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Our gridworking adventures and personal experiences with the [[Amethyst Dragon Kings]] from the [[Rha God World Creation]] continue to reveal the deeper mysteries about humanity’s true origins. Since the activation of the [[Albion Cosmic Magenta Rod]], Magenta Grail Cup and [[Scepter Codes]] in the 11D [[Newgrange]], Ireland gateway, the mysteries upon mysteries are unfolding. The ongoing revelation of the Christos-Sophia spiritual identity, the resurrection of the [[Solar Female Christ]] in her [[Triple Solar Goddess]] emanation are heralding the age of [[Golden Aeonesis]], which ushers in the organic timeline of planetary Ascension.
[[File:Rgrail.jpg|thumb|Solar Masculine and Solar Feminine Christ, Aeonic Pair]]
Our gridworking adventures and personal experiences with the [[Amethyst Dragon Kings]] from the [[Rha God World Creation]] continue to reveal the deeper mysteries about humanity’s true origins. Since the activation of the [[Albion Cosmic Magenta Rod]], Magenta Grail Cup and [[Scepter Codes]] in the 11D [[Newgrange]], Ireland gateway, the mysteries upon mysteries are unfolding. The ongoing revelation of the Christos-Sophia spiritual identity, the resurrection of the [[Solar Female Christ]] in her [[Triple Solar Goddess]] emanation are heralding the age of [[Golden Aeonesis]], which ushers in the organic timeline of planetary [[Ascension]].

Together, their reunification in matter signifies the embodiment of the sacred Universal [[Rod and Staff]] to ensure angelic humanity’s return to the uniquely aligned destination that is based upon our original spiritual family’s Solar Sun-Star genetic factors. Through their return to this material world, they slowly reveal the mysteries of creation to the sincere spiritual seeker that loves truth, confirming the momentous position that our planetary collective consciousness has in fulfilling the divine plan of Universal Ascension within the [[Cosmic Order]]. Beloveds, we return back into the arms of our Cosmic Parents in the God Worlds as the crystal rose hearts of the star-born, the eternal stars that we are.<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3758-cathedral-activation-begins Cathedral Activation Begins]</ref>
Together, their reunification in matter signifies the embodiment of the sacred Universal [[Rod and Staff]] to ensure angelic humanity’s return to the uniquely aligned destination that is based upon our original spiritual family’s Solar Sun-Star genetic factors. Through their return to this material world, they slowly reveal the mysteries of creation to the sincere spiritual seeker that loves truth, confirming the momentous position that our planetary collective consciousness has in fulfilling the divine plan of Universal Ascension within the [[Cosmic Order]]. Beloveds, we return back into the arms of our Cosmic Parents in the God Worlds as the crystal rose hearts of the star-born, the eternal stars that we are.<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3758-cathedral-activation-begins Cathedral Activation Begins]</ref>

==Cosmic Clock Initiation==
The reunion of some of our Cosmic Christos family members in the hierogamic template of [[Golden Aeonesis]] is resetting the event horizons and timelines that were being held in place as the twelve [[Dark Aeon]]s. This field alteration is returning the planetary consciousness access all the way back through multiple time matrices that reorient our particular location in this time and space, to the coordinates recorded as density 1-2, quadrant 4, corridor 4, and spectra 3. Then finally going all the way back to the [[1st God World Creation]] by witnessing a sequence of opening interdimensional portals that begin to correct the [[Universal Time Matrix]] alignment with the original source fields of the [[Cosmic Clock]]. <ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3767-cosmic-clock-reuche-initiation Cosmic Clock]</ref>
==Resequencing Elaysa Sun==
The retrieval of female solar dragon parts began with the big event in [[Macchu Picchu]] during the [[Electrical Peak]] cycle, which performed the major dimensional shift into 5D timelines as the [[Astral Reconstruction]]. Followed by evictions in the underground caverns in the island of [[Malta]] and [[Vatican]], then into the land of the Eight White Horses in Wiltshire, England and under the holy lakes in Bam Tso, Tibet and Aral Sea, Central Asia. Guardian groups were sent into the stargate systems of [[Uluru]], Australia and the [[Lake Titicaca]] networks leading into [[Orion’s Belt]], and began threading the [[Cosmic Mother]]’s [[Staff of Elaysa|Elaysian Staff]] into [[Alhambra Palace]], all the while intermittent showdowns with Guardian ships were taking place in and around the 11th gate of [[Stonehenge]]. For those on this part of the Christos mission, this year has been chocked full of aggressive NAA retaliation with sudden ambushes with flying beast marks and multiple skirmishes around the [[Emerald Founder Records]], and assorted pockets of [[Red Cube]] virtual realities with AI clones representing an assortment of fake identities on the planet. All the while the [[NAA]] are attempting to run assorted [[Information Warfare|global pysops]] and plandemic distractions in order to block the full restoration of the Universal Logos mind for [[King Arthur and Queen Guinevere]] inhabiting authentic [[Emerald Order]] architecture, whom are destined to be seated as the crystal capstone in the [[Albion]] to announce the [[Golden Aeonesis]].<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3816-elaysa-melchizedek Elaysa-Melchizedek]</ref>
