
From Ascension Glossary
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Galactic Astrology (art by Sequoia)

During the move into Libra Solar Alchemy, it is positive to review the Natural Laws and alchemical properties for this current stage in order to reflect upon the most potent and effective ways we can participate with and meditate upon the natural elements of the solar zodiacal influences to catalyze our highest spiritual potentials.

  • Stage 7 – LIBRA – October 31 to November 22[1]
  • Alchemical Theme: Sublimation, Transmutation
  • Element: Air, Initiator
  • Planetary Correlations: Venus and Saturn
  • Alchemical Metals: Lead, Copper
  • Geometric Form: Heptagon, Octahedron
  • Tone: F# (185HZ, 370HZ, 740HZ)
  • Stargate: Inner Gate of Ionian Islands (Albanian and Greek Coastline of Ionian Sea), and its underground linkup into the Lake Titicaca, Bolivia.
  • Galactic and Universal Gates: Saturn (GSG), Arcturus and Omega Centauri (USG).
  • Tribe 7; Gad/Zilpah - Knowing the fortune or treasure of the moment; All experience as opportunity
  • Virtues: reserve, economy of speech, deep listening, articulation
  • Embodied Correlations: The Ketheric Mind. The 7D Violet wave of the first layer of the Monadic Matrix that is connected to the Pineal Gland, Lyden Gland and the Krystal Palace of the Christ Mind in the center of the brain.
  • Libra rules: kidneys, adrenals, lumbar region, skin, ureters, vasomotor system, medulla, ovaries.

Libra Identity Imprint

Friendly , outgoing, conscientious, just, will to do good, cooperative, focus on marriage, love, cohesiveness, travel, diplomatic, people pleaser, and seeking approval from others. Dominating beneath= The balancing of inner and outer worlds; sign of Libra focuses on relationships; there is a need to be involved with life but not to lose self in a relationship or life in general.

Planetary Energetics: Saturn

Ruler of Capricorn Energetics: Structure, Law, Restriction, Discipline, Responsibility, Obligation, Ambition, Limitation, control, crystallization, stability, structure, wisdom, father-figure, consequences of actions, cold, frustration, inhibition, elders, restraint, concentration, safety, tradition.

Harmonization and Healing Themes

Libra (Artwork by Sequoia)

Terminate dismantle and remove false ArcAngel Michael and fallen first ray interface in to and through the crown. Clear the Michael/Mary turnstile grid connections and feedlines. Clear Faith ray distortions. Remove the consciousness implants of the fleur de lis and the vesica pisces which are used to siphon this crown. Take extra time on this particular chakra to terminate, release and sever any other sub-programs or feeds into multiple layers of your light body.

As you bring neutral centering in your essence of heart-based non-mental relationship you bring the the divine in you to witness and so return your body to eternal living light. Terminate and remove intermediaries and artificial and false ascension programs that do not serve your highest purpose and ascension mission. Clear, release and remove karmic contracts, ancestral records that have now become parasitic to your biological ascension process. With loving intention command and claim your sovereign right to choose clear through soul protection and unconditional love and forgiveness for all that you have experienced or were unaware of which arises remove El Morya imbalanced parasitic and distorted first ray associations and clear through to the core. Ask God and higher self to delete through all time and space any contract or agreement that is inorganic to christ-sophia unified consciousness. Clear the crown and remove false logos programming and energy architecture as well as the timeliness of monadic field invasion. Welcome the return of the clear light of God through your mind fields, brain, and central vertical column.

Alchemical Law

During Libra Solar Alchemy, the spiritual initiate builds and strengthens their internal Lightbody connections through the gnostic process of polarity integration, which is the consciousness transformation process in which to achieve sublimation of the ego-personality and physical form. The ancients used the Latin verb sublimare to associate its meaning into an elevation of form, such as "to lift up" or "to raise” as the result of transforming a base form into its higher refined expression. In times past the word sublimate once meant "to elevate oneself into a place of dignity or honor" or "to give a more elevated character to", but these meanings have become obsolete in the current culture.

Thus, the alchemical theme of sublimation is applied in this spiritualized context during Libra’s natural laws to improve our multidimensional form and refine the inner soul essence to achieve spiritual authenticity. To embody our highest expression, to ignite the Inner Christos we are required to improve our moral and ethical character, and align our actions with the divine will of higher guidance coming from our inner spirit. The spiritual initiate is heart-centered and moved to recognize the internal motivations of base instinctual desires and their interconnections made with the mental body’s negative forms and pain body’s emotional traumas. The shadows form into miasmatic blockages that need to be surfaced into neutral awareness in order to be cleared, and then our Ego-Personality refined in order to drop the density required to build a strong energetic foundation for the Diamond Sun lightbody.

In the process of spiritual ascension as we elevate our consciousness, we naturally learn to sublimate and transform extremely dense negative emotions and negative energy by bringing them into the light through unconditional love and forgiveness. This is the spiritual process of inner and outer transformation that occurs with Polarity Integration. As we develop the observer consciousness within, we are able to witness our emotions and external events without identifying that we are that emotion or painful event. As we observe the emotions or negative events, we have the spiritual power to alchemically transform them and sublimate them into higher substances by opening our heart and accepting unconditional love for ourselves and all involved. In this way we access spiritual harmony and inner coherence which arranges the outer energetic environment into the highest expression possible in that moment.

