This month we have reached another milestone of planetary shifting in which the massive gears that cause the forward momentum in the world of forces are bursting at the seams to push the collective consciousness of humanity towards another significant global bifurcation event. Many of us are aware of global changes and observing the accumulative effects of the Bifurcation of Time, in which the point of divergence grows between the reality perception of the two main groups. For the masses, there are spiritual opportunities to make life choices that move towards more love and truth which will herald wonderfully supported new beginnings in the ascension timeline. Or to remain in mental bondage to the 3D fear and tyranny which will be aligned with more unpleasant situations that are filled with the emotional despair of the end times and the grief of significant losses. Humanity will be somewhat co-existing in these two primary realties happening side by side, as the 3D Breakdown and Enlightened Contact is happening simultaneously, with the themes of consciousness experience being explored through the lens of human liberation or the lens of mental bondage. Yet for those spiritually awakening towards the Enlightened Contact experiences this will feel like a distinctly separate reality, in which the opposing fear-based timeline will feel far removed as if watching a horror movie that is happening in some other world.

During this cycle, the extreme outer pressure caused by the planetary Emerald Cosmic Clock Initiation and the result of shifting timelines may cause an estrangement from certain social circles, including friends and family members that are deeply entrenched in the 3D narrative. Thus, many stuck in the mind control narrative are still harboring emotional conflicts of persecution and traumas that contribute to unresolved subconscious fears of facing the unknown. There are people that we love and care for that will choose to distance themselves even further away from truth and truth seekers. They may suddenly change their personality in such ways that they become unrecognizable and unreachable, seemingly shifting into someone else that you never knew.

Some people may double down by digging their heels even deeper into the controlled narrative by staunchly denying any evidence that is contrary to their 3D belief system doctrine, which are usually based in similar thoughtforms being reinforced by their immediate social circle. As the 3D Breakdown is occurring, this may incite tremendous amounts of subconscious fear and denial of these events as they are happening. Rather than evolve beyond the status quo, they will instead choose to protect the very social control system that enslaves them with trauma-based mind control deceptions, because they find it more convenient for maintaining the beliefs in their current lifestyle. Sadly, they may unexpectedly consider those family or friends awakening to greater truth and Enlightened Contact to be the main threat to their current reality perception and thus, angrily turn on them. Further, they may transfer their fears and project their shadow wounding upon you as a truth seeker or truth teller, seeking punishment for those choosing personal beliefs different than theirs. When you are opening dialogue and asking them uncomfortable questions, they may consider you to actually be the source of all their problems. Thus, they may abruptly abandon your relationship or friendship, betraying your trust without any warning or explanation, even going on a campaign to discredit or defame your character.

This energetic chasm generates tremendous difficulty in connecting or communicating with those groups that are on the polar opposite or descending timeline, as they simply cannot see or perceive what those on the higher timeline are seeing and perceiving. The ongoing fear Propaganda has fed the negative ego in such ways that many people are being consumed by its shadows and remain disconnected from their hearts and inner spirit which renders them unable to see, feel or discern truth frequencies.

Breakdown of Mental Faculties

Additionally, there are the harmful effects of the toxic substances being put in some of the injection lots along with the inorganic and artificial magnetic nanotech frequencies that are digressing mental faculties through a gradual deterioration over time that is similar to sponge brain symptomology. The bio-weapon was designed with many experimental mind control nanotech elements which were intended to degrade the human target’s Bio-Neurology during real time mental and emotional body processing which can suddenly reach startling levels of incoherence, mental fracturing, memory problems and confusion happening mid dialogue. Observing the breakdown of mental faculties and vaccine related accidents happening around us is something that those awakened to this harsh reality must prepare for in coming months. The outer environment is shifting with the increased onset of strange or unusual behaviors linked to social situations which surface sudden physical, mental or emotional impairment. [1]


See Also

Benevolent ET and Extradimensional Entities

GSF Behavior

Spirits of Christ
