Higher Sensory Perception

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In order to heal, one must be able to "feel". (This is clarified by having an ability to access the Soul Matrix function of "Higher Sensory Perception" which distinguishes between "Cellular Knowing" impulses, rather than the "Linear Analytics" that characterize the 3D mental body functions.)[1]


Discipline Mind

Consistent Meditation practice is helpful in training an undisciplined and cluttered mind to develop higher Consciousness which allows one to develop Higher Sensory Perception. Developed HSP will not occur in most people with an untrained and undisciplined mind. Meditation can be applied in many different techniques, and is helpful for facilitating forgiveness and letting go of negativity in many forms. In the early stages of developing meditation skill, sit and relax and learn to observe thoughts passing through without having attachment to them. Once you notice the “thought” pattern, let it go and bring your focus back to the now moment. This is called the Neutral Association or Observer Point.[2]

Soul Opens HSP

One may not experience true states of love or emotional spectrums until they begin to connect with their Soul Matrix bodies or have been able to experience a loving, and open heart center 4th Chakra from being incarnated with this Soul-Spirit connection. This soul connection is what enables the development of Higher Sensory Perception. One cannot develop the sensory body, its receivers and transmitters, which allow for the development of telepathy and cellular cognition, without having an open heart and the ability to feel deeply.

Many have lost their soul connection from early experiences of extreme trauma and suffering, SRA, abuse, child rape and molestation, etc. This abuse starts at childhood by the Archontic Deception Behaviors strategy of the NAA to create a cycle of repeated Victim-Victimizer in the population of earth. When a human is either consistently victimized as young as possible, s/he grows into a victimizer. This enforces the repetition of this abusive pattern to create more narcissists, psychopaths, and traumatized people. The heart center is the connection point for the soul. Some genetics are able to have this capacity to feel and have an open heart, more than others. Those genetics that are fully capable of feeling and generating love and higher emotional states are those that have retained their inner spirit's Christ Seed Atom.

Language of the Heart

Rule # 1: You will know if it is Real (the discernment of personal truth) by the Way it makes you Feel by observing the feelings as they transpire without judgment! This is learning how to be the Compassionate Witness.

Human Emotion, as experienced through our Higher Sensory Perception a function of our spiritual bodies, is the Key to our GSF Liberation. The feeling-sensory bodies capacity as directed through the Soul and Monad is is the Key to accessing and embodying our 12 Strand DNA Evolutionary Blueprint. We are reaching into new levels of Co-creation and it is ALL governed by our Soul and Monadic functions through developing Higher Sensory Perceptions or HSP. This sensory faculty is the Language of the Heart and is identified as one's inner feelings, one's intuition, and the direct knowing states which is paying attention to the Way It Makes You Feel!

It is through these sensory perceptual filters of the higher emotional faculty of the heart center and the clearing of Negative Ego judgments that Truth can be directly discerned. One must come to directly comprehend the difference between Ego/Personality judgement and the higher discernment of the sensory-feeling heart that is HSP.

Humanity during the Ascension process will be developing seven higher human senses existing at a higher frequency level, while cultivating new sensory perceptions we have not learned or experienced yet.

The planetary body is attuning to new radio stations that tune into these higher frequencies. The static noise in between those new frequency stations have now started to be deciphered much more clearly by our newly developed inner senses. Humanity is starting to perceive new levels of reality, or see things differently than before. This is the newly developing Higher Sensory Perception field of a [Multi-Dimensional] Human.)[3]

Spiral Energy

When accessing HSP, communicating with energetic intelligence or directing focused thoughts for maximized results, visualize the energy moving in spheres or circles. The Universal creative energies move within a spiral of time and in all things energetic - the movement of living energy is spiral.

Pain Body Interferes with HSP

This is the instinctual layer of ego which for many people remains a part of the Unconscious Mind as many do not pay attention to the cause of their instinctual drives or Addictions. Many people exist cut off from their feelings and have difficulty identifying their feelings in the moment to moment. This is a side effect of a closed Heart chakra, Soul Fragmentation or blackened heart. The first part of healing is to be willing to pay attention to drives though dedicated self-awareness. The second layer is directly impacted by the first layer to the degree the painful memory is experienced in the person’s hard drive.

This second layer could also be called the Pain Body.

It is the location where unresolved painful memories will manifest as instinctual drives within the person’s ego. If these memories and negative emotions are not resolved, these cloud and distort the perceptions of the individual. Many people in the New Age refuse to do their inner clearing work, which makes them highly susceptible to Mind Control and Negative Ego judgments. One must learn how to be responsible for the direction or time, energy and consciousness to develop accurate HSP.

The most accurate HSP is active when a person has disciplined their Negative Ego, cleared alien Mind Control and has been able to give an honest assessment of personal pain and cleared these painful emotions through self love, forgiveness and Compassion.

See Where Can I Start?


HGS Manual, Page 17

See Also

HSP Exercise