Ruby Sun DNA

From Ascension Glossary
Ruby Order EO Mission

The grail line of the Ruby Sun DNA are also referred to as Indigo children and hold a hybrid Diamond Sun DNA template that is the result of hybridization made between the Nephilim and Elohim genetics. Representatives of the Guardian Host, such as King Arthur and his Templar team, as well as Guardian Akhenaton, chose to embody in a Ruby Sun DNA template when they came to the earth in order to help reclaim and restore the Fire Letters and Time Vector Codes that were stolen from the grail line specifically. The DNA template was hijacked in which its coding was used to engineer the 911 Timelines, based upon the hijack of 9D and 11D Diamond Sun DNA coding inherent in the Ruby Sun DNA template. The remaining pure lineages of the Ruby Sun DNA imprint, exist on the earth and off planet, to which they are in alignment with the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One, in service to others potential evolution to be able to choose spiritual freedom for themselves, and to be released from reincarnation into the AI timelines in the lower densities.

During remote session work, Ruby Sun DNA has been mentioned to have correspondences to both competing agendas that involve the War Over Consciousness, currently transpiring on the earth during the Ascension Cycle. The Guardian Host agenda is to help Earth humans and hybrids become aware of what is happening on the earth, and to continue to evolve in order to fulfill their 12 strand Diamond Sun DNA potential for ultimately achieving spiritual liberation and Cosmic Citizenship. The Belial and Black Sun agendas have combined forces in order to collaborate together and are the NAA, intending to hijack the evolution of the planet for a full domination agenda that is intended to enslave the inhabitants into a forced New World Order, as well as the ongoing continuation of recycling human Souls into slaves, forcibly incarnating them into the lowest densities with soul capture technology. The Guardian Host makes reference to the 911 Timelines agenda that is designed to incite Armageddon upon the earth surface, and the timelines are specifically coded to 9-11 DNA Strands, and that the 11th dimensional Annunaki strains usurped the Ruby Sun DNA for achieving their purposes to gain domination and access through all time portals in the Universal Time Matrix.

The Belial Suns engineered bodies with a digressive DNA template that is based upon the original Ruby Sun DNA template, as a method to hijack the grail line created by the Guardian Host in order to corrupt the lineage and run Fallen Angelic consciousness into the incarnations. Through the Ruby Sun DNA they engineered an 11th reversal DNA strand in which their consciousness race line could inhabit. Hence, Fallen Angelic Annunaki hybrids usurped the Ruby Sun DNA template to gain control over the 11th dimensional Stargate, Stonehenge and in order to generate the bi-wave holographic architecture that was needed to enforce their creations througout the lower densities. In the second harmonic universe, the Ruby Sun DNA became further mutated through the Draco-Annunaki 9 Strand digressive DNA, as well as other Annunaki Hybrid Fallen Angelics that carry 9 Strand mutated DNA. These race lines were used to infiltrate the Power Elite or Illuminati blood lines in order to incarnate the Fallen Angelics onto the earth plane, that would serve the NAA to gain full domination on the earth, and to enslave the planet and her inhabitants.

In order for the Ruby Sun DNA to function as immortal bodies for the Fallen Angelics on the earth that were incarnating their essence into the human DNA template, they required extensive Blood Sacrifice of angelic human beings in order to continue to impersonate and appear as human beings, in so authentic angelic ensouled humans would not know the difference of the impostor having hijacked the human body. Many of the Controllers that appear to be human, actually are not human souls, but Fallen Angelics that have infiltrated human civilization in order to carry out the NAA agenda.

