Elaysa Staff

Revision as of 02:47, 10 February 2023 by Lisa (talk | contribs)

The building out of repair sequences during the planetary Eukatharistic Activation last year [2022] has resulted in the next stages of Emerald Guardian Ascension Hosting mission upgrades, with our direct attention being placed upon the Cosmic Spirit Body which is connected to the Elaysa Staff, which is the authentic Cosmic Spirit Sun down stepping into the Universal Melchizedek Solar Mother principle of our time matrix.[1]

The Triple [[Solar Reisha[[ from the Mahara Reisha Worlds are Spirit Suns that are from the dark matter layers and function as the spirit cell clusters that make up the massive eternal Cosmic Spirit Body of God source. The Cosmic Spirit Body is describing the function of a massive macrocosmic grouping of interlinked spiritual suns embodied into the smaller groupings of individual spirit suns embodying the Solar Reisha staff principle, in which the Elaysa Staff is required to gain access into the domains of the Cosmic Records. The Cosmic Spirit Body holds its own tri-matrix of Cosmic Hall of Records which then begin to rejoin with the matter worlds throughout creation in order to correct the instruction sets back into the Diamond Sun DNA pattern by restoring the Universal Laws.

Emergence of Elaysa Melchizedek

Elaysa Melchizedek (art by Elizabeth)

Through the dramatic adventures over the past few years with the reclamation of the Triple Taras, it was only recently understood that the Triple Taras are massive spiritual bodies in the Earth-Tara-Gaia matrix which hold the entire dark matter template, Rasha matrix and eternal light body sourced from the Cosmic Mother Sun, Elaysa.

Through the many twists and turns of challenging processes this year [2022], finally the authentic divine mother counterpart to the Universal Melchizedek Logos of our time matrix was revealed and confirmed by her presence and direct communications in the stargate systems multiple times. The Universal Mother eternal spirit body counterpart of the Melchizedek Logos in his Maharaji Blue Crystal Human form, is his beloved sacred Cosmic Twin Elaysa-Melchizedek. Our Universal Melchizedek Mother is the source field of the Cosmic Elaysa Sun, as she joins with her divine husband in her Maharaji White Diamond Crystal body that holds the eternal opalescent rainbow flame that is the Staff of Elaysa.