Four Body System Model
The Four Body System Model is the beginner stages of learning how the multidimensional components of human consciousness intelligences interact together, the Physical Body, the Emotional Body, the Mental Body and the Spiritual Energetic Body. As we choose to interact with each of our four main layers on the path of Awakening, it supports an holistic and integrated Ascension. Most people pay attention to limited areas of their bodies functioning and it is important to understand how the four main layers interact, so that you can consciously participate with connecting each layer of intelligence to communicate with each other. As an example, most people may not realize that their Unconscious Mind and Conscious Mind thought forms directly create their emotional state through reactions and impulses. To better manage emotions and have good Impulse Control, one will need to become aware of the contents of the mental body and emotional triggers, and interact consciously with the understanding that we want our mental body and emotional body to work in harmony with each other. As we become more self aware and conscious, and we participate with integration between the functionality of our four main parts, we will experience much more peace and harmony in our life.
The Four Body System Model is:
- Designed to increase self awareness at all levels and how these areas impact others and the self.
- Designed to harness Energetic Integration/Synthesis as a holistic multidimensional view of self.
- Designed to maximize success in applying soul infused energies into eliminating personality weaknesses that limit effective action.
- Designed to strengthen personal power and energetic discernment of where you apply focus, energy and attention.
- Designed to attract and become magnetic to your exacting purposes in fulfilling your life.
- Designed to be deeply connected with a sense of purpose and meaning in everything you are involved with.
Stage 1- Physical Body Goals
- Increase physical body awareness and needs to optimize and nurture your physical body function so it can operate at the level you require of it.
- Identify nutrients, foods, cleanses, physical supports such as exercise, sunlight, therapies, healing modalities, sharing love /intimacy with others that increase your joy and
- physical well being.
- Commit to healing and supporting your physical self as a priority.
Physical Alignment Introduction
- Identify any physical weaknesses and implement basic physical support strategy (Quantum readings or kineisology)
- Necessity to strengthen physical for building spiritual foundation
- Introduce Personal Energetic Sustainability model ( inner connected, not externally focused)
- Brain, nerves, adrenal and neurological awareness. (EMF overexposure symptoms)
- Nourish or supplement
- Exercise or Movement
- Breath Awareness
- Environmental or nature connections
Stage II – Emotional Body Goals
- Learn to identify how to connect your emotional feelings and sensory to an awareness you can feel inside your body or cognitive process.
- Learn how to better integrate your emotional self to connect into your physical and mental self.
- Learn how to bring expression to what you are feeling, as possible in the moment you become aware of that feeling or sensory perception.
- aster expressing emotion without becoming stuck in the identification of it as who you are. ( do not define yourself by emotions, experience them as a color pallette you are choosing to use while painting a picture)
- Identify any negative or unproductive emotions and thoughts and discover where they are sourcing from. Own all of your thoughts and discern if they are YOURS or not.
- Commit to removing and clearing all unproductive or damaging thought patterns form your past. Adopt a flexible yet disciplined attitude to be within right aligned thinking.
- Clear fear, limitation, insecurities.
- Identify all emotional conflicts, bring them to surface awareness and resolve them. Ask for help when needed.
- Eliminate dross, such as : guilt, obligation and emotional vampires in your life. ( or influencing your life)
- Eliminate all emotional drama and any person or circumstance that persists in this type of relating in a triangulation or extraction process of your resources.
Emotional Body Clearing Tools
- Step One: Specific Core Fear Identification Exercise ( deeper inquiry, specific fear programs)
- Step Two: Specific Core Fear Removal Program
- Step Three: Emotional Releases through Subconscious
- Daily Exercise: Learn to Let Go
- Practice : Patience, Surrender, Acceptance, Forgiveness,
- Be Here Now.
- Apply Self Forgiveness , Learn to Forgive others
(See the ES Core Triad practice)