Forced Identities

From Ascension Glossary

Mind Control and Mind Slides are implanted structures that quantify as dead energy spaces, and are used to filter soul energies through the harnessing of Forced Identities. A forced identity is a superimposed "overlay" that filters perception through an archetypal identity that is running an alien (anti-human) mind control program through a human body. Depending on the Chakra energies (Spectrum of Frequency), and the DNA imprints they are looking to harvest, they direct the controlling entity to reinforce the archetypal ego pattern best suited to control the person. Through the Chakra systems they place archetypal mind filters that reinforce ego programs and in some cases implant false memories, thought-forms or holographic movies, to manipulate beliefs and direct actions within the human. All of this is to gain access and control over planet earth, and the many levels of resources located here, including control over timelines and technology. They perpetuate lies about extraterrestrial involvement, and harness the collective quantic yield and individual life force (soul) energies. These vital energies are comprised of the multidimensional collective human soul matrix, which so many have forgotten belong to the human being directly. When one has control over the thoughts of one's mind, one has control over the direction and actions of the physical body, and all of its parts. One can therefore reclaim the Soul energies. Whoever controls the Mind controls the Soul Matrix.

Mind Slides

Mind Slides are holographic inserts that trigger sensations in the neurological system that are designed to keep people ignorant and blind to what is happening to them. Many alien abductees have mind slides to deny their experience and bury it deep behind the walls of unconsciousness. When areas that are "unapproved" are exposed to the alien entity controlling or hosting the body, they will program the mind slide to activate when certain words, phrases or codes are read or spoken. Sometimes, when people are injured in the body part traumatized by suppressed alien abduction memories, they will relive that trauma experience. The mind slides are inducted into the human's neurological system, which activates mind control technology to pulse the brain's receiver. This can take the form of a mind control "script" (i.e. that abduction never happened, it's your imagination, fears of going crazy) or play images or movies in the mind of that person. Some of the symptoms of mind slides when exposed to unapproved words (i.e. Alien abduction, NAA, Reptilian, Satanic Ritual Abuse, UFO, Implants, MILABS, etc.) are:

  • Falling asleep or feeling drowsy (nervous system anesthetized)
  • Feeling an electrical zap or punch to the solar plexusCompulsion to leave the room and get away from the messenger/information
  • Feeling irritated or excessively agitated, inner or outer violence
  • Compulsion to smoke cigarettes or self-medicate with drugs
  • Resistance in the form of denial, aggressive reactions, labeling the information as ridiculous
  • Hostile feelings generated to verbally attack the messenger (VV programming)Evoke negative images or negative emotions to reject the information
  • Corrupted dream state with extreme negativity or interference in the astral state through lucid dreams

In specific SRA targeted mind control (i.e. MK Ultra or Super Soldier training) these techniques are designed to dissociate the person through repeated exposures to torture, terror and drugs. The mind is fragmented and intentionally bound to demonic spirits that act as a guardian of that fragment of the personality. The Mind Slides may activate specific alternate personalities, created in the victim to perform a variety of tasks, while under possession or control of the alternate personality. Many times the person does not remember their actions they have a time lapse or black out. This programmable fragment or alternate is referred to as a Sleeper. When a person has been intentionally mind controlled or tortured to become a Sleeper, they can be easily possessed and used to perform a variety of sordid actions or crimes. Reptilian entities specifically receive enjoyment from the explicit torture and suffering of human beings when they possess them to commit these sordid actions.

These negative entities strive to create as much pain and anguish for the human being as possible, and to get that human to emanate that vibration of pain and anguish into the environment. Their goal is to engender negative feelings of emotional pain, depression, and hopelessness that lead the person to seek relief through addictive states. This is the cycle perpetuated with alien mind control and entity possession, which feed on these negative energies.[1]


See Also


Ego Filters