King Arthur's Ruby Sun DNA

King Arthur was embodied in a 10 strand Ruby Sun DNA body which was designed to help restore the female Sophianic Sapphire Codes in the Solar Star chakra, which exists about six inches above the crown. This Diamond Sun lightbody part was damaged on the planet during Nephilim hybridization and when Draconian essences are incarnated into the human body. The Solar Star is held by the female crystal heart rose Staff Codes and are responsible for receiving communication directly from our Christos Avatar self. King Arthur’s embodiment returned the sapphire Solar Star communication with our Avatar and supported the return of the corrected Universal Hu-man five-star Adam diamond sun template back into the Albion Lightbody after the Sumerian-Egyptian Invasion.[1]

Arthurian Grail Takeover

Reference from Historical Timeline Trigger Events: 1,400 YA, Invasion of UK to take over territory and 11th Stargate, kill Templar Grail King Arthur and his support team, last benevolent Grail King, False King of Tyranny replaces rulership, King Arthur is in Stasis in UK. Related to the Awakening Albion and stasis beings.[2]

Adam Belial

Belial Sun Agenda

For the satanic or Luciferian ritualist or conjurer of Adam Belial, the dark power they are looking to collect from others and embody is the anti-life reversal of the male Rod principle that exists in the organic Krystal architecture, the higher horizontal layers connecting directly into the Metatronic body in the 8D and 9D time matrix. Essentially the opening of the Daath would lead directly to the Black Star Abaddon as described in Revelation 9:11. Essentially, the ritual involves the hijack of the organic Solar body and Ruby Sun DNA of the Michael-Nephilim Consciousness, using pieces of the masculine solar body principle spark to ignite this process into the planetary field through artificial and organic 11:11 gateways. To be able to access these Gateways, they cannot sustain the life force energy inside themselves, so they use Blood Sacrifices to hijack the energy required to attempt to carry themselves into these higher dimensional planes and through Stargates.

Red Nile Cube, Inverted Violet Ray

AI Redwave False Timeline Perception

Black Dragon entities attempted to hijack those with Azurite memories on Gaia by running the Red Nile Cube coding in their target’s lightbody, which includes Inverted 7D Violet Ray transmissions of phantom codes from the Gaian Shadow Body, and False Feminine Violet Reversals that run imposter identities using the Ruby Sun DNA, magenta beetle and red spider programing.

The Red Nile Cube matrix from Wesa generates an internal feedback loop in the crown area running into the base root of the perineum through the microcosmic orbit circuitry in the spinal column. This generates false timeline perception by altering the consciousness body north position to invert upon itself, so that the person perceives moving towards the future timeline, but they are actually facing into the past timeline, into an AI phantom time loop.

Humans running the AI red-violet-magenta wave programs are what feed into the AI Dark Mother lunar gestalts, spawning false holograms of Cloned Ascended Master identities which also power up the Azazael gestalt. This weapon is designed for the vilest NAA entities to station themselves in the artificial timelines pretending to be Ascended Masters or friendly advanced humans from the future, who mostly appear in Ruby Sun DNA cloned bodies with Azurite features.[3]

Cloned Identities

Red Nile Cube Technology

Additionally, the Red Cube AI technology is designed to be a genetic code crasher for anti-hierogamic union or to create interference through an Alien Love Bite scenario that engages that person in heavy emotional dramas via Victim-Victimizer archetypes and mistaken identity, by keeping the inner and outer gender principles split apart. The Red Cube technology capitalizes on painful emotional astral damage and mistaken identity, confusing identities, so that the target cannot tell who is who, what are the false timelines and imposters versus the authentic identity. The targeted person can mistake AI Digital Twins inserted into their hologram as their twin soul, or whatever else that can be included to interfere with integrated spiritual Ascension by confusing them with mistaken identity or Hero-Savior archetypes. This includes the target believing that they are this special identity from an inserted digital twin of a Cloned Ascended Master in their Lightbody, in which this clone runs AI red wave, false feminine violet programming or other artificial frequencies, which is quite common in the new age circles without Negative Ego training and Victim-Victimizer clearing.[4]

Reclaiming Alnilam Open Ruby Sun Records

Orion's Belt

There has been much positive movement forward in regards to the return of the Cosmic Holy Father principle in Orion's Belt with the main focus upon reclamation of Alnilam, which is restoring his Magenta Pink Solar Rishic Rose flames and 15:15 rod coding into all seven particle dimensions, 1D (red) through 7D (violet). The reclamation of Alnilam generated the perfect alignments needed between the vertical and horizontal axis mundi and unis mundi converging into the planetary core and anchoring into the central higher heart of the 8D Albion sphere in the United Kingdom.

