Grooming Children for Programming

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Children are exceptionally receptive to the energies in their environment as babies until about six years of age and as a result, children are highly susceptible to Subconscious Programming throughout their formative years from age six and up. In the early developmental phases of childhood, mirror neurons develop mirror properties through the child mimicking and imitating the repetitive behavior of their parents and the environment. A Mirror Neuron is a nerve cell that fires when the person observes an action being performed by another person. This means that a child watching the behavior of their parent or caretaker, is actually laying down tracks for the same neuronal pattern of action, via the information that is being carried in their neural impulses. Thus, during the child’s bio-spiritual development phase, a strong foundation is laid for the beliefs and behaviors that form in that individual in the future, when he or she reaches adulthood.

Babies and children naturally have a much slower brain wave frequency than adults and thus the right brain functioning and sensory related abilities related to mirror neurons firing and feelings of Empathy, develop first. There is an agenda to disrupt the mother-child bond at birth to six years, as when a baby or child is separated from their mother at this early age, it interferes with the healthy formation of the loving bonds that cultivate empathic connections and nurture feelings of protection and security. A loving and caring adult in the life of a child is the most important factor in helping that child build strong Resilience towards facing adversity and becoming a well-adapted and healthy individual in society.

Children are much more open with natural higher sensory ability, intuition, creativity and imagination before they begin to be socially conditioned into 3D left brain repetitive behaviors from school, family and media, as well as the impact made from a range of chemical and toxic environmental exposures. Many children shut down Intuitive Empath abilities when they are first put in school and realize these abilities are not accepted by the adults around them. This is a critical issue in comprehending the fact that learned beliefs are being subconsciously programmed before the brain has developed properly to think critically and question the mental programming that is taking place.

Subconscious Programming starts in earliest childhood when our brains are not fully developed but are instead highly suggestible to the social engineering tactics of the death culture that further emphasize the negative conditions that cause Toxic Stress and unhappy people. The NAA are fully aware of the power of subconscious programming on young and undeveloped brains, and target children as early as possible to gain control over that individual throughout their lifetime. Thus, they condition the adults that have power in society and media to include the grooming of young children as a primary Archontic Deception Strategy. Children are highly suggestible to subliminal programming contained in cartoons, books, movies and other child-oriented media provided by adults or in educational material. Child Grooming through the use of subconscious programming is used with the intent to lower the child’s inhibitions in regard to sexual behaviors, and these tactics are commonly used by predators to normalize sexual abuse and lure minors into prostitution and pornography.

When children witness traumatic events like violence, shootings, abuse and death, whether on television or on the streets, it easily develops into levels of traumatic stress that derail future brain development and program negative subconscious beliefs that can be further exploited. When children or adults are exposed to repeated images of abuse, sex or violence, the neural connections are formed in the brain that generate automatic reactions for fear, anxiety, impulsiveness and a range of physiological and mental disorders that are rapidly increased with every exposure.

These types of negative associations are attached to belief systems that run as Subconscious Programming that control our lives and are a primary reason why many adults constantly sabotage themselves, become addicts or play out destructive archetypes of victimization and Learned Helplessness. As long as the subconscious programming is running negative thoughts or false belief systems in the Conscious Mind, it effectively blocks Awakening experiences and stunts consciousness expansion, which would express more coherent and positive behaviors. Children that are groomed into a negative self-image and low Self-Esteem, addictive personality, victims and victimizers, who believe they are helpless to change anything because they don’t matter, grow into the easiest adults to enslave and control. Thus, it is these groups of unaware people that are run by their Subconscious Mind impulses that continue to feed into the collective subconscious programming broadcasts that are intended for Mass Consciousness Slavery.

The Controller’s know that what we fear we will tend to project onto others around us through blaming behaviors and finger pointing. This is the unconscious behavior, hidden shadow and reactive impulses that we have not cleared from within our deepest selves, and so they seek to aggressively exploit these buried fears in the subconscious mind. Until we are willing to look at destructive behaviors caused by our hidden fears, we can easily project or transfer our fears onto other people, especially through our unconscious impulses or negative ego outbursts. This generates a vicious circle of mental and emotional stagnation, making it difficult to change, transform and evolve beyond personal limitations.

Parents and teachers that are the caring adults and caregivers that help to guide children, may need to recognize that the emotional and social skills they demonstrate in relationships, will be the example given to young and developing minds. They will mimic their behavior. Emotional self-management skills need to be taught and discussed with children early on, to help them handle conflict and make more positive choices about their personal and social behavior, by recognizing their own feelings and emotions. Children gifted with parents that teach them about emotional intelligence and emotional regulation, will be far less manipulated and triggered by mass subconscious programs as adults. A child in the womb, newborns and toddlers are imprinted by all the people and the energetic consequences of events that they are exposed to. It is a myth to believe that babies do not remember traumatic events or have memories, all of the child’s experiences since the womb are recorded in their subconscious mind and this content will be with them throughout their lives.[1]


See Also

Three Layers of Ego

Negative Ego