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The [[Mahara Reisha]] Suns are connected to the [[Seven Spirit Suns of Eire-Adonis]] that hold eternal living memory crystals in the Mother’s [[Solar Reisha]] spirit worlds in what is referred to as the [[Ecoushic]] or parallel layers of the time matrix. The [[Mahara Reisha]] is the central heart or core of the larger Mahara spirit realm body that exists in the Reisha worlds. Through the inner heart complex of the Kryst seed atom, the Krystic consciousness must enter the [[Ecoushic|Ecoushsa spirit side]] and then into the [[Mahara Reisha]] Seven Spirit Sun layers, which further lead into the central core of the massive [[Cosmic Spirit Body]] that also functions as the [[Cosmic Hall of Records]], or [[Cosminya]].
The [[Mahara Reisha]] Suns are connected to the [[Seven Spirit Suns of Eire-Adonis]] that hold eternal living memory crystals in the Mother’s [[Solar Reisha]] spirit worlds in what is referred to as the [[Ecoushic]] or parallel layers of the time matrix. The [[Mahara Reisha]] is the central heart or core of the larger Mahara spirit realm body that exists in the Reisha worlds. Through the inner heart complex of the Kryst seed atom, the Krystic consciousness must enter the [[Ecoushic|Ecoushsa spirit side]] and then into the [[Mahara Reisha]] Seven Spirit Sun layers, which further lead into the central core of the massive [[Cosmic Spirit Body]] that also functions as the [[Cosmic Hall of Records]], or [[Cosminya]].

As we are remembering and reacquainting ourselves with the Triple [[Solar Feminine Christ]], or [[Solar Reisha]] of the [[Mahara Reisha]], it is apparent that many of the divine female sophianic counterparts of our [[Emerald Order]] Christos teams were from the Mahara Reisha Suns and were doing all they could to defend the Hara Krysta Staff access that leads directly into the central core of the [[Cosminya]].<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3824-cosmic-spirit-body Cosmic Spirit Body]</ref> <ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3816-elaysa-melchizedek Elaysa-Melchizedek]</ref>
As we are remembering and reacquainting ourselves with the Triple [[Solar Feminine Christ]], or [[Solar Reisha]] of the [[Mahara Reisha]], it is apparent that many of the divine female sophianic counterparts of our [[Emerald Order]] Christos teams were from the [[Mahara Reisha]] Suns and were doing all they could to defend the Hara Krysta Staff access that leads directly into the central core of the [[Cosminya]].<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3824-cosmic-spirit-body Cosmic Spirit Body]</ref> <ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3816-elaysa-melchizedek Elaysa-Melchizedek]</ref>
==Mahara Reisha Sapphire Sun==
The [[Mahara Reisha]] Blue Dragons are the holders of Hara Krysta staff into the Cosmic Hall of Records through their embodied Azura Dragon Hearts of the [[Cosmic Mother]] Dragon. There is a Tri-Matrix of Suns protecting the creation door out of this Universe that is leading into the [[Cosmic Spirit Body|Cosmic Energy Matrix]], and the only way that happens is by entering on the vertical staff lines of Hara Krysta anchored by the [[Mahara Reisha]] Blue Sun. The [[Mahara Reisha]] Sun, a Blue Sapphire Sun of [[Cosmic Spirit Body]] is also stepping down into the [[Mother Arc]] principle, that further down steps into the lower harmonic universe as the main [[Amoraea Flame|Amoraea]] blue flame holy spirit body. This Mahara Reisha Blue Spirit Sun is where the eternal spirit body template or [[Tauren]] exits for the Blue Rays, [[Oraphim]] and [[Indigo]] families that were originally generated when they were first seeded upon Planet [[Tara]] in 5D. The female logos of Blue Tara was sourced from the [[Mahara Reisha]] blue spirit sun in her sapphire flame body, so when Tara exploded the 10D sapphire body connected to Tiamat in our time matrix exploded as well. The [[Blue Tara|Blue Dragon Tara]] and [[Blue Dragon Tiamat]] are twin sister sophianic planets, and their spiritual connection was revealed as the planetary logos of Twin Sister Female Blue spirit suns held in the Universal Elaysa Sun body that had originally emerged from the [[Founder Sapphire Flame|Sapphire Diamond flame]] body of [[Mahara Reisha]].
