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Stonehenge was built in a special geometry atop the Nibiru Diodic Crystal (NDC) (a crystal many stories tall inserted in the Earth's crust) to counteract the NDC's ability to mutate DNA by reversing the Planet's Merkaba, altering its spin rates and reversing codes in Earth's grid system. The NDC is primarily activated from Wormwood, a planet on the opposite orbit point of the Anunnaki controlled Nibiru which acts as a relay station for scalar sonic beams sourcing from Nibiru.
[[File:Stonehenge2007 07 30.jpg|thumb|Stonehenge in July 2007]]

[[File:Wiltshire UK relief location map.jpg|thumb|Map of Wiltshire showing the location of Stonehenge]]
[http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~noelh/APINS.htm Global Grid Systems and Mass Mind Control by Noel Huntley, Ph.D. (January, 2006)]

[[Stonehenge]] was built in a special geometry atop the Nibiru Diodic Crystal or [[NDC]], to counteract the NDC's ability to mutate [[DNA]] by reversing the planetary merkaba, altering its spin rates and reversing the DNA codes in Earth's grid system. This generates the [[Checkerboard Mutation]], which reverses the fire letter sequences and creates junk DNA. There is a programmed crystal that is many stories tall and has been inserted deep into the Earth's crust in this location. The NDC is primarily controlled by the [[Thoth, Enki, Enlil Collectives]] from [[Nibiru]] which acts as a relay station for scalar sonic beams that are sourcing from Nibiru and directed into the planetary grid.<ref>[http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~noelh/APINS.htm Global Grid Systems and Mass Mind Control] by Noel Huntley, Ph.D.] (January, 2006)</ref>.<ref>[http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~noelh/APINS.htm Global Grid Systems and Mass Mind Control] by Noel Huntley, Ph.D.] (January, 2006)</ref>
==Checkerboard Mutation==
The [[Checkerboard Mutation]] is generated from multiple alien machinery systems that [[Reversal 55 Grid|reverse the energy current]] throughout the planetary grid networks to split them into bi-wave frequencies. The [[Bi-Wave Consciousness|bi-wave consciousness]] allows for extreme polarity amplification in the [[Collective Consciousness]] energies, and the splitting between the polarities to generate extreme densification. This is also what produces [[Gender Reversal]]s in the human [[Lightbody]] and [[Gender Splitting]]. These reversals are intended to maintain the [[Reversal Networks]] on the earth plane that keep human [[DNA Unplugged]] and the [[NAA]] in control of the [[Timelines]] on the earth grids.<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3342-checkerboard-mutation Checkerboard Mutation]</ref>
==Niburian Battlestar==
[[Wormwood]] refers to the Niburian Anunnaki’s artificially created battlestar that exists on the counter orbit to the [[Nibiru]] planet in our solar system. The alien architecture leeches onto the former body parts of exploded [[Tiamat]] which is the [[Phantom Matrix]] of [[Tiamat]].<ref>The Truth about God, 2012–2022 Ascension, and Who We Really Are by Theresa Talea</ref>
[[NRG]] is the [[Nephilim]] Reversal Grids.The headquarter hub in Stonehenge area acts as a final collection point by directing huge amounts of power through massive amounts of collected (stolen) life force from multiple subsidiaries all over the planetary globe and the planetary grid lines....Known subsidiary networks exist at every [[Planetary Gates]] or [[Stargate]],
[[Michael-Mary Turnstile Matrix]]
in Calgary, The [[Cathar]] Grid lines (S. France), False [[Dragon Grid]] and [[Serpent Grid]] (Snake Networks) in Asia. All are collected and returned to UK for distribution off planet to the [[Orion Group]] and [[Annunaki]] contingents.<ref>Energetic Synthesis Forum: Mission Briefing on NRG, January 22, 2012 (Entry #41632)</ref>
==11th Dimensional Gates==
[[File:Templarsealer.jpg|thumb|Templarsealer (Sequoia art)]]
* 11D Stargate  Vale of Pewsey, Amesbury, Wiltshire, UK ([[Stonehenge]])  51.1679º N, 1.763º W
* 11D Inner gate  Ireland’s Eye, Irish Sea  53.404608º N,  6.063344º W
* 11D Inner gate  St. Ives Bay, Cornwall, UK  50.211º N, 5.48º W  (Grual-Grail Point)
==Stargate and Humanity Tribe Eleven==
Week Eleven Planet Emancipation Gridwork: Inner Gate and Island of Ireland’s Eye in the Irish Sea and its underground linkup into the binary structure of St. Ives Bay, Cornwall, UK and Amesbury, Wiltshire, UK (near [[Stonehenge]]) for the period of Seven days. It is suggested to work with the meditation for seven days before moving on to the next project. Week Eleven Intention: Set up Session space that is dedicated to the Purposes of the [[Krystal Star]] Host communication networks for Inner Gate 11 in Irish Eye Island (Irish Sea near Dublin) and its underground linkup into the Cornwall and Wiltshire, UK. Building the architecture required for Krystal Hosting for Planetary Soul and Humanity Tribe 11.<ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/shop/planet-gridwork-projects/planet-emancipation-gridwork-wk11-detail Planet Stargate 11]</ref>
==Dismantling Artificial Khemalohatea in Stonehenge==
During the Harmonic Concordance twentieth anniversary week leading up to the 11:11, Guardians dismantled massive amounts of the [[AI Red Wave]] architecture forming into [[Red Shield Khemalohatea]] artificial grids and machined gel rings running [[Inverted 7D Violet Ray|inverted violet]]-magenta-pink frequency sets into the [[Ketheric Mind]]-monadic matrix, that had been implanted into [[Avebury Henge]] and [[Stonehenge]] gateways in the [[United Kingdom]].
[[Emerald Dragon Timekeeper]] genetic equals in hierogamic quadrata template formation were stationed inside the [[Reuche Pillars|Reuche Pillar system]], where false [[Dragon Plasma Domes]] with [[Lunar Zodiacal Imprint|lunar matrix zodiac]] and mismatched star pattern hookups were utterly demolished and disintegrated, installing the correct [[Sun-Star Network|sun star patterns]] with the altered [[Solar Zodiac Imprint]]s that are plugged into solar [[Dragon Plasma Domes]] connected to [[Guardian Host]]. This action turned on the solar light canopy in the dark closet and revealed a slew of cloaked ships for the [[Zeta]] [[Reptile Insectoid Collective]]s where they were in formation anchoring assorted mechanical processes for the phantom Camelot portals linking into [[Red Dragon Cathedral Networks]] and assorted Red Shield networks connected into [[Red Shield Khemalohatea]] that were used to support world domination for the [[Black Nobility and Vatican City|luciferian bloodline with the same surname]].  Given these particular areas can draw large spiritual gatherings on solstice or equinox, these areas have evidence for use as the Red Shield alien abduction center for [[Loosh]] harvesting at the time large crowds are gathered at [[Avebury Henge]] or [[Stonehenge]]. More specifically, the use of [[Electronic harassment]] filled with metallic implants for astral bliss on tap with a side of brain fog distraction, and assorted [[Victim-Victimizer]] tagging for ongoing [[Looking Glass|zeta related harassment]] to derail the spiritually minded into spiritual blindness with [[Red Cube|cloned information warfare]].  <ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/3869-tri-flame-of-khemalohatea Tri-Flame of Khemalohatea]</ref>
==See Also==
[[11th Stargate Network]]
[[Reversal Networks]]
[[Planetary Gates]]
[[United Kingdom]]

Term first found in HGS Manual: Page 86
Term first found in HGS Manual: Page 86