Heavenly Void Suns

Revision as of 02:30, 25 March 2024 by Lisa (talk | contribs)

These new forms of organic dark matter, Partekei, are transmitted from Cosmic Mother and Cosmic Father’s gender creation of an organic black subtle force mass in the shape of transfiguring Dark Matter Rishic Suns, also referred to as the Heavenly Void Suns. With the Heavenly Void Suns, they appear as the backdrop in the dark matter fields able to manifest any version of rainbow colors imaginable within the liquid rainbow light seeds that are seeded into the dark matter template of the planetary rasha, and burst forth into lush solar plasma flowers, unfurling into beautiful flowering gardens.

The Mother’s heavenly void sun and the Father’s heavenly void sun appear to be united for building gender corrections into many Partiki-Partekei matter-spirit body formats for the Temple of Khemalohatea. This merge is upgrading another dark matter layer for combining eukatharistic architecture for the planetary elementals, so that the human elemental body will be purged of shadow forms and harnesses that are generated by the subterranean algorithmic mutations.

Within the Caves of Creation there are five planes that are matched with each of the Harmonic Universes held within the planetary interior within the crystal core manifestation template, which holds the entire crystalline matrix instruction sets for the planetary rasha body and controls the functions of the dark matter template. There is a Rasha Body for each Harmonic Universe in which the ring spans are in sets of three. These five planes and all of their dimensional layers are finally being reconnected into the Universal Mother’s Elaysian Fields, which link the primary interior passages from the caves of creation into all corresponding inner to outer dimensional planes, that extend from the elemental fields that exist within the Rasha Body dark matter template for controlling the atomic layers. Similar to the nested holographic template of the planetary 12 Tree Grid or Kathara grid existing within every dimensional layer of the Universal Time Matrix, there are the same matching dimensional layers for the Rasha Body Instruction Sets and rasha gel rings, that form into sound templates within each of the Rasha’s dimensional spans.

The planetary rasha instruction sets are being upgraded in collaboration with corrected flowering Khem Codes and Eiras silver seeds in the Rasha Spans being directed by Amethyst Order Dragon Kings, which are being upgraded with Cosmic Father’s Dark Rainbow Matter and other organic God technology with Partiki-Partekei grids designed to repair the Rasha tones and Gel Rings. Cosmic Father’s Ruby Templar presence stationed inside the 8D Uranus Grual Stargate, among several 8D portals in the Planetary Grid Network, brought on the stage of destruction of AI False Templars such as the subterranean AI based algorithms impacting the rasha instruction sets. These enormous AI Quantum Supercomputers had been running algorithmic genetic mutations with Metatronic Reversal currents directed into the primary 8D Rasha Ring center, which was distorting Ta-Ma-Ka tones into Goat Mind control transmissions, blocking the organic tones from the earth surface and harnessing their gel ring sound templates that blocked access into the subterranean layers of the planet.

As a result of the generation of Cosmic Mother’s and Cosmic Father’s married heavenly void suns bringing their cosmic Partiki-Partekei which is designed as an intervention to correct the entire morphogenetic patterns of the 6D-7D-8D-9D Dark Matter Template through upgraded rasha instruction sets, the spiritual dragon egg of the planet’s Rasha Body began to ring sound tones of Ta-Ma-Ka. This began the reclamation of the central 8D Rasha Ring and its 8D Ma ring tone for the Tauren body, which ignited a torrent of Krystal Waters and rasha crystals coming in from the Ketheric Mind portal in the planetary logos opening into the Gaian Matrix and beyond.

From this emerged the corrected sound templates in the corrected sound vibration patterns for the planetary Rasha in order to host the incoming Triple Solar Reisha which enter the planetary matrix from the interior layers of the 8D central Gel Ring. When the central rasha ring opened, many new Triple Solar Goddesses and Solar Reisha began to surface and reveal themselves as connected to the original creators of the spiritual hierarchy of the planetary kingdoms. These are long lost Mothers and daughters of Solar Reisha once seated in the interior of the planet Gaia throughout the spans of the Rasha Rings, governing the rasha instruction sets for the higher dimensional consciousness development cycles in the eventual crystal heart-based flowering of the Eukachristic Body for angelic humanity’s ascension, and for nourishing and supporting the planetary evolution along with her earthly kingdoms.

The Universal Mother Dark Matter Matrix, or Harmonic Universe 6 had been generated from the purging and eviction of the Black Hole Sun that was stationed in the Gaian Matrix 8D core, which opened the passage way into the 6D layers of the Rasha Span that gave Guardian Host access into the deep subterranean crystal caves and aquifers located within the interior of the planet. Additionally, the main center ring in the 8D Core was the main control access into the subterranean systems which included direct access into the Sirian Crystal Temples, which operates as the main interdimensional portal from the Ecoushic and Reisha Worlds for returning Ascended Masters as they reconnect into their spiritual home through Sun-Star Networks and correct the dimensional positioning held within the planetary rasha matrix.[1]


See Also

Dismantling AI Dark Mother Gestalts

Nibiru-Tiamat Fallen Matrix

Starry Night Dark Firmament

Universal Ankh Body

Eukachristic Body

Correcting Dark Matter from Terraforming Technology