They are the [[Sapphire Diamond Body]] sophianic heart principle of the 10th gateway that makes up the crystalline matrix of the planets [[Tiamat]] and [[Tara]] in 5D. Thus, they are the higher diamond rose crystal heart principle embodied in the [[Solar Reisha]] that is the sacred crystal heart network of the [[Universal Time Matrix]]. The Mahara Reisha Emerald Blue Crystal heart principle, functions as the Azura heart flame point of interconnected planetary matrixes in the same way the [[Kantarian]] Azure Dragons make up the [[Azura]] heart center points in the living consciousness fields of multiple Harmonic Universes. The [[Mahara Reisha]] Female principle sun spirit bodies function as the counterparts to the solar body of the [[Kantarian Dragon]]s, their eternal spirit body is a blue rainbow sun, and they have the Mahara Ma’ Ah spirit body that exists in the parallel matrix. Through the entrance to the cosmic energy cycle, we bear witness to the reclamation and repair of the [[Founder Sapphire Flame|23D Sapphire body]] as connected to the Mahara Reisha Sun in the Tri-Matrix of the [[Cosminya]], and as the living consciousness spirit suns are being reunited with their divine masculine solar light or rishi partners in [[Hieros Gamos|hierogamic union]] or [[Aeonic Pair|Aeonesis]] through the [[Iran Gate|10th stargate]].<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3834-sapphire-diamond-shield Sapphire Diamond Shield]</ref>
==Sapphire Diamond Shield==
This begins the next stage of exploration and discovery of the [[Mahara Reisha]] Suns and the [[Triple Solar Feminine]] Christ aspects of [[Solar Reisha]], many of whom are suddenly appearing around the planet as Blue Solar Spirit Mother Goddesses enrobed within [[Sapphire Diamond Shield]]s. Recently, some have returned to our system by walking through the eleven stars of the [[Pavo]] constellation, reclaiming themselves as the [[Peacock Angels]].<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3834-sapphire-diamond-shield Sapphire Diamond Shield]</ref>
==Staff of Elaysa==
The building out of repair sequences during the planetary [[Eukatharistic Activation]] last year [2022] has resulted in the next stages of [[Emerald Founder|Emerald Guardian]] Ascension Hosting mission upgrades, with our direct attention being placed upon the [[Cosmic Spirit Body]] which is connected to the [[Elaysa Staff]], which is the authentic Cosmic Spirit Sun down stepping into the [[Elaysa-Melchizedek|Universal Melchizedek Solar Mother]] principle of our time matrix.<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3824-cosmic-spirit-body Cosmic Spirit Body]</ref>
The Triple [[Solar Reisha]] from the [[Mahara Reisha]] Worlds are Spirit Suns that are from the dark matter layers and function as the spirit cell clusters that make up the massive eternal [[Cosmic Spirit Body]] of [[God]] source. The [[Cosmic Spirit Body]] is describing the function of a massive macrocosmic grouping of interlinked spiritual suns embodied into the smaller groupings of individual spirit suns embodying the Solar Reisha staff principle, in which the [[Elaysa Staff]] is required to gain access into the domains of the Cosmic Records. The [[Cosmic Spirit Body]] holds its own tri-matrix of [[Cosmic Hall of Records]] which then begin to rejoin with the matter worlds throughout creation in order to correct the instruction sets back into the [[Diamond Sun]] DNA pattern by restoring the [[Universal Laws]].<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3816-elaysa-melchizedek Elaysa-Melchizedek]</ref>

==Universal Diamond Pillar Gateway==
==Universal Diamond Pillar Gateway==