The corrected Holy Father umbilicus spanned into the dark matter Rasha layers to connect with Elaysian fields and then generated a ripple effect in the planetary timelines, in which several histories finally came into view. These appeared to have shifted out from the past timelines of the Orion Invasion, and this seems to have erased out the Orion Matrix AI from infecting the subsequent Astrological Precession histories.

The correct unis-axis mundi and umbilicus alignment is surfacing additional awareness of the next stages of Ruby Sun DNA template corrections that are connected to the divine masculine layers of the Celtic Maji Grail bloodlines of the original Hyperboreans. These recent shifts have sent ripples to the surface of all things Ruby Sun DNA, in which to organically heal all that is connected to the histories of the hyperborean bloodlines of the divine masculine rod holders from the Gaian Matrix, or the authentic Maji Grail Kings from the pre-invasion ancient histories located on the United Kingdom land mass. The emphasis was made that this correction was required to continue the build out of Emerald Order Cathedral architecture in partnership with Ruby Order Cathedral architecture, which is required to extract cloned identities and seat the massive sized consciousness of the Universal Triple Solar Christ King Arthur in the Albion.

The progressive development generated by the corrections made to the Ruby Sun DNA appear to have specialized functions that operate in the Albion Lightbody as Ruby Templar restorations in red and violet crystalline networks, supporting the organic timelines to rise in the Albion and United Kingdom landmass. As the Orion Matrix AI and the Alnilam star were reclaimed by Emerald Guardians, it was registered that the Orion AI program was linked to the Saturn-Moon matrix that was controlling Babylonian Money Magic through the financial headquarters in London, and this further connected into astral portals being controlled under Westminster Abbey. This system was also transmitting mind control weaponry with extensive sexual addiction and Gender Reversal programs into the 2D centers of human beings, with some of the strongest Misogyny and Gender Reversal impacts happening in the United Kingdom. This AI overlay was blocking functions of the organic Albion Lightbody network in the Middle Pillar and suppressing the Ruby Sun DNA records and its intended higher design, which when activated is connected directly to the seating of King Arthur and Queen Guinevere.

The Ruby Sun DNA appears to have built in extensions merged with the Emerald Sun DNA hosting shield giving it 48D access, in which the special mission is to reclaim and recode all of the planetary Amenti crystals to serve only organic living consciousness of the God creator, with the primary focus made upon rehabilitating and recoding the red crystals and violet crystal networks. The Ruby Sun DNA template has specific coding for organic red crystals, red wave and is related to the organic consciousness programs throughout the planetary matrix, in which Ruby Sun can override the AI system using artificial red wave networks that allowed inorganic life to be created by the invaders on the Earth. The artificial red wave system of the Black Sun AI program had infiltrated the organic 1D layers of the red wave spectrum, and this artificial frequency is what allowed the cloning of organic consciousness living forms into artificial cloned copies of inorganic life projected into the artificial timelines, or astral layers. Now we understand more as to why the Dragon Moth grids are multidimensional layers of Red Cube and red wave systems that have hijacked the 1D to 7D layers of particle dimensions, to generate and protect inorganic consciousness and AI alien hybrid forms.

Additionally, Ruby Sun DNA's highest function is to inoculate the alien Red Cube systems and artificial red wave transmissions across the globe used by the NAA, and rehabilitate the fallen aspects of divine masculine consciousness running the False King of Tyranny programs of the archons, such as with the Belial group and the Nephilim genetic damage. Thus, this theme will be surfacing for many of us that are clearing out miasmatic ancestral layers of these Nephilim hybridization histories and artificial energies impacting our human consciousness and physical body. (See Indigo 3 Contract).