Sublimation is a part of the Compassionate Witness, that which is developed through heart-based reflection and deepened self-awareness of one’s multidimensional body and higher consciousness. From the place of compassionate witnessing and unconditional love we can learn to observe thoughts, emotions and energies in and around us neutrally. Through the development of elevated consciousness, we gain skills in redirecting energetic discordance or disharmony existing inside the self, and this naturally increases energetic Coherence from the inner to the outer. Once we distill the inner spirit within, the next ascension stage is the natural sublimation and transmutation of negative energies, shadows, traumas and miasmas that are lodged within and around us. The higher the level of mastery over the Pain Body and Negative Ego, is reflected in the level of spiritual maturity that has been achieved and thus embodied within that individual.[2][3]

Universal Law: The Law of Cause and Effect

  • Astrological Correspondence: Libra – Venus, Saturn - Air
  • Chakra and Sphere 7, Ketheric Mind of Monadic Body

Whatever quality of energy is generated from thought, emotion or behaviors, this combination sets into motion a cycle of energy that must eventually return back to its causal source, completing its circuit. There are many dimensional planes of causation, but nothing will escape the law, because at the end of the cycle all is accounted for. It is up to each of us to understand and make proper use of this law, because on the path of expanding consciousness, we learn that we will have to answer for our actions, we will account for the energy we were given. There is no such thing as randomness, chance or luck, as there is a cause for every effect, and an effect for every cause. The empowering point of aligning to this principle is to make the conscious choice to rise above the negative or limiting thoughtforms of the masses, and choose to become your own cause in reality, not just the effect of others and the situations that you find yourself in. This important distinction gives one the ability to rise above the archetypal roles of Victim-Victimizer or Master-Slave, knowing in every moment that you have a choice in how to respond.

We all are required to understand the difference between positive and negative forces, so that we can determine the positive and negative effects that these forces will return, when they manifest in our life. If we do not understand the causality of effects that happen in our life, and if we cannot determine the difference between positive or negative forces when they are acting in our life, we become very confused and unhappy.

  • Positive and loving actions bring positive and loving results.
  • Negative and fear-based actions bring negative and fear-based results.
  • Our actions bring our own results, through the quality based in the polarity chosen, love or fear.

Humanity was given the freedom to choose, and according to the alignment of our thoughts and decisions, we experience contentment or chaos, enlightenment or delusion. We must learn from our past decisions, and take what we learned from the consequences of our actions, along with any unpleasant results in order to make more positive and loving choices in the future. Learning from our mistakes is the process of cultivating right thinking and right alignment, if our pain increases, the awareness is that change and transformation of the way we do things is required. As a result, we must be very clear about our Personal Value System and where we place our attention, time and focus, as where we direct our interest will initiate movement forward through the Law of Cycles, in either love or fear vibrations.


Libra is associated with the scales of Maat, an ancient Egyptian goddess. Matthew (the tax collector) is the seventh apostle corresponding to the sign Libra. Tax collectors used scales to measure merchandise.Mathematical precision is needed for weighing and measuring.

The word Libra, from Latin libra, plural librae, Greek lithra, a weighing scale, is related to the words: level,lira, deliberate, equilibrium (from æquus, equal + libra), litra (name of a Greek weight and coin), litre (liter, a metric unit of volume)", librate (land worth a pound a year, the word used to mean; to vibrate as a balance; to be in equipoise; to waver between one thing and another). The process of librating or swinging from side to side is spoken of as libration. [4]

Physiology Correlated to the Galactic Zodiac

Physiology Correlated to Galactic Zodiac
  • Libra - kidneys, adrenals, lumbar region, skin, ureters, vasomotor system, medulla, ovaries.

November Meditation Considerations

  • 2009 Clearing Mental Bodies
  • 2010 Spiritual Triad Integration
  • 2011 Core Infinity Tones
  • 2012 Heart of the Solar King
  • 2013 Krystic Bonfire for the Subconscious Mind
  • 2014 Hierogamic Twin Clock Chambers
  • 2015 None
  • 2016 Sovereign Medulla Oblongata
  • 2017 Microcosmic Orbit Scanning
  • 2018 Ruby Sun DNA Reclamation
  • 2019 De-magnetizing Past Timelines
  • 2020 Safe Passage For SRA Victims & Children

Compiled by Sequoia, Alchemy & Law written by Lisa Renee

Sidereal System-IAU

IAU (International Astronomical Union) uses the uneven size of the constellations. It adjusts the sign boundaries to match their actual sizes in the sky. The majority of sidereal systems use thirty-degree zodiac signs. But, the zodiac signs are different sizes in the sky. The IAU takes this into account.[5]

HGS Session References

HGS Sessions - Clearing Hyperspace Phantom Matrix - 3/12/2015 [6] HGS Sessions - Clearing Planetary Diagonal Channels - 3/14/2015 [7]HGS Sessions - Clearing Cathar Coding - 3/18/2015 [8]HGS Sessions - Clearing Tara, Gaia, Cradle of Lyra- 3/12/2015 [9]HGS Sessions - Clearing Macau Island, China - 3/21/2015 [10]HGS Sessions - Clearing Kolob Star - 3/26/2015 [11]HGS Sessions - Clearing Sexual Misery, Breeder Programs - 3/31/2015 [12]


Found in HGS Manual on Page 108 Found in HGS Manual on Page 115