Child Abuse and Sacrifice

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Child Abuse and Sacrifice is an Archontic Deception Strategy of the NAA and human Controllers whom use mass Social Engineering tactics of trauma based Mind Control in order to program the Death Culture for their explicit benefit and to profit from and promote human slavery and consciousness slavery.

Core Energy Wounds from Trauma (art by Paige)

The NAA and Satanists prefer to use children as targets in order to harvest Negative Emotional Energy or Loosh, and as a result, child abuse, child sex slavery, child porn, child Organ Harvesting and child sacrifice are immensely profitable for those in the criminal network.

Loosh is referred to as the emotional energy radiated by animals and humans when feeling threatened, harmed or being killed, that results in the traumatizing pain and suffering that is experienced and recorded in the body, mind and soul. For centuries the NAA have developed and exploited multidimensional occult practices through reversal creation code. This has been given to secret societies and institutions for the purpose of Mind Control and Social Engineering, in order to harvest Negative Emotional Energy or loosh from the masses.[1]

AD Strategy 4: Child Abuse and Child Sacrifice

The advanced level of AD Behaviors is that which is the realm of the Satanic Ritual Abusers (SRA), this level is in the caste system of Satanic priesthood which is propagated by the Orion Group. These people and entities actually value the killing of children and believe in the necessity of child sacrifice killings if they can get away with it without prosecution. Their most sick mind believes that the blood of a child is the most pure, and can extract vital essence, Loosh and power from the Blood Sacrifice. When they want “more power” for material success or something to gain, or there is something to “cleanse”, they believe to cleanse it with a child’s blood. Most commonly they will abduct a child or a satanic family will give up their child to satanic ritual holidays. Orphanages are frequently pillaged for this reason, as well as immigrant refugees. This is the most unbelievable to the sane mind and loving heart, yet, we must know this exists in huge numbers to begin to protect the children of the earth from this sickness. Most commonly children of extremely poor people are either used this way in ritual, or will be a sexual slave or prostitute to a satanic group of individuals. Child Genital Mutilation, child sex slavery, child porn, live sex with children on the internet is a billion dollar booming business. This is highly disturbing as we can see no one in government gives a care about this global issue, as its incorporated into the Controller's Inverted Systems. We have to ask who is benefiting from having sex with our children? It’s not human.

Archontic Deception Strategy

The psychological warfare approach of Divide and Conquer Tactics used by the NAA to condition anti-human values and erode integrity in the masses is called the Archontic Deception Strategy. The Archontic Deception Strategy is used to socially engineer the Death Culture, a culture of fear, dishonesty and deception. This is achieved through Pavlovian mind control conditioning that adopts extremely self-destructive behaviors as the standard model to guide human behavior.[2][3]

Child Sexual Abuse

It is extremely important that any adult with a functioning brain that cares about the welfare of human children, be made aware of this most disturbing Archontic Deception Strategy, which is to specifically target human children for a range of NAA related bio-warfare strategies, such as -

  • inflicting trauma based Mind Control,
  • Vaccinations for genetic degradation, compromised immunity and bio-neurological hijack,
  • to create life long pharma-drug dependencies and Addiction while in childhood,
  • to culturally shape their minds to accept anti-soul and anti-life agendas like Transhumanism,
  • perpetrate mass child trafficking for sexual slavery, sexual slavery = consciousness slavery bindings,
  • accept child marriages,
  • Genital Mutilation,
  • organ harvesting
  • child sodomy/rape in group settings,
  • rampant sexualization and promiscuity in child to adulthood,
  • Blood Sacrifice,
  • SRA that includes Infanticide.

while reinforcing these children to carry out these same agendas in their adulthood, in order to replay out the vicious cycle of Victim-Victimizer programming, Sexual Misery and slavery of the earth in every way imaginable.

Child Sacrifice to Moloch

18th-century depiction of the Moloch idol (Der Götze Moloch mit 7 Räumen oder Capellen. "The idol Moloch with seven chambers or chapels"), from Johann Lund's Die Alten Jüdischen Heiligthümer (1711, 1738).

Moloch is a soul binding entity and energetic container used in SRA rituals. Many times Moloch is used in the satanic ritual to collect and disperse the human beings vital energies to hierarchies of Satanic spirits. When a percentage of the human beings vital forces and spiritual energies are collected by satanic spirits, the person is high risk for soul binding, mental fragmentation or schiziod, dark manipulation and Possession.

Moloch is also the entity called upon for accumulating personal wealth in SRA. This entails making a covenant with Satanic forces in order to have use over the collective forces attached to the Moloch tank, in order to manifest material goods or wealth on one's behalf. This means one is stealing other people's life force in order to use that stolen life force to manifest wealth, power or status for themselves or their groups. [4]


See Also

Children (targets)

Human Trafficking

Anti-Soul Agenda

Sexual Misery