Anubian Black Heart

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We have a lot of people on earth that are recovering Black Magicians and are attempted to rehabilitate into Love through the Law of One. It is a part of their experience to find their heart and find Spirit of Humility in being of service to God as a humble servant to the planet and peoples, forsaking their STS personal gains and Negative Ego. In these conditions, as a humble servant to God, with a heart filled to help Gods purpose of Love on the earth, they will be answered. Again the key is always the purity of the HEART and this fact will never be derailed even when facing incredible AI technology and the variety of NAA mind control consciousness templates generated from that technology.

Consciousness Technology without Love from and for God, and all of God creatures creates a BLACK HEART. So what are some of the ways, behaviors and actions that a black heart and its subsequent dark flowering can be manifested in a personal body , collective body or community situation that can be virally infected:

• Greed, avarice, contempt for others, judgment, discrimination, elitist belief

• Personal gain as a priority over the service to the whole

• Intent to cause harm, use intimidation or threats

• Fears of personal security which indicate lack of faith in God or lack direct connection experience

• Addiction through any means, drugs, alcohol, gluttony, sex, cigarettes. Any substance which you allow to control you habitually.

• Stealing, lying, cheating or acts of denial that perpetrate falsity or give false impressions

• Emotional drama repeated through unhealed VV programing

• Improper use of group funds or material proceeds or resources given as stewardship (Hiding funds or stashing from poverty fears)

• Having attachments to purchasing power or material comforts

• Believing that you are a savior, messiah or guru, or you were “responsible” for an act of healing, study or modality

• Holding attachment to 3D material objects and your creations in any way that you falsely think you created these objects, over Gods will

• Suspicion, paranoia, and desperate holding on to things that you need to let go of

• Any kind of harm or abuse inflicted upon another, especially with intent or righteousness

• Blaming karma or past lives for irresponsible actions in the current lifetime

• Copyrighting works and prosecuting that which belong to Universal Laws, therefore is the public domain of all human beings ( How can we copyright Christ consciousness?)

• Holding Terror or Fear for yourself, your loved ones or family members, ie children ( not trusting the Law)

• Pride – “I did all of this and I need to be compensated for that and given credit for all I have done”, I am above that. Behaviors in the HOuses of Ego.

• Abuse of Power and resources entrusted through spiritual stewardship and leadership. No resource is ever in ownership. Ownership and possession of material things is a fabrication and illusion in 3D materialism. Satanists believe in material power as the first and only priority.

Study of Moral Code

The study of moral code and living within spiritual ethics is clearly and sorely required with imparting spiritual truth, as many abuses are easily unnoticed due to the warped thinking we have programmed in 3D Narcissistic society. All of this behavioral checkpoint is our personal responsibility, and it does not matter how advanced the Consciousness template is, if this part of our ego wounds has not been cleared and healed. This becomes increasing important the more resources that are given by spiritual light intelligence. The issue is that, when we give it our very best every day, when we live from our heart and ask what we can do to serve God and Oneness in a World Humanism, a humanitarian philosophy as in the Law of One, getting the ego out of the drivers seat, and we pay heed to Christian based ethics without all the dogma and judgment, our behavior guideline is clarified. In the Christ principle, what would the Christ do? How would the Christ behave ? What is my responsibility in this moment to be true to my heart and to live ethically in harmony with Life? This behavior will ultimately protect you, and this seems to be a gaping hole missed throughout many spiritual teachings due to unethical, untrustworthy and immoral personal conduct. Their hearts turn black from misconduct. For those reasons they have my deepest empathy in every way, with the hope they all find the path to inner peace and freedom from actually living in heart alignment to what they have spoken of in their spiritual teachings.

Those of us that are here have been called to help support the Christ mission. We are being entrusted to hold more consciousness awareness and learn how to help return the planetary architecture back to human and Christ (consciousness) hands.

The Four Square House of God

Some of us were assigned in different places on the earth (remotely) for the anchoring of four huge vertical Sound Wave Pillars [December 2012/January 2013]. These four pillars also cross diagonally into horizontal bases located in multiple dimensions of time into the parallel earth realities. This is akin to saying that all parallel earth realities are connected for access in any time field through this Guardian built architecture on the planet. In order for the Christ consciousness to live on the earth plane, the house of God (the mathematical architecture which allows the Liquid Light of Krystal Star to exist and live) must be built to contain the Krystal frequency. The “containment” structure itself built in the planetary consciousness field is referred to as the City Four Square. We also must build and rehabilitate the City Four Square in our own personal auric bodies to contain and hold the Krystal light frequency.

The City Four Square represents the four planes of matter in the four quadrants of this Universe. This also represents the four elemental bases of our raw material making up the planes of matter (Air, Fire, Water, Earth). These four elementals make up the main chemical constituents of our DNA code and are being re-encrypted by the Aurora's through the "Krystal River” current. The chemical catalyst of this elemental re-encryption is Mother’s Quintessence, which is a substance that just arrived last month at the Universal Gateway opening.

This new life foundation is necessary in order to focus the Divine Wholeness of God consciousness in the newly given dispensation of the anchored Ascension timeline. The City Foursquare is the "Golden City" architecture that returns God's Laws and life force (Christ) back to this planet.

