Gallbladder Meridian

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been practiced for thousands of years, offering a holistic approach to health and well-being. Central to TCM is the concept of meridians, which are pathways in the body through which life energy, or Qi, flows. Among the twelve primary meridians in the body, the gall bladder meridian plays a vital role in maintaining overall health and balance.
Over many remote telepathic sessions, the Gallbladder Meridian has revealed to be an extremely important energy system in the human body, that has been exploited by negative forces to implant Attachments, Archontic Genetic Engineered Entities and cords connected to Negative Disincarnates located on the Astral Plane.
Understanding the Gall Bladder Meridian
The gall bladder meridian is linked to the gall bladder, a small organ that stores bile produced by the liver, essential for breaking down fats during digestion. This meridian is responsible for various aspects of physical and emotional well-being, such as digestion, vision, decision-making, and courage.
Pathway of the Gall Bladder Meridian The gall bladder meridian starts at the outer corner of the eye, runs along the side of the head, down the neck, shoulders, sides of the body, hips, outer legs, and ends at the fourth toe. It is a yang meridian, which means it is associated with active, energetic qualities. The gall bladder meridian is unique because it is the only one of the twelve primary meridians that has points on both the front and back sides of the body.
Functions of the Gall Bladder Meridian
- Digestion: As it is connected to the gall bladder organ, this meridian plays a crucial role in digestion, particularly the breakdown and absorption of fats. A balanced gall bladder meridian ensures optimal digestive function and a healthy metabolism.
- Vision: The gall bladder meridian is believed to have a strong influence on vision and eye health. TCM practitioners often treat vision problems by stimulating specific points along this meridian.
- Decision-making and courage: In TCM, the gall bladder is associated with the ability to make decisions and demonstrate courage. When the gall bladder meridian is balanced, individuals may experience increased mental clarity and decisiveness, leading to better decision-making and the ability to face challenges.
- Emotional well-being: The gall bladder meridian is said to have a direct impact on emotions, particularly anger and frustration. Imbalances in this meridian can lead to emotional disturbances, making it essential to maintain its harmony for overall emotional well-being.
Treating the Gall Bladder Meridian
- Acupuncturists and TCM practitioners may stimulate specific points along the gall bladder meridian to treat various ailments. Some common treatments include:
- Acupuncture: This technique involves inserting thin needles into specific points along the meridian to help restore balance and promote the flow of Qi.
- Acupressure: Similar to acupuncture, acupressure involves applying pressure to specific points along the meridian to promote healing and balance.
- Moxibustion: This technique involves burning a small, cone-shaped amount of the herb mugwort near specific points on the meridian to warm and stimulate the flow of Qi.
- Cupping: By creating suction on the skin, cupping can help stimulate blood flow and promote healing along the gall bladder meridian.
- Herbs: TCM practitioners may also recommend specific herbal remedies to help balance the gall bladder meridian and improve overall health.[2]
Remote Energy Sessions Reveal
... the gallbladder meridian ... is the only subtle body energy line that accesses the total physical fleshly body through the energy meridian channel from the astral plane. Because of that direct access into a human body from the astral layers, I saw this was how many Astral creatures, Imposter Spirit, Fallen Angelics and NAA Aliens were using Dark Force Manipulation Methods to deceive and influence humans, using implanted thoughts and mind control tactics that were primarily sourced from the Astral Plane.[3]
4D Astral Gateway
… the gallbladder meridian being an 4D Astral Gateway into our physical body, operates as an energetic entrance into the meridian system existing between the individual's etheric layers of Lightbody and the physical body.[4]
Excerpt: … there is one main system according to the Guardians that has been extremely damaged from the Astral Plane debris, Alien Machinery and related suppressor phenomena. From their perspective, the effects of it have contributed to the emotional body damage and Soul Matrix damage of the human being. This has made human beings extremely vulnerable to psychic attack, entity attachments, parasitic debris and Alien Implants and Mind Control. This is the complex system of the Gallbladder Meridian.
The Gallbladder Meridian runs laterally, on the side of the human body on both the left and right, encompassing both male and female energies. Starting by the temple above the ear, the pathway is extensive on the side of the cranium, down the side of neck and running down lengthwise the body and legs exiting out of the forth pinky toe. Interesting that the Axiatonal Lines which also run vertically these are another primary layer of the meridian system that controls the spin points of our Holographic Lightbody system, and is in the same line pathway. The 3rd Dimensional Axiatonal Line is located on the right side pinky finger and toe, and the 4th Dimensional Axiatonal is located on the left side pinky finger and vertical to toe. These Axiatonal lines control the 3rd and 4th dimensional frequency conductance into the human Lightbody system. Then these feed energies into the respective 3rd Chakra and 4th Chakra System.
