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==Pineal Gland 11D Instruction Sets==
==Pineal Gland 11D Instruction Sets==
In the [[Albion Lightbody]] there is the intense struggle to reclaim the evolutionary rounds all the way back to the Paliadorian race seedings and recover the planetary crown jewel, which stores the eleventh dimensional instruction sets for restoring the [[Pineal Gland]] functions in the planet for the [[Organic Ascension Time Wave|Organic Ascension Time Wave]] and [[King Arthur Timeline]]. The [[11th Stargate Network|11D stargate]] is the planetary interface that holds the instruction set for the pineal gland and its connections are made in the center of the angelic human brain. With the [[Essene Massacre|stolen 11th Tribe Founder Records]], the human race has suffered [[Pineal Cage]]s around their crown making it harder to activate the 7D pink flame in the pineal gland, an issue which we believe [[King Arthur]]’s reseating will resolve for many of the awakening population.<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/3844-atlantian-solar-dragon-queen-merida Atlantian Solar Dragon Queen Merida]</ref>
In the [[Albion Lightbody]] there is the intense struggle to reclaim the evolutionary rounds all the way back to the Paliadorian race seedings and recover the planetary crown jewel, which stores the eleventh dimensional instruction sets for restoring the [[Pineal Gland]] functions in the planet for the [[Organic Ascension Time Wave|Organic Ascension Time Wave]] and [[King Arthur Timeline]]. The [[11th Stargate Network|11D stargate]] is the planetary interface that holds the instruction set for the pineal gland and its connections are made in the center of the angelic human brain. With the [[Essene Massacre|stolen 11th Tribe Founder Records]], the human race has suffered [[Pineal Cage]]s around their crown making it harder to activate the 7D pink flame in the pineal gland, an issue which we believe [[King Arthur]]’s reseating will resolve for many of the awakening population.<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/3844-atlantian-solar-dragon-queen-merida Atlantian Solar Dragon Queen Merida]</ref>
==Thothian Betrayal of 11th Tribe Essenes==
Once again, those Essene Tribes on the ground did not realize that both [[Thuban]] star and the [[11th Stargate Network|11th stargate]] had been invaded as the result of the 11th Tribe CDT plate being stolen along with [[Thoth]]’s betrayal of the Melchizedek’s, until the [[Celtic Massacre]]s and hunting down the [[Melchizedek]]s became painfully evident. Their Christos [[Avatar]] consciousness was embodying the organic krystal architecture of [[Emerald Dragon Timekeeper]]s in the [[Cosmic Clock of the Aeons]] that was covertly hidden throughout the 11D [[Albion Lightbody]] network within many holographic features, such as in [[Malta]], to be discovered later and reclaimed for the current [[Final Conflict]] timeline of the [[Christos Mission]].<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/3844-atlantian-solar-dragon-queen-merida Atlantian Solar Dragon Queen Merida]</ref>