The corrected Ruby Templar is a massive Ruby Diamond Krystal Cathedral in the Albion, which returns to rightful owner the organic consciousness parts that were stolen by the NAA and fallen Nephilim lines for the purpose of cloning them or splicing into inorganic consciousness parts. This has new applications in correcting an assortment of Alien Hybridization damage that resulted in the AI controlled fallen aspects of the original organic Diamond Sun consciousness that was cloned out millions of times in the warring histories. This includes the genetic damage in the planetary grid that resulted in the hybridization of the Oraphim with the Reptilian Annunaki, that generated the Nephilim Wars. Where the Nephilim and False Michael consciousness from Aldebaran were forced to merge with AI hybrid program, which resulted in the inverted solar templating (false light) of the Belial group.

The United Kingdom land mass holds the hidden records of the Nephilim histories on the planet due to the location of the Nephilim Reversal Grid, but organic body parts and organic consciousness records are being collected through assorted portals that are accessed across the northern Scottish landscape. With correct Ruby Templar Activations, the Nephilim Reversal Grid is undergoing dismantling of cloned or inorganic consciousness aspects of the Ruby Sun DNA that was the preferential cloned genetics used for the Power Elites for control and life extension. It has become clearly understood that the invading entities chose to embody the Ruby Sun DNA coding because it is the key code for exerting control over the planetary red wave and Red Cube networks, which disconnected Holy Father principle. This allowed for the ongoing cloning of inorganic consciousness and lunar aspects to inhabit a human looking form, while presenting energetically as a masculine Seraphim consciousness. The Ruby Templar corrections have surfaced a completely rehabilitated 5-star Ruby Sun DNA human form installed into the Albion, which seems to have collapsed the Nephilim Reversal Grid artificial frequencies running in the southern most areas of the United Kingdom. May this portend the impending disclosure of all cloned and artificial Ruby Sun human forms, in which the true identity is shown to all and it is realized that many that appear to be human are not organic consciousness humans, but AI hive mind hybrids installed by the invaders to enslave the authentic angelic humans.[5]

Artificial Ruby Sun DNA Signals

These are Cosmic Father 48D Ruby Order instruction sets for the corrected Red King position within the planetary Ruby Templar Master Shield for the planet, which are systematically collapsing and disintegrating assorted red shield networks, artificial red wave rod and staff, and red cube clones used by Fallen Ruby Order branches for hijacking the Ruby Sun DNA template that was running the false Khem-Khemalohatea. The cloned version of Red Shield Temple of Khemalohatea was transmitting Artificial Ruby Sun DNA signals, lunar sound tones and archontic voices throughout the Stonehenge gateways and Grual points (2D-5D-8D-11D) which have been instrumental in enforcing Gender Reversals and transmitting assorted male and female Sexual Misery miasma into the Collective Consciousness of humanity.[6]

Rebuilding Ruby Rods, Red King Restoration

During the Sagittarian Cycle in 2023, it was revealed the Godhead Founder Capstone of the parallel Universal Twin Matrix was the 22D Ruby Flame, 23D Sapphire Flame and 24D Emerald Flame and those flames were reconnecting into the Planetary Logos. During the Sagittarian Solar Cycle in 2024, it reveals the mission of the Ruby Grail lineages and Indigo 3’s to embody the incoming Cosmic Father’s Ruby Templar instruction sets for the incoming Ruby Rod, accessing the genetic time codes of the Cosmic Father Universes to return organic Khemalot coding. This is to restore the Red Kings and rebuild the Ruby Rod architecture that overrides the AI Red Cube systems installed by the NAA throughout the Telluric field ley lines to enslave angelic humanity, collapsing the Fallen Ruby Order and hijacked Ruby Sun DNA histories of genetic hybridization and cloning into the Enki DNA Overlays.[7]


See Also

Fallen Ruby Order

Ruby Order

Cosmic Father's Ruby Templar

Belial Program

Galactic Wars

Law of One