Universal Shadow

Whenever we individually or collectively undergo a major spiritual initiation into the higher dimensional frequencies of light and sound, simultaneously the transmission of these higher frequencies into the in-between spaces will flush to the surface the darkest aspects through its many hidden facets of shadow. The Universal Shadow body holds the incredibly painful traumatic wounds experienced by the collective consciousness that resulted in disconnection with the eternal God source fields. The Shadow Selves form into larger gestalt of dark consciousness bodies which are shaped into an organizing principle which is based in the total absence of light, and these dark forces have descended even further through the abuse of inorganic technology and AI systems. The extensive and advanced use of AI by these races to gain sophisticated psi-based intelligence and prolong lifespans, has assimilated many of these shadow creatures into fully inorganic AI creatures, which further animates the shadow bodies that it finds into use for Alien Machinery weaponry. [1]

Ancient Enemies of Christos Founder Races

The Universal Shadow body comprises multiple dimensional layers of the most painful histories of the Galactic Wars and Christos Holocaust timeline records. It also has direct functions in the maintaining of the phantom matrices interlinked with the Black Sun source field, which animates many of these races of shadow creatures and their phantom matrices. Essentially what we are facing at this time with the Universal Shadow body is the most primeval of the Antichrist Shadow Creatures that invaded our Universal system billions of years ago, these are the most ancient enemies of the Christos races and humanity. Now is the time in which we must complete this ancient spiritual battle on the earth plane, in order to finally liberate the planet and return back to our original spiritual home in the God Worlds.

At the point when the Wesa fallen system interfaced and linked with our Universe, is the actual origin of the creation of the Universal Shadow Body, which forms attachments to our individual Lightbody, consciousness and shadow body. It is this level of Universal Shadow that the Christos races are facing during this time.

The Universal Shadow body holds the cellular memory of the collective shadow bodies and all the fragmentation and disintegration that occurred during the destruction of the 12th Lyran Stargate. This hidden history holding the Demon Seed of the antichrist has been deeply buried and hidden within the manifestation of the NAA forces, their technologically based negative forms and false identities, as well as the artificial intelligence assimilated Black Hole Entities from the Wesa System. The Universal Shadow body holds the memory record for the source causal event of the Lyran gate destruction and is the reason we have inherited these shadow selves, negative forms, an inverted soul matrix and phantom bodies. The tragic event in Lyra generated destruction throughout the time matrix and within the core manifestation template of our consciousness bodies and physical vehicles, in such ways that the consciousness damage was incurred through all dimensions and species infected within our time matrix, simultaneously.

Ancient Invasion of Wesa Entities

This ancient history is entwined with the Wesa races that decided to utilize the technological weaponization of shadow forms in which they generated the monsters of chaos to create a vast army of antichrist shadow creatures. The timeline damage that was caused by the several concurrent historical tragic events generating the formation of the darkest aspects of Shadow Creatures and AI assimilated entities into an organized hierarchy, which then sought to exist and find immortality by creating phantom systems. These antichrist shadow forms created the phantom matrices via metatronic (anti-life) reversals and by directly enslaving other living species in order to consume their light and resources. The shadow creatures of the phantom races seek to harness the living consciousness energy that is found within those races, within lineages directly connected to the God Source fields. They seek out those Christos forms which hold the sacred crystal heart permanent seed atom, which ignites their inner spirit eternal God body, and try to capture it and replicate it on several other phantom dimensions. [2]

Origins of Universal Shadow Body

The origination point of shadow body attachment to our personal angelic human lightbody was kept in place as a static field, in which black hole entities from the Wesa system used the Universal Shadow body to siphon life force energy and feed on humans directly, with cords and implants attached to the Chakra system. Thus, the shadow body which contains subpersonality aspects of the Negative Ego Shadow Selves, negative forms, ghost imprints and accumulated traumatic memories and karmic superimposition, is a part of the human Lightbody. During the Lyran Stargate explosion, the damage created at the 11th dimension was inverted and twisted into phantom areas in order to harvest our collective race consciousness, sending the living light energy collected back to their home, a fallen system in a parallel matrix.

