The Typhonian tradition is sometimes defined as a current that flows through the cosmology of the Order Templi Orientis (O. T. O.) established and made famous by Aleister Crowley. Typhon was the god in Greek mythology who when appearing before the other gods was so ugly he changed into a fire-eating monster; he waged a terrible war and was eventually killed by one of Zeus' thunderbolts. Thus, Typhonian is synonymous with fire and force, also means the Opposer. Typhon's Egyptian counterpart is Set or Seth. Excerpt from Bill Schoebelen: "Most Witches, myself included, find it necessary to study his material and “plug themselves into” the magical current of Crowley's demon spirit guide, a mysterious being named Aiwass. Aiwass is another name for Set, an Egyptian god. Sodomy is especially “sacred” to Set. It opens what are called the “Typhonion” tunnels, channels through which extremely powerful demons, like the horrible Choronzon, can travel from the “alternate reality” and emerge into this universe and enter the sex partner's body. Sex (especially lustful and disconnected sex) is a major way in which demonic oppression can be passed from one person to another." —[1]


Typhonian Tradition

According to Kenneth Grant, a leading exponent of this Typhonian Tradition,and head of the Ordo Templi Orientis (a magical organization that was once headed by the one and only Aleister Crowley) this tradition is part of a current of magical force and occult lore dating back to Sumeria and pre-Dynastic Egypt. ( See Sumeria-Egypt Inavsion) Originally known as the Draconian Tradition (Orion Group) it is a magical current “based on initiated knowledge or gnosis of the Fire Snake.” The Fire Snake is also known as the Kundalini or the Ophidian Current; the basis of all true initiation.

Who is Typhon? According to Mr. Grant, Typhon is “The feminine aspect of Set; sometimes typified as the Mother of Set in her role of Goddess of the Seven Stars, of which Set is the Eighth.” Set is the brother of Osiris in the Egyptian Pantheon. Set, Osiris’ dark brother, chopped Osiris up into many pieces, leaving him for dead. Set was also the prototype for Satan. Grant writes, “The word Set or Sut, means ‘black’. This indicates not only the generative nature of this god but also his association with the night-world, Amenta, for from being a god of the heavens Set fell beneath the horizon and was recognized in later mythologies as the Lord of Hell, the Hidden Land.This god (i.e. Set, Satan) is of supreme importance in Crowley’s Cult, being not only the name of the primal creative spirit but also the formula of sexual magick.”[2]


The Qlippoth are denizens of the back side of the Tree of Life. This back side or dark side is said to be behind the regular Sephiroth of the Qabalah. They are said to be the shells or the husks of the dayside of the Tree. But according to Kenneth Grant they are actually the first, primal manifestation of all things. In terms of Lovcraftian lore they are the Ancient Ones or Great Old Ones of the Necronomicon. They are the first primal void of Nothing before there was something. They have been considered evil by Qabalists and Occultists for centuries only because they represent the terrible blackness of the void and the complete destruction of what we understand as ego, which seems horrific to us. These Qlippoth reside in what is known as the Tunnels of Set. These Tunnels are behind or beneath the Day Side of the Tree of Life as the Nephilim reside beneath the earth. As terrifying as these “beings” may seem, Grant says they are here to enlighten us, as the Nephilim were. Why is the abode of these beings called the Tunnels of Set? Grant writes; “Of Set, because Set is the Seat of the powers manifest as the Tree of Life.” This is what is known as the Typhonian Tradition that Kenneth Grant speaks of.


  1. [Wicca: Satan's Little White Lie, 1990 AD ed., see pp. 192, 197-200, Bill Schnoebelen]
  2. Typhonian Order, Kenneth Grant

See Also

Sexual Misery

Essenes, Christos Templars

Black Magic/Thoth/Crowley Grid