
From Ascension Glossary
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The Sirians have had both positive and negative impacts to the earth evolution, as the Star Sirius is a planet in higher dimensions and portions of the timelines of Sirius B planet were corrupted though Orion Group and Reptilian invasion. During the second seeding phase of planet earth, renegades from Sirius that were influenced by the Luciferian Marduk races decided they wanted to create their own host bodies, and get away from the Sirius Star system. These rebels used advanced technology to change the orbit of their planet, and to catch a ride on the trajectory of our Sun, this planet is known today as Nibiru. They decided to strike out on their own and dominate and rule other cultures, other planets, adopting the war like behaviors and attitude of their previous Reptilian overlords. They created a new race of bodies which is called Nephilim with the some factions of the Elohim and reptilians supporting this race of giants.

The Sirians (Sirius B) were hosting the second cycle of seeding the Human Race on the earth, and in retaliation to their power and control over the earth evolution, the ancient Annunaki adopted their new relatives from Niburu. They demanded from the Sirians that their races have place to evolve on the earth as equal placement to the human beings, becasue they did not have the ability to evolve with source creator. This was a hidden deception as they were not interested in equality or evolution on the earth, but that the giant Nephilim could be controlled easily and directly by them off planet. Thus, they would get more power and control on the surface over the planet earth resources (such as mining for gold and minerals), as well as make humans the slave race to serve the reptilian genetic based races and their projects and agendas.

During the end of 2nd Seeding the Annunaki started breeding with Humans and a race called NEPHILIM was created. This was not agreed upon to genetically tamper with the human race and the Higher factions of the Lyran-Elohim council would not let this race walk on or be on the Earth. This created a Conflict and another War broke out. This created the war with the Annunaki and other Annunaki sympathizers,such as the Dracs and Sirian Annunaki Hybrids. The War ended this seeding attempt and we reorganized for the next Evolutionary Round.

Technology Abuses

The negative factions of Sirians, some from both Sirius A and Sirius B have been involved in advanced alien technology related to mass mind control that has made its way to the human military industrial complex. The Higher Sirian councils forbade militarized technology weaponry be given to the humans in this timeline, citing that as gross interference and disruption to the evolutionary timeline and for whatever reasons behind their agendas, these factions did it anyway. Sirians have a long history with Annunaki races and it is believed that some of these groups of Sirians are sympathizers to the cause of the NAA.


See Also

Negative Aliens

False King of Tyranny

Archontic Deception Behavior