White Buffalo Calf Woman

Revision as of 20:31, 26 October 2017 by Lisa (talk | contribs)

White Buffalo Calf Woman is a sacred woman of supernatural origin, comparable to the divine feminine principle of Mother Mary and Quan Yin, that is central to the Native American spiritual belief system, primarily held in the Lakota tribes that was taken from the earlier Apaches-Navajos, as their primary cultural prophet. Oral tra­di­tions re­late that she brought the "Seven Sa­cred Rites" to the Native Americans. Buffalo are considered sacred to many of the Plains nations, who often consider them linked to creation, medicine and bringers of sacred messages from the ancestors. White Buffalo Woman is a story shared by different Indian tribes throughout many generations. Although the story has changed slightly depending on who is telling it the overall meaning remains the same, the white buffalo brings peace. [1]

The Divine Feminine Principle returning sophianic consciousness or wisdom to the earth, is the Daughter of God made through the Christos-Sophia genetic bloodline, or the spiritual emanation of Perfect Peace.

Wohpe, Spirit of Peace

In Lakota mythology, Wóȟpe (less correctly spelled "Wohpe") is a spirit of peace, the daughter of Wi and the Moon, Haŋhépi-Wi. She is the wife of the south wind. When she visited the Earth, she gave the Dakota people a pipe as a symbol of peace. Later, Wóȟpe became conflated with White Buffalo Calf Woman. An alternative name for Wóȟpe is Ptehíŋčalasaŋwiŋ. As a symbol of Wophe's coming to earth she is often associated with falling stars. [2]

With the arrival of Roman Catholic missionaries, their bible stories of the Mother Mary and Jesus became associated with the legend of White Buffalo Calf Woman. The syncretic practice of identifying Mary with PtesanWi and Jesus with the Chununpa continues among Lakota Christians to this day.

Birth of White Buffalo Significance

The Native Americans see the birth of a white buffalo calf as the most significant of prophetic signs, equivalent to the weeping statues, bleeding icons, and crosses of light that are becoming prevalent within the Christian churches today. Where the Christian faithful who visit these signs see them as a renewal of God's ongoing relationship with humanity, so do the Native Americans see the white buffalo calf as the sign to begin life's sacred hoop.

"The arrival of the white buffalo is like the second coming of Christ," says Floyd Hand Looks For Buffalo, an Oglala Medicine Man from Pine Ridge, South Dakota. "It will bring about purity of mind, body, and spirit and unify all nations— black, red, yellow, and white".

Daughter Codes from Andromeda

Beltaine, May 1st brought us into a month of drudgery level astral work with a variety of projects involving the Satanic forces, Dark Mother purging to the surface, so that we could get a new access level of the Cosmic Mother of God aspect to be linked into the 1D through 4D areas of this planet through the Grandmother Butterfly patterns. This aspect that is available to us through Guardian Host is called Aquaelle, the daughter coding from the Andromeda gate. (I feel this to also represent sophianic consciousness, the Daughter of God made through the Christ genetic bloodline). This is an ascension hosting platform that is also a dispensation to help retrieve, transit and heal bloodlines in this earth that had been marked with generational satanic insignias for binding, astral traps and SRA related traumas of Blood Sacrifice. So far it has been showing up primarily as Native Americans or Aboriginal peoples that had inhabited the land mass to be retrieved and transited, my particular awareness seems to be with the Navaho gates and the Navaho lines that connect into Central Mexico with a massive Crystal Cavern underneath it. We are connecting directly to Aquaelle coding through Aurora Platform, an ascension hosting area can be reached in through this 4D area now. My thoughts are now to deeper understanding why this was significant for Nefertiti and Hatshepsut clearings, that allowed these new levels of transiting out.

Aquaelle connection to Aquilla eagle constellation has many meanings of which I am learning about (an override to Fallen areas of the Golden Eagle ?), one is that it is directly related to the daughter of Christ bloodlines that incarnated on earth, and that this also an embodiment coding potential for bringing forth the Diamond Sun Body, it influences the potential of both male and female unification healing through the 777 ancestral clearing, even though it was described as Daughter Codes. Somehow this coding also has connection to the Egyptian timelines (See recent Nefertiti update) and Ireland land mass. My feeling is that the precursor to access this coding was to attune to the Aqualine Sun frequencies, and now this is the next stage of getting the plasma coding that heals the female-male on planet, along with addressing this insidious and horrific problem of the satanic beast marks, bindings and the related kinds of SRA that are perpetrated virtually in all of the Controller Pillars of Society. What I noticed about the Aquaelle is that it’s a code and a transit portal for Mother, and it was able to clear generations of satanic bindings (777 Coding to correct Violet Ray transmission without crucifixion overly) that had trapped bloodlines of the many aboriginal peoples of this earth connected to these certain tribes – 2nd and 4th tribe, as well as aboriginal or indigenous peoples.


See Also

Mothers Code

Grandmother Turtle Codes