Baphomet Deception

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Although most Left Hand Path occultists and atheists are told that Baphomet is nothing more than a symbolic representation of the Universal synthesis of polarities, the alchemical process unifying light and dark that occurs during the Magnum Opus or spiritual Ascension, this innocuous depiction is a grossly inaccurate deception. It is accurate to say that in the co-existence of light and darkness, life and the death passage are ultimately two sides of the same spiritual coin that are inseparable from each other in this matter realm. However, this basic awareness of the Natural Laws that include the cosmological understanding of Dualism, the Law of Polarity, as represented in the Baphomet Deception, is precariously incomplete without the comprehension that humanity is also actively enduring a consciousness war involving intruding groups.

The lack of information available about lunar forces, parasitic spiritual entities and the NAA contributes to the spreading of misinformation about the nature of dualism, which is being integrated into the popular occultist narrative that carries out the Baphomet Deception. The general concepts that describe the meaning of Baphomet symbolism and its moral dualism is a feature that is commonly found in Gnosticism, Hermeticism and in many other esoteric spiritual teachings and religions. It is the belief in the necessity of the great conflict that exists between the benevolent and the malevolent, and to ultimately find transcendence beyond them, the point of unification or zero point that exists between the forces of light and dark.

Yet, to more deeply comprehend the nature of reality on the earth at this time, we must go beyond moral dualism, beyond the existence of dark and light, and also consider the implications of hidden mind control and machinery from non-human entities that are targeting the population without their consent or knowledge.[1]


See Also


Mind Control

War Over Consciousness

Basic Principles of Psychological Warfare