So according to the Guardians, the Gallbladder Meridian is the only meridian pathway that allows access from the energy light body layers directly into the physical matrix structures. This means that when an implant is placed on the Gallbladder (GB) meridian, it can become genetically embedded into the physical body, and start exerting control over the Nadial Complex which is the blueprint of the central nervous system, therefore impacting the molecular and atomic structure. It also can influence brain programming through thought control. This of course can inhibit the individual's DNA from plugging in to higher frequencies beyond the astral plane, or generate a host of other opportunities for consciousness slavery depending on the deceitful agendas of the NAA and negative Secret Space Program operatives that are programming the [Alien Implants]].
According to them, this is a primary way negative beings in the Astral Plane have vampirized or implanted 3D human beings without their knowledge or Consent. And to restore emotional body and astral layers to a balanced and healthy function, this meridian needs to be re-matrixed and built into a new human energy architecture.
Aquarian Meridian Project
Guardians discuss an ascension related project for creating an upgraded or repaired template for a new Gallbladder matrix to be assisted in healing this problematic issue of negative entity and energy parasite infestation. It is also interesting to note that in most oriental system models, there are 44 points to the GB meridian system. This number is also relative to the moving of the astral layers harmonics to higher octaves, such as 2 + 2 = 4, (2nd chakra to 4th layer), 4 + 4 = 8 (4th layers to 8D Monadic Layers), and 4 + 4 + 4 = 12 which is the bridge to the Cosmic Christos Trinity.
Although I do not fully comprehend the complexity of the Gallbladder Meridian as I have never studied acupuncture, they have stated that the Gallbladder meridian is the coming age of the shift into the Aquarian Meridian system. Thus, it is the name given to this project to upgrade the gallbladder template. They mention the interconnection between the Liver and Gallbladder relationship and that this symbolizes the third dimensional shift to fourth dimensional shift, the 3D to 4D timelines that represent the movement from the Piscean Age (Liver) to the Aquarian Age (Gallbladder). The Liver as an soul energy represents the individual's ancestral karma and the processing of generational karmic Miasma and therefore contains record of bloodline issues, as the gallbladder represents the cause and effect of judgment, what is perceived as right and wrong by the consciousness in order to administer the Law of Cause and Effect. This seems to mean that both of these functions are represented energetically within our internal organ system, the principle of karma as recorded Miasma is carried through generations through the Liver organ system, and the process of we have judged that through the gallbladder as repeating karmic histories are being completed, and coming to an end. [5]
Pulling Blocked Energy from the GB
It is possible to pull them out of the body from the gallbladder (GB) meridian channel with your activated hands and fingers. In my direct experience, the spiritual energetic balance of female-male hierogamy (HGS) facilitating energetic healing session work makes the removal of these insidious objects from out of the gallbladder meridian lines much easier. Some Starseeds will activate our meridian channels in our palms and hands and have the ability to be able to actually "pull" out these distorted frequency alterations in the human energy field out and away from the persons skull and crown chakra. The ability to pull out implants with the hands is referred to as the Orion Healing Codes. This is because this skillset was developed during the battles that took place during the Orion Wars. The HGS is a tool to work with this extraction process as we get more skill and expertise learning how to disarm and destroy these shadow creatures, the jellyfish implants, at their lodged source location in the temporal area of the brain and skull. It has been noted that once an individual undergoes Monadic integration and removes their 7D crucifixión implants, the jellyfish implants are removed effortlessly when the individual is pure hearted and emotionally balanced. [6]
Implants and Parasites
The SPE or Archontic Genetic Engineered Entities are one of the main sources of voice recognition mind control and Implanted Thoughts and mind control implants are used that are most commonly attached through the gallbladder meridian system. It is an energetic parasite, so its life cycle and how it burrows into the layes of the bodily matrices, functions exactly like a physical parasite. In understanding how Alien implants and SPE’s function, is to understand the life cycle of parasites. Your goal is to purge and detoxify these energetic and physical parasites in every way you can from your body.[7]
See the Hieros Gamos Section Alien Implant Module here [[2]]
- ↑ [1]
- ↑ Nielasher Blog
- ↑ [From LR Sessions]
- ↑ May 2009 Newsletter
- ↑ August 2009 Newsletter
- ↑ [[Purging Archontic Deception Newsletter]
- ↑ [ [Implants and Parasites]
Forum Reference
Energetic Synthesis Forum: Natural PAINKILLERS? March 1, 2013 (Entry #66319)
See Also
Term first found in HGS Manual: Page 90