
Revision as of 23:46, 25 February 2015 by Lisa (talk | contribs)

The name Gaia has been used to describe the future earth in its 7D form in the Monad Matrix Universe. Our planet Earth exists in three main formed identities in this Universal Time Matrix.3D Earth is called Earth or Terra, 5D Earth is Called Tara and 7D earth is called Gaia. Different E.T. Races and extra dimensionals may call these future Earths by different names based on their language. (Such as Urantia) They are all planet Earth at different stages of evolution in the Timelines.

Universal Time Matrix

The Ascension Cycle transpiring on 3D Earth gives us the opportunity to reclaim these 7D fragments and Consciousness pieces that were exploded and damaged in these cataclysms and Extradimensional Galactic Wars.


The Hyperboreans, are what we would consider, the Root Races from 7th dimensional Earth. The 7th dimensional Earth is what's known as Gaia. This is in the Monadic planes in the higher density planes and evolution time cycles. When we think of us moving into Soul plane or the Monadic plane, we will connect into the seven dimensional levels of the earth's consciousness memories.[1]

==Hyperborean Holocaust==With the latest transmission of Galactic Law, the planet is intersecting with the Hyperboreans timelines in the 7th dimension which are the original histories of humanities fall from the Edenic state. Aeonic Pairs are being taken out of the dimensional door of Transtime continuum (TTC) to experience the infinite space of God Worlds, to bring back that memory into this density. This disrupts the False King of Tyranny and the NAA Military timelines, their Looking Glass technology that has used soul capture technology to create clones, and process soul imaging on other synthetic timelines/dimensions. The seeds of this Root Race trauma in Hyperborea on Gaia are used to enslave humanity in holocaust timelines, as evidenced by the Nordic Aliens manipulation and control of the Nazi regime with Hitler’s obsession with Hyperborea. Hyperborean is for some, a piece of monadic history connected in the northern areas of Scotland, and in the Ionian Sea between Greece and Italy. Reclaiming memories and clearing the pain of the Hyperboreans and Gaian timelines may be productive now. [2]


See Also

Root Races
