Pluto Matrix: Difference between revisions

From Ascension Glossary
(Created page with "For the past few years, there have been many grid wars and off planet spiritual warfare events to reclaim Solar Christ Mary by retrieving her massive spiritual body parts strewn across the 10D Pluto Matrix, which was connected to the reclamation of her Cosmic Dragon parts from the NAA. There has been ongoing dismantling of the anti-hierogamic alien machinery that was used to pervert, invert and clone her sacred image, energy signature and holy spirit for asso...")
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Revision as of 00:28, 26 June 2024

For the past few years, there have been many grid wars and off planet spiritual warfare events to reclaim Solar Christ Mary by retrieving her massive spiritual body parts strewn across the 10D Pluto Matrix, which was connected to the reclamation of her Cosmic Dragon parts from the NAA. There has been ongoing dismantling of the anti-hierogamic alien machinery that was used to pervert, invert and clone her sacred image, energy signature and holy spirit for assorted satanic agendas as the alien generated Dark Mother running amok in the Earth. The NAA used the Pluto matrix as the 10D capstone of cloned alien machinery using Solar Mary’s organic consciousness body parts, inverting them into satanic forces and Black Magic networks used by the Black Dragons and Black Sun controllers.

Cosmic Christos Zarathustra was instrumental in the massive efforts to reclaim Solar Mary’s Dragon parts in Pluto, as well as the divine fatherly support of the emergence of the Blue Sapphire Solar Goddesses that surfaced as the Peacock Angels. Zarathustra the Christ is known to travel in the Holy Father’s Aquarian Dragon body, and has been supporting architectural shifts in the Iran land mass for the 10th gate reclamations necessary for correcting the 10D sapphire body layers in humanity. These are key patterns surfacing for us during the next astrological cycle that is emphasizing the major shift impacting the Pluto Matrix. Some astrologers have noted that the most significant astrological shift taking place this year is that Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth, will be moving into the revolutionary sign of Aquarius for the first time in 225 years..[1]


See Also

22D, 23D and 24D

Cosmic Founder God Source Fields

Dragon Awakening

Solar Female Christ

Solar Dragon