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Disassociate, Fragment and Dehumanize People: When people experience extreme pain and trauma abuse, (especially, when Trauma events are repeated and never given the ability to heal) they will disassociate from their body and the reality to get relief. At the moment of disassociation, they fragment in their mind, emotional layers and spiritual body. This disconnects their Lightbody layers and the functions between the mind and soul, which results in an energetically fractured, dehumanized and extremely fragile self. Abused and abusive people have no sense of emotional coherence, personal boundaries or self-respect, which allows for them to be easily mind controlled and prepared for further dark infiltration and consciousness enslavement. The individuals are purposely dehumanized to think of themselves as animals and to behave as animals (or even less than, generally, animals do not torture for sport). Dehumanized, they are easily fragmented, weakened and confused.[1]

Fragmentation causes Negative Entity Attachments

Additionally, when a living thing is tormented into feeling extreme pain or suffering, the mind and Soul can fracture into pieces, keeping those pieces trapped in phantom pockets that are controlled by that negative entity. This can happen at multiple dimensions of existence and stations of identity that are connected with the consciousness of that spiritual-energetic being. The more fragmented the being, the more disconnected and less evolved the consciousness becomes, until it sinks into the most primitive layers of existence. Fragmentation may continue after the consciousness has transitioned from the body. This is the primary goal of the NAA that attempt to enslave human consciousness, by eliciting pain or terror when exiting the physical body. In Satanic Ritual Abuse the rape, torture or killing of an animal or human is for the purpose of collecting the loosh produced during the blood sacrifice event, and to bind the energy with attachments, which can be fed upon by the black hole entities. They form attachments from the negative energy they consumed, to the fragments that make up the consciousness of that person. Many of these negative entities consume negative emotional energy to enable their presence in the multidimensional layers of the earth field. Because of their vibrational incompatibility with human frequency levels, they must rely on consuming Loosh for their existence.

The important lesson to comprehend is that expressions of Negative Ego and hatred, the intent to harm and the violent killing of other living things, fragments consciousness and feeds the reversals to build up negative emotional energy or Loosh. We do not want to co-create negative emotional energy to be fed upon by these negative entities or to directly feed the Inverted Systems that produce Loosh energy for the NAA. The most productive thing we can do is to take steps to clear negative ego and our Pain Body, so that we will not be triggered by the Mind Control programs or AI broadcasts. When we do this, we are instead capable of holding neutral and calm within the chaos.

We can practice unconditional love, peace and Harmlessness. This helps to integrate and heal our Fragments to unify, as well as neutralize any Negative Emotional Energy in the environment. When we stop feeding the energy reversals, they are gradually taken offline. The feedline of the parasitized energy throughout the food chain stops, essentially starving them by denying them access to the power source. When we can hold compassionate witnessing and refuse to be triggered into negative emotional states, we are refusing to be manipulated and siphoned by the NAA. Additionally, truly empathic and unconditionally loving humans may also gain the spiritual power to recollect and transit the consciousness Fragments of sacrificed children and traumatized people that are trapped in the earth realms, and this is an important service we can do to help heal the earth.[2]


See Also


Soul Fragmentation
