Electric Wars Timeline
The Electric Wars Timeline holds major causal trigger event memories of when Artificial intelligence technology was in its earlier phases in this Universe. This timeline represents the pre-assimilation stages of the Black Subtle Forces in the phantom matrices, before gradually converting them into AI systems. The eighth astrological precession was the time of the Orion Invasion event that occurred as a result of the Stargate damage in the 8th portal, and through each of the subsequent planetary time cycles, the Alien Machinery was methodically brought into each dimension in order to reach the lowest density of the material reality. Essentially, the NAA plan was to bring the Electric War dramas to the matter fields of the earth in order to anchor it into the physical realm, which shifts future timelines.
The AI technology is used by the NAA as the sophisticated psychotronic warfare strategy installed into the planetary grid system, that is being directed at the population in an attempt to enslave the consciousness of the earth. From this point in the timeline, AI technology was set into perpetual motion to assimilate realities from the damaged 8th Stargate in the Galactic Center, where the NAA had gained dominion to control access in and out of the earth realms. They gradually brought down assorted Alien Machinery from the 8th Stargate through an inorganic vertical wormhole, an artificial architecture they built with programmable reversal elementals, and then installed in the vertical axis of the planet that is called the Yahweh Matrix. Essentially, the Yahweh Matrix distorted and cut off the natural Planetary Staff alignment, which when combined with the NET, stopped all incoming and outgoing communication signals outside the dimensional control of the NAA.
The Yahweh matrix replaced the Planetary Staff, which allowed the Black Hole Entities to gain easy access into the earth through the north and south poles, in order to distort the planetary field. This was done through genetic modification and set up frequency fences that broadcast extremely low frequencies that make the earth more hospitable for their survival. The low frequency and static net broadcast produced the Predator Mind construct and thoughtforms intended for mass human parasitism, Divide and Conquer Tactics for spreading wars. These artificial nets and constructs were further designed to progressively pull the earth and her world soul into inorganic black holes.
Much of the Electric Wars were fought on Gaia with AI machines being programmed from remote satellites or NAA ships cloaked inside these phantom black holes, accessed through the Wormholes ripped open in the damaged 8th Stargate. These were subspace and hyper-dimensional pockets, metatronic nets used to cloak ships or bases directing energy weapons, which can set off massive EMP blasts. This was used as an alien defense system in the 8th Stargate so nothing could pass through beyond the Metagalactic zones.[1]
Other Wars
See Also
Term first found in HGS Manual: Page 87