Transiting SRA’d Children

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As the authentic Cosmic Mother and organic Sophianic consciousness returns to this earth, lifetime upon lifetimes of cellular memory that has been recorded as SRA, those rituals that have sacrificed infants and children for harvesting in the planetary grids. This painful content is surfacing for witnessing, activism and sometimes mass transiting into the Heart of God. It has been discovered that many child sacrifices have been ritually bound into many areas of the earth, such as the 10th gate in Iraq-Iran, and their soul aspects have been held in the reversal female body parts that are connected to the wormholes generated in the exploded parts of Tiamat. The continuation of the clearing of blood covenant bindings, Moloch tank structures, and transiting dear ones that were used as blood sacrifices from out of the Middle East gateway areas is a massive ongoing Guardian project. Obviously, listening to our inner guidance in relationship to serving as transition teams in regard to the physical location, tragic events of death or supporting certain individuals is key to be effective in this process. SRA has been active and happens across the globe absolutely everywhere, and this form of blood sacrifice has been happening since the invasion of these extradimensional parasites.

Aqua Portal Transit Pillar with Mother Guardian (art by Elizabeth)

This is the clarion call for any spiritual adult that may feel guided to help with this Guardian Project, through the process of holding safe passage through the Aqua Portal of Mother, or stating GSF Blessings dedicated to the child or children or any living being that has been used in blood sacrifice or ritual cannibalism. This is a deeply personal choice, however due to the nature of the return of Mother Sophia, we have more spiritual support to gain access to areas in the earth body that we did not have access to previously. This allows for more of the awakening population that knows this is one of their spiritual purposes, to be of service to others for the purpose of compassionate witnessing, and transiting departed souls with Guardian Host protocols. See Safe Passage and Release into Aqua Portal.

The ideal candidates have a heart flowing with Omni-Love, deep connection of love with God Source or mission to service the reassembly of diamond sun to restore Christos-Sophia, and are willing to hold the sacred space for those who may have experienced a great deal of pain and suffering. Thus, are emotionally capable to gently hold these transiting souls as dearly as their own children to help them be retrieved and escorted to their rightful spiritual family, which will come to welcome them in the higher planes. This is the call to be the mid wife of the spirit, retrieving the souls in a field of omni-love (spiritual love) and spiritual protection in which you dedicate for them to be spiritually healed and collected by the God forces to come and pick them up. This is the purpose of the safe passage and release into Mother’s Aqua portal. Any living thing can be witnessed in love and supported in transit to be received in the Heart of God, removed from blood sacrifice bindings. This process can be done individually or in groups, all that is needed is a sincere and loving heart with the stated intention of holding sacred space for SRA’d children and to be in clear consent to the authority and natural laws of God and Christos, with a heart-based willingness to be in service.

The written script to help guide the Safe Passage process is in the Ascension Glossary.

The GSF Blessing Prayer to help guide the process is in the Ascension Glossary.[1]

Mother's Aqua Portal

Upon the activation of the 8th Chakra to ignite the Amoraea Flame which connects to the Mother Arc, it is possible to open a Aqua Portal for transit of earthly souls and other entities, to be given to the Mother for dispensation, rehabilitation, or transit. This is a direct dispensation of the Law of One and the return of the Holy Mother to this planet. If it is of Service to Others divine purpose, the Guardian host will help the individual hold this portal, provided they have attuned their body and consciousness to the 12D Shield. Once a person has proven spiritual integrity to hold this portal themselves, after consistent dedication to Law of One, the 8th Chakra and higher heart functions are opened into a Crystal Blue Lotus heart, and this enables the function of the Transharmonic Gate of the Aqua Portal.[2]


  1. Sophianic Plasma Shield
  2. ES Community Techniques for Transiting

See Also

Release into Aqua Portal


Spirits of Christ

Krystal Star