Essene Gnosticism

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From the Guardian perspective, the origination of authentic ancient Gnosticism is sourced from the Essene, Christos Templar lineages that brought their Maji King Grail Lines through the Stargates to form the 12 Tribes. These lineages would hold one section of the genetic DNA blood record that contained the intelligent information of the Cosmic Law of One records, that sourced from the Krystal Universes, in the God Worlds. Each of the original Essene 12 Tribe lineages were seeded through the planetary stargate system, and helped to embody specific DNA coding that was to be initiated, accreted and integrated throughout the Planetary Grid Network to gradually support spiritual Ascension. This was the evolutionary plan in order to retrieve lost and fractured human soul groups, to repair and activate dormant DNA that occurred as a result of the Taran explosion, and subsequent wars with other species that resulted in the Luciferian Rebellion and Atlantian Cataclysm.

Since the Luciferian Covenant was made on the earth there has been an ongoing battle for this knowledge, in which the true ancient wisdom keepers were consistently hunted down and massacred. A major timeline trigger event began with the Celtic invasions 9,500 years ago, when the NAA and Illuminati groups attempted to create a super-race of genetic elites. This placed hijacked Ruby Sun DNA, through their propagated lines which evolved into Freemasonry, Knights Templar, Rosicrucian’s, Jesuits, and other secret societies that persist with a similar hermetic esoteric knowledge that is primarily used in the negative polarity of Service to Self. In the historical timelines, they targeted 2nd Stargate Grail lines for hijack or elimination, because this soul group is genetically connected to the Family of Michael that originate from Aldebaran. They are the natural Guardians of the Eastern direction grid network, as well as opening the access into The Golden Gate. These particular Michael-Nephilim bloodlines are the original authentic genetic lines of Ruby Sun DNA bodies on earth, that the NAA groups coveted and modified as host bodies for a variety of the invading Orion and Nordic groups.

Thothian groups took sections of the Essene Law of One knowledge and fashioned the Hermetic traditions, which were presented as non-Christian lineages of Gnosticism known as the Corpus Hermetica. Secret societies continued to form around the Hermetic tradition in Mystery Schools, which were used to hide the ancient knowledge from the common people, who were instead given opposing information in the form of religious indoctrination as a replacement. To cover up the [[Essene Christos Templar origins and mission, the NAA strongly influenced the revisions to sacred texts during the Council of Nicea. They further influenced other world religions to replace the authentic Gnostic information, with the intentional spreading of violent religions based on satanic Blood Sacrifice, holy wars and worshipping Alien False father Gods.

Later on, Aleister Crowley and subsequent satanic cults integrated some of this same knowledge, such as the Gnostic Mass information into their black magic rituals. Satanic cults focused on the same consciousness principles with an important caveat, as the first law for the Satanist is the Law of Reversal, in which Blood Sacrifice was required for perpetuating anti-life forces. All Laws would be inverted and their principles used in reverse, for the conjurer to extract power over others in the material world.

As a result of the genocidal agendas, the remaining Essene groups went underground and this knowledge was hidden and continued to be passed on in secret, such as to the Cathar sects. Some of those remaining records are within the contents found in the Nag Hammadi, to which the public has only been given limited access to partial information. The Nag Hammadi Library is a collection of thirteen ancient books called codices that contain over fifty texts, discovered in upper Egypt in 1945. This immensely important discovery includes a large number of primary Gnostic Gospels, texts thought to have been entirely destroyed. The discovery and translation of the Nag Hammadi library, initially completed in the 1970's, provides a major re-evaluation of defining the nature of Gnosticism in relationship to the authentic history of true Christianity.

Hermeticism stems from the Thothian distortion, and is a school of ideas and systems that focuses on the pursuit of Gnosis, the pursuit of direct knowledge and experiences that pertains to the inner revelation of spiritual mysteries. However, as with all knowledge and tools, they can be used in the negative polarity of Service to Self, or in the positive polarity of Service to Others. Whatever polarity we choose and use the Natural Laws to co-create with, will directly initiate how that content expresses from the original intention we have given it. The polarity we choose and its expression will have an internal and external effect, a correspondence made upon the results that we have created in our manifestation. If we are spiritual adepts and truth seekers on the path of the Law of One, our love will translate into pure knowledge given in alignment to serve our sovereignty and spiritual freedom, and we will organically manifest more goodness and natural order. If we are on the path of Service to Self, seeking material power, our fear will translate into ignorance which aligns with confusion and control, and we organically manifest more chaos and evil. When we are clear about the Natural Laws and we look to the globalscape, it is the clear result from the Controllers continual abuse of knowledge, the abuse of hidden technology used by human and nonhuman factions, resulting from the abuse of the Natural Laws in the negative polarity, Service to Self. [1]


See Also

Krystal Star

Guardian Host

Aurora Body