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Nibiru is the Sumerian version of the same planetary body also called Marduk by the ancient Babylonians.

Nibiru or Marduk was forced into an extreme elliptical orbit of approximately 3600 years, and is known today as the twelfth planet in our third dimensional Solar System;

Marduk, Son of Enki

Marduk a planetary Logos (aka Nibiru) gave this intelligence to Enki/ Ea who decided he would invade Sumeria and play Annunaki God to the humans and gave his version of accounts that the Anu created the human beings and therefore they were the Gods of this planet. This was a way to create humans as slaves. Somehow Marduk did this to the Kumaras whom he was showing his anger, (who are the Chohan Ray Masters, otherwise known as the partially Ascended Masters of the New Age – El Morya, Kuthumi et al, there was some bad blood about Human-Orion Wars brought karmically to this planet with this complex situation).

Destruction of Tiamat

Marduk aka Nibiru was involved wit the deliberate destruction of the planets Tiamat and Maldek.(see Tara) Without Tiamat we were unable to have our 10th Chakra and all its functions work in our bodies, as she was the frequency link to communicate with our Christos Avatar self. She is a part of the Triple Goddess Formation and apparently the Merging Shield is the Living Creature Matrix to remind us that we are to rebirth her essence again onto our earth planetary body, and then hence our own physical body. Because we went through the wall in time on the 28th, we are able to gain access to this incredibly ancient part of ourselves. The 10th Chakra has lines around our Left side and its main portal is a network from behind the left ear, to the crown and to the Soul Star directly above our crown, about 6 to 8 inches above our head. The destruction of Tiamat (like a heaven and earth principle living together in perfect harmony) is synonymous with the destruction of sacred marriage (union of opposites), the destruction of the Hieros Gamos, thus splitting apart the consciousness of the Christos-Sophia. This also manifested the split in the wall in time, and the shift to patriarchal domination and/its electron distortion that was exploited by the False King of Tyranny and the Imposter Spirit. The shift to patriarchy domination was inevitable and planned through the last cycle by the Alpha Draconis/Orion Group, however the levels of destruction nearly took creation to annihilation.
