyptian races had guardianship and control over the Arc of the Covenant and [[Inner Earth]] gateway and the Annunaki formed their resistance in order to gain control over access to them and the [[Sun|Sol portal]] located there.  

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During the ending evolutionary cycles on [[Tara]], conflicts erupted within those Melchizedek factions that desired guardianship over the spiritual power of the Blue Flame and decided to appoint themselves as the Keepers of the [[Blue Flame]]. As self-appointed [[Blue Flame Keepers]], these groups started experimenting with directing the planetary core Staff with the Blue Flame to achieve certain objectives, often utilizing planned strategic methods in order to gain power over others.  The sixth dimensional wing holders of the patriarchal [[Melchizedek]] faction violated their agreements with the [[Paliadorian Covenant]] through power abuses when they unleashed chaotic underworld forces and then used them as a weapon to infiltrate the [[Egyptian-Serres]] culture on [[Tara]]. The [[Egyptian-Serres]] human tribe acted as the rod and staff holders that synthesized the unity code between the twelve tribes to hold the [[Universal Tribal Shield]]. This power grab made by the patriarchal [[Melchizedek]]s contributed to the ultimate destruction of the planet [[Tara]] and the disintegration of the vertical blue flame staff.<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3655-universal-shadow Universal Shadow]</ref>
During the ending evolutionary cycles on [[Tara]], conflicts erupted within those Melchizedek factions that desired guardianship over the spiritual power of the Blue Flame and decided to appoint themselves as the Keepers of the [[Blue Flame]]. As self-appointed [[Blue Flame Keepers]], these groups started experimenting with directing the planetary core Staff with the Blue Flame to achieve certain objectives, often utilizing planned strategic methods in order to gain power over others.  The sixth dimensional wing holders of the patriarchal [[Melchizedek]] faction violated their agreements with the [[Paliadorian Covenant]] through power abuses when they unleashed chaotic underworld forces and then used them as a weapon to infiltrate the [[Egyptian-Serres]] culture on [[Tara]]. The [[Egyptian-Serres]] human tribe acted as the rod and staff holders that synthesized the unity code between the twelve tribes to hold the [[Universal Tribal Shield]]. This power grab made by the patriarchal [[Melchizedek]]s contributed to the ultimate destruction of the planet [[Tara]] and the disintegration of the vertical blue flame staff.<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3655-universal-shadow Universal Shadow]</ref>
==Red Cube Cloned Identities==
[[File:Redcube.jpg|thumb|Red Nile Cube Technology]]
Additionally, the [[Red Cube]] AI technology is designed to be a genetic code crasher for anti-hierogamic union or to create interference through an [[Alien Love Bite]] scenario that engages that person in heavy emotional dramas via [[Victim-Victimizer]] archetypes and mistaken identity, by keeping the inner and outer gender principles split apart.  The [[Red Cube]] technology capitalizes on painful emotional astral damage and mistaken identity, confusing identities, so that the target cannot tell who is who, what are the false timelines and imposters versus the authentic identity. The targeted person can mistake AI [[Digital Twin]]s inserted into their hologram as their twin soul, or whatever else that can be included to interfere with integrated spiritual [[Ascension]] by confusing them with mistaken identity or [[Hero-Savior]] archetypes. This includes the target believing that they are this special identity from an inserted digital twin of a [[Cloned Ascended Master]] in their lightbody, in which this clone runs AI red wave, false feminine violet programming or other artificial frequencies, which is quite common in the new age circles without [[Negative Ego]] training and [[Victim-Victimizer]] clearing.<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3684-gaian-matrix Gaian Matrix]</ref>
==Spiritual Betrayal of Blue Flame Melchizedeks==
[[Thoth]] incarnated as an Egyptian Priest repeatedly during the time that [[Atlantian Mystery Schools]] were flourishing in [[Egyptians|Egyptian]] culture during the Middle Kingdom. This was in order to maintain control over the Atlantian conspiracy held in place by the NAA since the Flood, and to be kept aware of the ongoing [[Guardian Alliance]] mission that was on the ground. Although he was the great [[Luciferian]] imposter, Thoth as a Great Hermetic Priest was passing off [[Emerald Order]] [[Founder Records]] and the [[Law of One]] sacred sciences it contained as demonstrations of his own high initiation level, purporting to be a Blue Flame Melchizedek. At the height of his Hermes lifetime in Egypt about 1000 years after the [[Sumerian-Egypt Invasion]], he was accessing the eleventh dimension at his embodiment level. As a result, it appeared to the other [[Blue Flame Melchizedeks]] and High Priests in Egypt that he was truly bestowed with the authority as Guardian [[Emerald Order]] Regent to oversee and direct Blue Flame initiations in the pyramids and underground temples.
