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Cosmic Christos Sophia Celtic Maji Grail Lines (art by Sequoia)

In the ancient culture of the Celtic Church, the spiritual head of the Cosmic Christos Dragon Teachings for hierogamic union and the biological ascension mysteries were held by the female line of the Mother of Dragons, which later on included the lineage of the incarnation of Mary Magdalene Sophia. After the Roman invasion of Gaul, the Cosmic Christos Dragon Teachings were carried on underground through the secret sects of the Sisters of Avalon and some of the Benedictine monks who were masters of alchemy from their lifelong study of these teachings. Thus, these dedicated monks were responsible for choosing the building sites and drawing up the architectural blueprints which included esoteric Cosmic Christos Dragon Teaching ascension symbolism found throughout the ancient Gothic Cathedrals in France that are consecrated to Mary. Whether considered the mother of Christ or the wife of Christ, in this context Mary is given as a sovereign title and is esoterically known as the Mother of Dragons.[1]


See Also

Holy Mother Sophia

Mother of Dragons

Dragon Awakening

Solar Female Christ

Solar Dragon

Solar Anointing of Michael

Amethyst Dragon Kings