Our Guardian contingent was working primarily in the Middle East, Jerusalem, Egypt and the parallel networks in Peru with this architecture. (This was a final work in anchoring what was discussed in September 2010 newsletter about the Cosmic Cube of God’s 144,000.) In these demographic areas on the earth plane there are spinning vortexes that allow intersections between the parallel earth timelines. Reversed alien technology hijack of these spinning vortexes which are heart circuitry centers directing energy in the grid system is called a “black heart” system. (a.k.a. anubian black heart) A black heart system is an inorganic and artificial “heart-brain” that circulates and directs planetary life force and frequency current into distorted holograms, negative forms, phantom or dead spaces (underworlds), and off planet to Orion for their usage. They are also used to maintain the compression needed for the magnetic imprints of alien implants and their machinery to operate in the planet. These are frequency distortions that have been designed to reverse and siphon life force in a variety of unhealthy ways. Our Earth Star family will begin to be involved in healing the field damage these systems have left behind.

N.A.A. Minaret vs. Krystal Star Spires

Guardian forces determined that the black heart systems were being fed by the larger networks of frequency reversals being powered by reversal Metatronic Cube alien technology. One such “power plant” cube is the Black Stone Cube (Kabba) in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Multiple millions of beings are hard wired into the black cube and their life force is used to power up this Negative Alien Agenda (NAA) network in the Middle East. Some of these beings are incarnated on earth and many others were trapped in the other dimensional planes through its soul “binding”. This “on planet network” was comprised of thousands of Mosque Minarets located primarily in Europe and in the Middle East. The Minarets are physical and etheric structures that were designed to be point holders of reversal frequency which reinforce and run the reversal net systems throughout multiple dimensions. A massive multidimensional battle in the Jerusalem area was waged with the dark power being directed from this complex Minaret connected network that had extensive foothold in the 2D, and 4D that was rooted in the Earth Core. Many of the manipulation of earth’s timelines occurred in the 2D gate and earth core hijack, where genocide and killing “broadcasts” are used repeatedly to manipulate the masses. We have seen this warring in the Middle East repeatedly as a mirror to this alien manipulation. (Please note this information is not ever intended as any type of judgment towards Islamic faith, as the planets many religions have suffered from serious alien hijack. This is just one example of many.)

Once the City Four Square was anchored in its foundation platform in Jerusalem, a massive call for Guardian grid-workers to topple the Minaret structure from its reversal net broadcast was made. Some of us were sent to the Atlantian and Underworld “causation” time fields to wait for the immediate action of Guardian assisted false timeline erasure, false ascension programs removal and transiting of trapped soul fragments. Many of us may have felt the underworld fields moving through our bodies as portals being used for mass transiting. This was a literal “cutting off” of the power plant and from other timelines being used that were sending directed life force energies into this massive NAA network. The cutting off of the actual power source (and soul bodies) being used this way rendered the NAA system in the Middle East inactive. During this critical window of opportunity, Guardian teams reclaimed and recoded these networks to architecture that would run Krystal Star frequency in multiple layers. The Metatronic Cube Minaret network stopped pulsing reversals into the planetary field and is systematically being replaced and recoded into replacement technology called Krystal Star Spires. These new networks are affectionately being called “kisses” by the Guardian Krystal family.

As these Guardian “kisses” are running corrected frequencies and life force patterns into the planetary grid network, there is a systematic process of rehabilitation happening in their coordinate locations on the planetary grid. These Krystal Star Spires (Kisses Network) are able to run living energy fields back into the earth from the City Four Square Foundation Pillars. This strengthens the planetary body and is acting as a buffer field that is building to protect the entire planetary body and all of her inhabitants. This field is building new ascension platforms that are acting as “hubs” through various islands which are being anchored on the planet surface during this time. This has to do with stabilizing the Pacific Ring of Fire which is the geological area of great instability due to volcanic eruptions and seismic activity. Apparently these certain island chains were apart of land masses (colonies) in the Pacific Rim that have been long forgotten through the loss of our galactic history. These islands are specific to reclaiming histories and artifacts about our real human origins and other advanced civilizations.[1]

The “Crystal Heart” is a crystalline network in the earth crust that gives the instruction set to direct the energetic frequencies through the planet’s energetic circulatory system. We have learned more that these Diamond Heart frequencies are intimately related to Sophianic Body correction to the earth and the return of the Mother Arc.) This works exactly like a human heart pumping blood into the veins and arterial system of the body. If the heart stops pumping blood into a limb because of a blockage, well, there are serious problems.

The planet has some of these “serious problems” in the crystal heart network of major systems in earth. This issue being manipulated by the NAA and Imposter Spirit, Reptilians is referred to as the Anubian Black Heart. These networks were generated to supress and destory the Diamond Heart of the planet, as well as to suppress the Christos-Sophia consciousness in matter. Over time the death, destruction and pain of humanity and the planet was collected and programmed into these crystal hearts making them “black hearts”. Reversed electron networks run these “black heart” systems and direct harmful energies into the planet. As the macro body relationship impacts the micro body relationship, this means some of us are undergoing massive shifts to clear this damage out of our own body from impacting the permanent atom located inside our “crystal heart”, located at the thymus gland area. As we move into 2012, gridworkers will be made aware to neutralize or heal these systems as possible when the aligned timeline permits. Diamond Heart Transmissions from the Aquamarine Mother Arc, Christos-Sophia and embodied Aurora Body Crystal pattern is a part of healing the Anubian Black Heart in the planet and humanity.

As we study the archetype of Anubis it gives us clues to understand why the Negative Aliens are using this memory field and its archetype to influence the planetary field. Anubis is the Egyptian God of the Underworld and upon measuring a deceased person with a black heart, the heart (and thus the soul) were destroyed by feeding it to Ammit.

This Diamond Heart Transmission (through our own kindness and loving compassionate heart) will be more in our awareness to heal the Anubian Black Heart which is deposited into the planetary grid system and therefore potential human beings. It is a focus for our healing in 2012. This next year and ongoing is purposed as the Ultimate Healing of the Hearts of Humanity.[2]


See Also:

NRG Miasma

Term first found in HGS Manual: Page 60