Instead, [[Thoth]] was committing a grave deception to those that trusted him as the [[Emerald Order]] representative to transmit blue flame frequency for the purpose of Christos spiritual initiation and diamond sun twelve strand DNA regenesis. Thoth originally sourced from the [[Annunaki]] lineages, and felt they were genetically superior to the original Taran angelic humans. When he ascended to the position of the middle layers of the eleventh dimension though the embodiment of eleven and half active DNA strands, he made the choice to lead the Annunaki race lines into genetic superiority over angelic humanity by strategically aligning with the [[Wesa]] invaders. <ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3707-emerald-crystal-heart-and-solar-christ-michael Emerald Crystal Heart]</ref>
==Artificial Tree of Life==
[[File:Treeimpacts.jpg|thumb| Tree of Life Blockages (art by Sequoia)]]
An [[Artificial Tree of Life]] was cloned into a sub structure in which this [[Red Cube Egyptian Pantheon]] tree is used as the main grid architecture for cloning [[Egyptians|Serres-Egyptian]] identities from Tara that are connected to the [[Azurites]] on [[Gaia]]. These [[Red Cube|red cube]] cloned identities are used to power up the black magic money debt enslavement structures put in place by the [[Orion Group]], and used by the [[Power Elite|cabal bankers]] to manipulate financial markets and maintain global wealth in the hands of their [[Luciferian Bloodline Ideology|satanic and luciferian bloodlines]].<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3698-solar-synthesis Solar Synthesis]</ref>
==Stolen Egyptian History with Clones==
The [[Solar Feminine Melchizedek|Solar Female Melchizedek]] family has had the perilous job of waking up to transfigure inner lunar satanic forces of [[Sexual Misery]] programming, while identifying inorganic female principles and alien implants that block sophianic triple solar embodiment. Further, to make these lightbody corrections within in order to find and retrieve the planet’s original [[Triple Solar Masculine]] rod holders, and as well to locate their own hierogamic partners. These are the [[Cosmic Christos Solar Dragons|Cosmic Christos Solar Dragon]] Kings (Rishi-Reisha) that have been trapped, plunged into stasis or had their massive consciousness body parts split apart and strewn across the planet by the invaders. They remain in states of amnesia until their body parts are reassembled and integrated, and thus the stolen history of the [[Red Nile Cube|red nile cube]] [[Red Cube Egyptian Pantheon|Egyptian pantheon]] that tells of [[Isis]] returning her husband [[Osiris]]’s body parts in order to reanimate his consciousness and give birth to the offspring Horus, was hijacked by the [[NAA]] and designed to be a mockery of the Christ. However, the Egyptian storyline has many truthful nuggets describing the search to identify and retrieve spiritual body parts for Christos [[Solar Dragon]] Rishi-Reisha family, as the [[Solar Feminine Melchizedek]]s, not the lunar form [[Isis]], have been searching for their beloved lost husbands and their [[Christos]] [[Diamond Sun]] body parts for multiple millennia.  <ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/3844-atlantian-solar-dragon-queen-merida Atlantian Solar Dragon Queen Merida]</ref>
==Isis Treaty==
As the result of the havoc caused by the [[Moon]], [[Guardian Host]] negotiated the [[Isis Treaty]] as the short-term solution to get Founder, [[Starseed]]s and [[Indigo]]s with partially operating Christos diamond sun templates incarnated into the timelines, and to find lost spiritual family members and help to prepare for the final conflict of the 2012 timeline. The [[Isis Treaty]] was connected to the lunar female lineages of avian [[Egyptian-Serres]] modeled from original female staff holders in [[Tara]]n timelines, which the controlling forces wanted to impregnate for the purpose of breeding programs aimed at genetically experimenting with the [[Code of The Blue Nile]]. These were of the highest and most complex Blue Flame Melchizedek genetics of the Emerald Founder’s diamond sun body design, which the [[NAA]] wanted for their own purposes of incarnating lunar consciousness and shadow entities onto the planet and in order to have superior genetic forms to gain dominion over the [[Earth]] and other territories.<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/3844-atlantian-solar-dragon-queen-merida Atlantian Solar Dragon Queen Merida]</ref>

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