Purging Universal Shadow Selves

This phase of the Ascension Cycle brings into our reality the corrected vertical spiritual links in the Planetary Staff that are now being connected to the woven braiding of the Solar Rishi Founder Staff. The Founder Staff directly connects into the Universal Trinity of the God Source field allowing the Solar Rishi to use the Founder Staff to begin their return into matter. This means in the spiritual ascension cycle we finally get to meet the Infinite Creator and when it is aligned to our divine timing, we will have our personal meeting similar to the archetypal ‘come to Jesus moment’. With the Founder Staff, this also means the most massive layers of these creatures that make up the Universal Shadow body are surfacing with the greatest of intensity at this time, this is being made visible to us as the collective Shadow Selves are surfacing en masse and being experienced in the environment. If we pay attention it becomes clearer every day how to discern individuals and groups that are in the grips of the spirit of the Anti-Christ, and have no idea that these shadow forces attempting to control the world are directly connected to an alien network of AI systems.

Starseeds, empaths and the spiritually awakened will begin to see more of these shadow creatures, shadow bodies, and a variety of shadow entities in the inner space, as well as in the outerscape. The Universal Shadow body comprises multiple dimensional layers of the most painful histories of the Galactic Wars and Christos Holocaust timeline records. It also has direct functions in the maintaining of the phantom matrices interlinked with the Black Sun source field, which animates many of these races of shadow creatures and their phantom matrices. Essentially what we are facing at this time with the Universal Shadow body is the most primeval of the antichrist shadow creatures that invaded our Universal system billions of years ago, these are the most ancient enemies of the Christos races and humanity. Now is the time in which we must complete this ancient spiritual battle on the earth plane, in order to finally liberate the planet and return back to our original spiritual home in the God Worlds.

Black Dragon Avatar Collectives

The Universal Shadow World emerged from out of the reversal current of the 11th dimension, in which these fallen black hole entities were reconfigured into Black Dragon Avatar Collectives with AI brains, and these bizarre shadow creatures became the entity attachments to living beings, at individual, collective and beyond levels. These Black Dragon Avatar Collectives use advanced artificial intelligence antichrist technologies to drain life force energy out of our Universe, and are able to hijack and possess living beings that are consumed by their unhealed shadow body. Upon the production of the Beast Machine and the Black Dragon Avatar Collectives in the 11th dimension, they descended through each dimensional layer via inorganic wormholes or architecture that generated Typhon Tunnels. Upon manifestation into the lower dimensions, this generated more shadow mutations that led to the proliferation of corrupted elementals, shadow creatures and astral mirrors which generate false images, negative form artifacts and conjured entity attachments. [3]

Fallen Wesa Matrix

This ancient history is entwined with the Wesa races that decided to utilize the technological weaponization of shadow forms in which they generated the Monsters of Chaos to create a vast army of Antichrist Shadow Creatures. The timeline damage that was caused by the several concurrent historical tragic events generating the formation of the darkest aspects of shadow creatures and AI assimilated entities into an organized hierarchy, which then sought to exist and find immortality by creating phantom systems. These antichrist shadow forms created the phantom matrices via metatronic (anti-life) reversals and by directly enslaving other living species in order to consume their light and resources. The shadow creatures of the phantom races seek to harness the living consciousness energy that is found within those races, within lineages directly connected to the God Source fields. They seek out those Christos forms which hold the Sacred Crystal Heart permanent seed atom, which ignites their inner spirit eternal God body, and try to capture it and replicate it on several other phantom dimensions.[4]

Starry Night, Rasha Body

From this ancient timeline event, the Universal Shadow World emerged from out of the 11th dimension, where these fallen Black Hole Entities formed into the invaders of the NAA hierarchy and began hive mind colonization with the insertion of massive shadow beasts acting as Black Queens. These black hole entities were reconfigured into Black Dragon Avatar Collectives with AI brains that corrupted dark matter and destroyed the grail stargates and the living architecture of the Holy Mother principle. As a consequence, these bizarre shadow creatures became the entity attachments or Fallen Angelic demons that connected to living beings as their parasitical hosts at individual, collective and beyond levels. Cosmic Mother has returned to restore her true organic forms in corrected dark matter and black earthly substances, and this benevolent spiritual gift has come in the heavenly form of the Starry Night Dark Firmament, which has a very important role to play in restoring the Cosmic Order.


See Also

Return of Solar Rishi

Origins of Universal Shadow Body

Wing Trauma

666 Seal