Knight Templar Invasion, Essene Templar Massacre

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Reference from Historical Timeline Trigger Events: Approximately 9,500 YA, Takeover of Celtic Templar lines, NAA attempt to create super-race of Controllers for earth, genetic elitism, lineage of Freemasonry, massacre of those who do not comply. Hidden esoteric knowledge agenda.[1]

Luciferian Covenant

Since the Luciferian Covenant was made on the earth there has been an ongoing battle for this knowledge, in which the true ancient wisdom keepers were consistently hunted down and massacred. A major timeline trigger event began with the Celtic invasions 9,500 years ago, when the NAA and Illuminati groups attempted to create a super-race of genetic elites. This placed hijacked Ruby Sun DNA, through their propagated lines which evolved into Freemasonry, Knights Templar, Rosicrucian’s, Jesuits, and other secret societies that persist with a similar hermetic esoteric knowledge that is primarily used in the negative polarity of Service to Self. In the historical timelines, they targeted 2nd Stargate Grail lines for hijack or elimination, because this soul group is genetically connected to the Family of Michael that originate from Aldebaran. They are the natural Guardians of the Eastern direction grid network, as well as opening the access into The Golden Gate. These particular Michael-Nephilim bloodlines are the original authentic genetic lines of Ruby Sun DNA bodies on earth, that the NAA groups coveted and modified as host bodies for a variety of the invading Orion and Nordic groups.[2] [3]

Celtic Genocidal Agenda

The genocidal campaign made against the Celtic Maji Grail lines also began the imposter infiltration into the Knights Templar organization, in which the invading races of the NAA brought in the groundwork for Freemasonry secret societies to recreate the ‘Great Work’ to hide and rewrite human history for the NAA. The Knights Templar organizations were masquerading outwardly as humanitarian representatives in order to hijack genuine ascension sciences that were based in the original Celtic Grail Kings Nazarene records that they had stolen during the earlier Celtic Diaspora, which were powerful initiations into the Triple Solar Goddess mysteries.[4]


See Also

Fallen Ruby Order


Luciferian Knights Templar

Ruby Order