GSF Blessings

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Please know that as you pray and consecrate your body to God source and to be of Service to Others, as you shield yourself with Christ light, as you commit to GSF and Cosmic Sovereign Law, this puts a damper on the Imposter Spirits ability to interfere. The biggest issue with dark force interference is taking your personal consent and authority back, standing in your spiritual power fearlessly, and reaffirming what you serve and what you stand for in God's power, which is GSF. This does not give you the right to interfere with others choices or actions. The distinction is that you are choosing and claiming GSF for yourself, and those stewarded into your care. As your inner light and Lightbody grows larger, God source will send more people to your light source to help them awaken their own inner light. However, you may extend those GSF Blessings to those humans around you by dedicating yourself as a vessel of God's eternal light and acting as God's Compassionate Witness. When we allow our body to be a vessel for God's spirit, we allow the God source to direct the forces of light through Universal divine will and purpose, and we are careful to not interfere with that process by imposing our personal will or making judgments.

GSF Christos Blessings

Through consecration of our body to be of Service to Others, we evolve to become the Compassionate Witness on behalf of God source. Thus, as the Compassionate Witness we may extend goodness through the blessing of others, which catalyze their own inner spiritual Awakening so they can feel their own direct relationship with the God Source.

As a God-Sovereign-Free Being, you have right to repeat and command the Laws of God in service to the greater good of yourself and others, and with your clear consent to be a vessel of God's light, you are given the power to bless others, to claim other beings as free under the human divine rights that exist under God's laws. All humans have this right, but they do not understand it. So it may happen that you are called to be a witness, without superimposing any judgment and through the lens of Neutrality, we may act as their representative if you view that person being harmed, trapped or enslaved by any variety of these dark forces, especially, when this is being committed without their direct knowledge and consent. This is more appropriate when it's a person in your presence that you can see this is occurring, or it is a family member or partner/spouse/child. Remember that speaking directly from your heart in your own words to express what you want to say outloud, is just as powerful to administer blessings from the heart. I provide a sample wording in case the words escape you, as many of us have been memory wiped so many times, we may blank on finding the best ways to verbalize what we are asking for help with.

GSF Blessing Individuals

Beloved Holy Presence, In Cosmic Sovereign Law, I am your Compassionate Witness. In service to ______________(full birth name), I pray with all of my heart to bless them and protect them in the eternal light of God, and in the blessings of the Holy Spirit and Spirits of Christ, to be fully freed from the spiritual burdens and shackles that have been placed upon them, by those Impostors and Deceivers of God's eternal light. Through the light of God I am, through the power of love in my heart, I consecrate and bless ___________ to be freed into their highest expression and true nature, that they may be God Sovereign Free in the eternal light of God, now and always.

GSF Blessings Marriages

For those who are married/partners (if so guided):

Beloved Holy Presence, In Cosmic Sovereign Law, I am your compassionate witness. In service to my partner/husband, _______________(full birth name), I pray with all of my heart to bless Him and protect Him in the eternal light of God, and in the blessings of the Holy Spirit and Spirits of Christ, to be fully freed from the spiritual burdens and shackles that have been placed upon him, by those Impostors and Deceivers of God's eternal light. Through the light of God I am, through the power of love in my heart, I consecrate and bless my husband ___________ to be freed into his highest expression and true nature, that he may be God Sovereign Free in the eternal light of God, now and always. I take my husband-wife to unite with me in the wedded garment of God, as my chosen sacred union and hierogamic partner, as my true spiritual husband/wife, to protect, to love and to cherish as blessed in the eyes of God, and that our marriage and union be made in the authority of God's laws, the Cosmic Sovereign Law. I renounce and disavow all legal constructs or falsified records by the Impostor, which have interfered with our ability to achieve true spiritual union, and with the love of God in my heart, I bless our union as sacred, as a holy alliance, of which we dedicate our entire individual and collective being, to be of service, entirely to the purposes of God. Beloved Holy presence, please guide us in our marriage/partnership to be a union of equals, that we may share and multiply our love, light and power in spiritual collaboration to serve the highest expression of our true nature, and that together, we may represent the true loving and spiritual expression that serves as the example of your unconditional love, Compassion and mercy. I am the Cosmic Sovereign Law made manifest!

Additional Support Spiritual Marriages

As you may feel guided, these suggestions may be helpful to strengthen and clear interference from genuine spiritual marriages.

1. Reaffirmed to claim husband/wife and all their spiritual aspects, as your chosen spiritual husband/wife, in alignment to acknowledge your acceptance for what God source has chosen for me, that you accept them fully, now and always as my appointed spiritual husband/wife.

2. Consecrate the spirit and love in your heart to bless your spouse and to consecrate them to the Holy Spirit in your heart. ( I baptize my spiritual husband-wife through the love and spirit that resides in my heart).

3. Clear and denounce all sexual bonds, cords or Attachments with others that were made in error, ignorance, or obsolete, from past or other timelines of association.

4. Remove all false records, false holograms, and AI technology that has been used to direct manipulation, interference, gender splitting, Sexual Misery or harm to either of us, and of our spiritual marriage and highest mission for service.

5. Consecrate and bless our sexual organs and physical body to be made in God's image, as sacred and holy Rod and Staff.

6. Bless our sexual energies to be directed only for the purpose of building our hierogamic/sacred union, and our Diamond Sun Body, and to fulfill each others highest loving expression with each other, as God would have it be.

7. Ask God for all information we need to be aware of at this time, what I can do to be of service to support my husband/wife, and to guide us both to right action, right alignment and right purpose together.

I hope this is helpful for those of us that may have been undergoing these challenges of dark interference to weaken spiritual connections, and experiencing unity with others. I suspect that its just beginning and will be an issue for many more people on the earth, as connected to the spiritual emergency created during the Dark Night of the Soul.

See Also

Law of One

GSF Behavior

Spirits of Christ
