Grey Alien

From Ascension Glossary
Black Sun Agenda (Satanics)

Many people that are direct Abductee-Experiencers have reported differently appearing types of Grey Aliens, in similar appearing bodies of different sizes for over the past 100 years. Aleister Crowley is a key figure in cooperating with the NAA, starting from Grey Alien contact made in Cairo, Egypt in April 1904. An Annunaki in a Grey Alien body named Aiwass, transmitted and implanted him with "Book of the Law" which is the central sacred text of Thelema, that was written down from dictation given from the entity.

The Greys have skin colors ranging from light gray to dark gray; dark bluish gray to steel gray; as well as skin tones in the tan to brown range. Despite their different skin tones, with the exception of their heights, their overall physiology is similar and they are normally categorized according to their height and observed hierarchical status relating to their behavior and the tasks they are seen performing during the procedural processes that are carried out on Abductee-Experiencers. Greys are telepathic and use mind to mind melding techniques through strong thought projection made through the eyes to connect an optic nerve communication method. They are the creators of many common Alien Implants used to make humans docile or place them under Mind Control belief systems, thus they also may enhance telepathic communication with the use of neural implants placed in the subject. [1]It is highly likely that many of the Grey Alien bodies are Biological Drones created in laboratory, and thus are not able to sustain natural biological-spiritual evolution, consciousness expansion, and procreation. Thus, they abduct, harvest and manipulate humans for their unique DNA that is capable to sustain life and light within their own bodily tissues, while Grey Alien bodies are dead tissue or synthetic bodies. The inability to evolve or procreate has led the Greys and other Zeta aliens to create Hybrid Breeding Programs to impregnate earth females, or take ovum and sperm from earth people with desirable genetics in order to create hybrid children.

Alien Abduction

Many humans that have been abducted report that EBE entities appear to be drones designed to carry out certain tasks for higher ups, such as escort the abducted to the location where the medical or genetic examination will take place. Many times, the creature reported as a Grey Alien is a Biological Drone being used remotely for MILABS programs or other extradimensional Negative Aliens genetic manipulation or Breeding Programs. Certain extradimensional entities like the Annunaki are capable of consciousness projection, and therefore, are known to take on a variety of body shapes and biological forms via consciousness projection between the bodies. It is suggested that some Grey Alien Biological Drone bodies are used by the Annunaki, as well as, the human-alien military cooperative agreements, and the breakaway civilizations.


Many of these EBE’s were once humans that were involved in the Orion Wars, and were captured in Orion and used in worker colonies. Some from the earth were enslaved on the astral plane by other races of creatures, such as Mantids, Grey Aliens and Reptilians that took them as workers to other planetary systems. Some are even used as minions for carrying out human abductions in MILABS soul transference projects. Many of them had their consciousness erased and they do not remember that they were once human.

This is one of the possible results of the Transhumanism movement underway in this earth timeline now, that leads to the potential future alien or dark force control over that Soul. Once the consciousness is assimilated into artificial intelligence and synthetic biology, that being can no longer incarnate into an organic human form.

Military Grey Alien Technology

Military Grey Alien Technology has been artificially written into the various reversal field grid networks, as well as have manifested independent harm from their technologies of military weapons, genetic experiments, timeline programs, Artificial intelligence, Holographic Inserts and astral mirages, human abductions, tagging/tracking and Astral Plane manipulation.

Zeta Seal

The Zeta Seal is located in the Astral Plane layers of the heart complex to block activation of the 4th DNA strand which blocks access to the Mentor Fields (first layer of the higher self mind) in the 5th dimension. Essentially it is the 4D frequency fence placed in the human body to keep the human soul reincarnating in the Astral Plane under the control of the NAA during the death process. It creates a multitude of blockages that separate the heart sensory abilities from being recognized by the mental body or conscious mind. (See Alien Implants)[2]

Benevolent Greys

There have been accounts of contact made with benevolent types of Grey Aliens that are aware of the violations and crimes made against abducting and torturing humanity, that have joined the earth alliances to help free humanity from their Negative Alien oppressors, and are proponents of disclosure.


Mantis-Insectoid Entities have been reported continually in the Abductee-Experiencer phenomenon for as long as there has been awareness of written accounts of humans having alien contact experiences. Mantids appear to be at the higher end of the Extraterrestrial and Extradimensional hierarchy since they are most always described as overseeing or have a supervisory role in the abduction procedure or contact process, in genetic experimentation of humans. In many contact reports, it appears they are the authority figure whether it is a medical procedure or Human ET Hybrid interaction, usually they are giving direction and show superiority over over Grey Aliens or EBE's that work under them.


  1. Greys
  2. [Forum - Zeta Seal and Astral Heart Implant]

See Also


Mars Colony
